
A Monsters Mercy

Standing there looking at the extra soul took I feel cold sweat running down my back it was a huge mistake on my part I only intended to get the dying soul not the other that was with it who was the reason for the soul leaving its mortal shell, looking at the person with a completely blank expression I shudder normally a soul is extremely animated this one however is almost a void it just stands there like a statue not moving and having no hint of anything I turn to my husband with a fearful expression on my face I have been in this role for eons and this is my first mistake. “I think you need to speak to her” he says but continues after a breath “this is your first and I can see its not a good soul but in the same line you can’t send it to the underworld because you took its chance to reform itself into something good”.

Kellsia_Ing · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


Amelia's P.O.V

A sudden roar rings out and my brothers face pales, the shouts of the all the soldiers that he brought all charge at the beast that I can't bring my self to look at first the fire that sweeps the force arrayed in front of me is a vibrant orange, it crashes against a mage shield the mages unleash their own spells and I close my eyes expecting to be hit aw well but I only feel the shock waves, opening my eyes I glance up only to see the massive neck and head of a wyvern blocking all the spells, as the barrage comes to a stop I see that the flames leaking from it maw are now a deep blue like the sea with slight flickers of the pale blue of thick ice that is almost white.

Onyxia's P.O.V

Standing over Kitty's dying body and looking around after breathing fire at the flesh bags in front of me I feel my self being enveloped in the ice-cold fury that I had grown so used to begins to consume my thought all that I can think to do is destroy and kill all those in my way, taking a deep breath I unleash the feeling in a long stream but to my surprise a fanfare rings out in my head but it hardly registers in my rage, the fire that comes spewing out of my mouth is not orange, red or even dark blue it is a blue pale it is almost white, my fires hit the shield and slowly cracks begin forming all over the shield and cry rings out and a purple flash behind the shield, all of a sudden a gate way appears, I see a figure heading towards it but as the rest of the soldiers go to past through the gate closes.

The shield shatters and I take in another deep breath, while I'm doing so all of the soldiers fall to their knees and begin to beg for their lives but it doesn't reach my ears, with a mighty roar I unleash the pale flames again and soon all of the mages and knights all becomes icicles, without missing a beat I spin and smash my tail through all of them the dings that ring though my head snaps me out of my rage and my gaze lands of that battle field of my fallen family and I can feel my heart brakes seeing all of those that had decided to follow me even if it was only for a short time in my soul I vow to bring the kingdom to its knees the smash it to dust so much so that I will leave no stone standing on stone.

My ears register a sound and I snap my head towards the only to other souls still on the battlefield my gaze goes to Kitty being held by a strange woman, I move close and I hear Kitty's voice. "I am sorry Onyxia I never told you what I was, and I know you never looked at my status page but I am a seer I foresaw your arrival in that village and I knew this would happen" I recoil in shock but I shake my head and move closer to the duo and I feel a pull towards the strange woman next to my friend, Kitty smiles weakly and grabs the girls and gestures me to get closer, slowly I do thinking she is going to gave some wisdom in her dying breath but she places the woman's hand on my nose and I feel a shock that makes me close my eyes, the system flashes in my eyes.

<you have killed 20 knight's and 5 mages you have gained 25,500 exp>

<you are the first to discover a new branch of higher magic, for discovering it you are the one to name it, also for discovering it you have gained 20,000 exp>

[I think Frostflare is a good fit]

<Frostflare has been added to the secret magic branch, your future evolutions have been altered, because you are the one to discover your choices will only be Frostflare variations.>

<congratulations you have levelled up to level 19>

<Name. Onyxia

Age 18

Race. Lesser Multi Elemental Wyvern

Gender Female

Clan Monsters Mercy (leader)

Level (19)

Exp 58,775/ 65,208

STR (30)

DEX (20)

CON (20>34)

INT (20>40)

WIS (20>40)

CHA (10)

Mana 4000/4000

Stamina 3400/3400


Flight (3)

Darkvision (2)

Enhanced senses (1)

Pain tolerance (??)

Venomous (3)

ice magic (10)

fire magic (1)

lightning magic (1)

iron scales (1)

elemental resistance (1)

Frostflare magic (1>5)


Roar (1)

Slash (9)

Bite (12)

Stealth (2)

Ambush (1)

Appraisal (2)

ice breath (13)

fire breath (1)

lightning breath (1)

Frostflare Breath (1>6)


ice shard (1)

fire Ball (1)

shock bolt (1)

(undiscovered) (1)>

Once my stats update I am enveloped in darkness but after a few moments I open my eyes to my old room in the orphanage back in my old world but before I have chance to think it was all a dream I see two figures standing in the room.