
A Monsters Mercy

Standing there looking at the extra soul took I feel cold sweat running down my back it was a huge mistake on my part I only intended to get the dying soul not the other that was with it who was the reason for the soul leaving its mortal shell, looking at the person with a completely blank expression I shudder normally a soul is extremely animated this one however is almost a void it just stands there like a statue not moving and having no hint of anything I turn to my husband with a fearful expression on my face I have been in this role for eons and this is my first mistake. “I think you need to speak to her” he says but continues after a breath “this is your first and I can see its not a good soul but in the same line you can’t send it to the underworld because you took its chance to reform itself into something good”.

Kellsia_Ing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

To gain you must lose.

Amelia's P.O.V

This damn meeting has been rearranged to so many times but its finally happening, me and my brother have brought only our closest and most trusted guards to try and minimise the chances of the members of the rebellion from getting discovered, we move at sun down so we can reach the clearing I gaze at the stars as we walk, the conversation is minimal which is to be expected we are planning to over throw my farther after all, but my heart seems to be trying to pull me in the other direction, not away from the rebellion but to something or someone important, unfortunately we get to the clearing before I can make up my mind if I'm going to explore what is close by.

Stepping into the space I see the cloaked figures, but I am not alarmed the other members all do this to protect them self's after all, glancing around I make a quick count of all of the people present in total thirty members here this is not our full force but a large chunk of it, I am greeted by one and all of the people here before I announce. "as you are all aware, I have been trying to recruit me brother and I have managed to get my point across, and he is here with us today." Murmuring from those gathered but my brother steps forward and with a sweeping bow says. "yes, my sister has been most thorough in explaining what you. Ah I mean what we intend to do once we have delt with my farther, but I must ask why should, I betray him when he has given me so much!" and with that he flicks out two stones that bounce across the ground in front and behind the group before anyone can react two portals open, I curse under my breath and pull my sword from my storage ring and turn to my brother just in time to parry his attack.

We trade blows back and forth nether of us getting the upper hand until I see that the portals have now fully formed and are now letting squads of knights and mages though, my distraction costs me a slash to my leg but I recover and graze his cheek for his troubles many of the rebellions higher ups have ether died or have fled, gritting my teeth I know my time is running short I am okay at the sword but I am much better with a bow or magic, I send out a wave of earth magic to give myself some space but a knight just takes his place then my brother is back and now its two on one and I keep taking wounds none of them are life threatening yet but it won't belong till I collapse from blood loss, as I'm giving up hope and arrow takes the knight in the eye dropping him and another makes my brother dodge to the side, giving me time to look around seeing that there are some new force joining the fight I feel my spirits rise slightly, but it is soon crushed when I see my brothers sword coming for my gut, I close my eyes ready to join my mother in the afterlife I hear the blade hit flesh but I feel no pain.

My eyes snap open and I see a beastkin girl in front of me looking her over I see that the strike meant for me was taken by her instead, my heart clenches as I look at her, my brother is smiling as he pulls the blade out and she crumbles to the floor, but he cant bask in his kill for long at a rabbit eared girl smashes him in the face with her bow, her screams are wild and hold only pain and fear, sadly it doesn't take long for the poor girl to lose her head, it rolls over and over in the air before landing at my feet, as it comes to a stop and earth shattering roar tears though the night which makes my blood run cold and my heart to brake at the same time.

I got to turn to where the roar came from but I feel a week tug on my arm and I look down in to the girl who took a mortal wound for me and I don't even know her name, I open my mouth to speak but she speaks first "don't be afraid" she coughs up a gob of blood and continues "she will need you more then she will let on" her words are broken up with more coughing, I drop down to cradle her as the sounds a trees being smashed and thrown gets closer, I look up to my brother but he isn't looking at me he is looking behind me, he screams out "prepare to retreat!"

i hope everyone had a good weekend!

peace love and the perfect margarita!

Kellsia_Ingcreators' thoughts