
A Moonlit Waltz

The tender chronicle of a woman, gracefully waltzing through life's intricate patterns. Like the moon, she embraces each challenge with a gentle resilience, casting a soft glow on the nuanced chapters of her journey.

Leila_E · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Where it all began (Prologue)

I'm Serafina Rossi, just a 20 year old med student trying to navigate life at the University of Cambridge. It's still early days, and I'm slowly getting the hang of living in the UK. My journey here wasn't a cakewalk—I've sacrificed a lot to be in this spot, and there's no way I'm letting it slip through my fingers. I've lost count of the things I've given up, and I came pretty close to losing myself in the process. But you know what? Never again.

I used to live in the caribbeans making the weather change a bit more brutal than I expected. Not only that but the food too, it is painful. But that's not the point here. If you want to know who I really am, I have to start in the beginning. My little backstory if you must.

I was always the quiet kid in school, but I consistently held some of the top grades, earning academic awards for nine years straight. Middle school was tough with bullying, and I went through a bit of a rough patch, leading to a 180-degree change in my personality when I started high school. You could say I had a bit of a glow-up. People started seeing me as intimidating and mysterious, giving off a mature vibe. In reality, I was just a very introverted kid with a tinge of crackhead energy with some close friends hanging around. Heck even got called a one of the boys type of girl for my boy-ish style and height. I am pretty tall not gonna lie. But hey I let the people think whatever they see, I didn't try to justify myself since I know who I am and how I can be.I was fed up with trying to impress others. Besides all the drama and potential traumatic experiences that I had during my childhood, I'm a pretty chill person.

I'm currently settling into one of the dorms during my first week here in Cambridge. Honestly, the workload has me questioning my career choices. It's more than I bargained for, even compared to my first week in high school,got a whopping 15 assignments due next week, and 4 of them are pretty hefty. It was a bit overwhelming for a 14 year old, to say the least.

But apparently my whole high school life was just the trailer to this movie that I'm about to experience. I just hope it's not going to be dramatic, rule number one do not and I repeat DO NOT get involved in drama. That's one of the best ways to ruin your life without knowing. And that just contradicts my goal. All I want to do is finish my studies with a bang,be successful, have a chill life, start a family the normal stuff basically. And with a world that is getting twisted by the day, peaceful things can't be achieved that easily.

Finally, I've decided to take a breather from overthinking about the future; otherwise, I might burn out before even cracking open a book. Here I am, seated at my desk, surrounded by a few medical texts. No need to delve into the specifics for now. I'm casually flipping through the pages, occasionally pausing to blink—breaking the habit of staring too long without a break. Gotta take care of those eyes to make this reading session a bit more comfortable, I'm already blind with these nearsightedness eyes that I have.

Focused on my reading I suddenly hear a knock on my door. I put down my book and open it to see who it is. It was a new friend that I just made a few days ago. Avery Blake a bubbly red haired girl that somehow always finds a way to peak my interest. I of course being the good mannered girl that I am, I let her come in.

{ S represents Serafina. A represents Avery. This is an example of how future dialogues will be showed in the future.}

A_"Hey are you busy?" 

S_Not really no. Why do you ask?

A_"Just wanna talk. Are you ready for the welcoming party tomorrow?"

S_Oh that...yeah I forgot about that.

A_"How did you already forget about such a thing?"

S_I don't know I'm not used to parties so they don't seem that important to me. But I guess I gotta go just for the memories at least.

A_"You're so technical"

S_Glad you noticed

A_"So what are going to wear? I already have my dress and all. I hope there will be some decent guys to dance with at least"

S_You can't be serious

A_"Well I am. I'm trying to get married here. If I want to survive here I hat to at least have some fun. I'm not some kind of robot just like you."

S_I know how to have fun. I'm just more serious than you in many ways.

A_ Sure whatever. So what you gonna wear?

S_ I don't know. I don't want to be to extravagant tho. If I'm not comfortable I'll throw the whole dress away.

A_ Or you could just give them to me instead?

S_ Now why would I want to make your life easier?

A_ Call it recycling.

S_ Good grief.(sigh) I'll have to waste 30 minutes of my life to find a stupid dress to wear now.

A_ I'll help you if you want.

S_ You're so nice

A_ For a price

S_ Nevermind I take it back.

To be continued...

This is the first chapter of Moonlit Waltz. This book is more of a slice of life genre. This is my second book if you wish too read my first book the title is <Fox with an odd system> It is currently on hold but I'm preparing to send a bunch of chapters soon. But I hope you enjoy this book And feel free to suport it if it is of your liking.

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