
A monstrous system

TheGermanelder · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

The man who kept slaves(another short chapter)

After the cart was stopped multiple drone and guard class Xesilos started to surround it. As I peeked in i see 2 girls chained up. One in a cage while the other is unconscious and is covered in cuts and bruises.

"Toxic tell the men to treat these girls and you bring the man that was driving the carriage." I said with a low tone and murderous intent pouring out of me.

He nodded and dashed towards the man who was very injured. He was dragged by the hair and placed at my feet.

"DO YOU NOW WHO I AM IM THE 1st LORD'S SON AND IF YO-" he said before I cut him off.

"Shut it scum bag I'm a monster do you think I care that you're the lords son but we can wait to get to know each other but otherwise what did you do to those Women" I said.

"You mean those stupid Demi humans take them I had my fun with them but you must let me go" he said with a smirk.

"Toxic feed him to the newborns" I whisper .

"Yes my king" toxic said as he grabs the man.

"HEY LET GO AAAHHH LET GO PLEASE" he screamed as he was taken by one of the drake class Xesilos took him to the main nest.


Sry guys for the late uploads I've been very sick and I'm taking it easy