


Mia is a nice, educated girl who isn't rich or poor but containt with what she has ..her life changed completely when she met Henry, well Henry is rich, famous but he is stone-hearted but all that changed when he immediately set eyes on Mia.

Mia on her way back from college passed by the park and Henry was taking a walk in the park and he does that whenever he's angry, Mia seated down watching the kids playing and Henry spotted her and admirers her beauty but she noticed that and calls him a " thief" he walks towards her laughing but she shouted out for help but no one was willing to help her out and she walked away and came across a poster written" the famous Henry Smith isn't allowing anyone to come near him or greet him for a week " and his picture was also there..Mia laughed a bit wondering if she's dreaming or its just an imagination ..she then went back home


Henry was sitting on the couch smiling and his sister Hannah asked him who made him smile so much..he didn't say anything lost in thoughts she then threw a pillow to his face ..he stood up a bit annoyed and went to his room still thinking about Mia ..He then sat down and takes his phone and texted his friend and tells him all about Mia and his friend Kelvin was a bit shocked to hear Henry praising a girl so much and asked him if he got her numbers and he said not yet as their first meeting wasn't that nice but next time and they both laughed and he puts his phone down and went to eat his food but didn't eat much as his stomach was filled with so much happiness after meeting Mia ...

Hannah just looked at him with a sigh and walked away laughing.. Henry then stood up and went to his room and started chatting with his friend telling him more about what he thinks about Mia ...his friend was still surprised and told him to meet with him tomorrow afternoon so that they could figure out where they'll be able to find Mia and Henry agreed and went to sleep.. while he was sleeping he was dreaming about Mia and him sitting at the park holding hands and on the other hand Mia is still in shock that she had an argument with a famous person and she even told her aunt about it and she warned her never to gudge people without knowing their intentions and Mia agrees to what her aunt said and promised to apologize to Henry whenever she sees him and her aunt was glad to hear that and they both helped each other out making dinner and had their food and went to sleep..


Mia wakes up early and went to college and she bumps into Henry on his way out of her class they both looked at each other for a while and started talking..Mia apologized for what had happened yesterday and Henry told her it's not a big deal she shouldn't apologize and he asked her if she could be his friend Mia agreed and ran to class immediately as she was late and the bell was ringing.. Henry was left outside smiling none stop and some girls who were passing by assumed that he's kinda weird and they went to their classes he left the college and went to the studio to record his new album and Kelvin came to support him and he got enough energy to not give up and not feel nervous as his friend was there .. after he was done they both sat down in the studio and Henry started telling Kelvin that he met Mia again at Hannah's college and she apologized to him .. Kelvin wasn't surprised to hear that and he started telling him that this girl is cheap she's after his money but Henry disagree with that cause he believes that Mia is not that kind of a girl but Kelvin kept on saying bad things about Mia but that annoyed Henry to the point that he left and went back home and played football on his own thinking about what Kelvin was saying and thinking of Mia at the same time and smiles for a while and in his mind asking himself if he was going crazy for this girl and he went to lay down in his room to take some rest waiting for Hannah to come back from college he then sat down and takes his phone and texted his friend and tells him all about Mia and his friend Kelvin was a bit shocked to hear Henry praising a girl so much and asked him if he got her numbers and he said not yet as their first meeting wasn't that nice but next time and they both laughed and he puts his phone down and went to eat his food but didn't eat much as his stomach was filled with so much happiness after meeting Mia ...

Hannah just looked at him with a sigh and walked away laughing.. Henry then stood up and went to his room and started chatting with his friend telling him more about what he thinks about Mia ...his friend was still surprised and told him to meet with him tomorrow afternoon so that they could figure out where they'll be able to find Mia and Henry agreed and went to sleep.. while he was sleeping he was dreaming about Mia and him sitting at the park holding hands and on the other hand Mia is still in shock that she had an argument with a famous person and she even told her aunt about it and she warned her never to gudge people without knowing their intentions and Mia agrees to what her aunt said and promised to apologize to Henry whenever she sees him and her aunt was glad to hear that and they both helped each other out making dinner and had their food and went to sleep..


Mia wakes up early and went to college and she bumps into Henry on his way out of her class they both looked at each other for a while and started talking..Mia apologized for what had happened yesterday and Henry told her it's not a big deal she shouldn't apologize and he asked her if she could be his friend Mia agreed and ran to class immediately as she was late and the bell was ringing.. Henry was left outside smiling none stop and some girls who were passing by assumed that he's kinda weird and they went to their classes he left the college and went to the studio to record his new album and Kelvin came to support him and he got enough energy to not give up and not feel nervous as his friend was there .. after he was done they both sat down in the studio and Henry started telling Kelvin that he met Mia again at Hannah's college and she apologized to him .. Kelvin wasn't surprised to hear that and he started telling him that this girl is cheap she's after his money but Henry disagree with that cause he believes that Mia is not that kind of a girl but Kelvin kept on saying bad things about Mia but that annoyed Henry to the point that he left and went back home and played football on his own thinking about what Kelvin was saying and thinking of Mia at the same time and smiles for a while and in his mind asking himself if he was going crazy for this girl and he went to lay down in his room to take some rest waiting for Hannah to come back from college

When Hannah arrived from college he asked her if she had seen Mia's but Hannah was a bit confused as he never introduced her to Mia ..so she asked him if he's okay because she doesn't know who Mia is ..he then started describing her .." she's a bit short with big brown eyes and fair in complexion and has black long hair'" Hannah looked at him smiling saying that" wow someone is really in love" and Henry laughs a bit ..and asked Hannah the question again and she responded walking the way Mia does" of course I did and she's beautiful I must say"Henry then asked if she mentioned about him at all and Hannah laughed " seriously" and she teased him saying that" yes she did and she also called you my prince charming" Henry pulled her ears and she said"sorry , sorry " I was just joking around okay ..she didn't say anything about you maybe it's because she's always sitting alone and doesn't want to make friends..on hearing that Henry got a bit worried about Mia and he asked Hannah if she talks to other children at school at all but Hannah said that she doesn't even sit around anyone she prefers being alone and Henry asked if she has any problems with other children at school or if they tease her or say bad things behind her back and Hannah told him that she heard that" she's trying to make sure that she doesn't lose focus on her studies by making friends and other children mock her because she's from poor family"on hearing that Henry got angry and asked Hannah to show him the people who said that about Mia and Hannah agreed as she didn't like it too after that they sat down and ate their lunch and Henry asked if she has Mia's address and Hannah said she has the old one she doesn't know where she stays now days and Henry decided to go tomorrow to the college with Hannah so that he meets Mia and ask her where she stays and to also get the people who said bad things and her get suspended from the college..


Henry left the college and headed straight to Mia's house after he got there he sees Mia's aunt and uncle and also Sofia who is Mia's cousin.. Henry greeted everyone and they offered him a seat and he asked them about Mia and Sofia was the first one to answer him and he kept on asking until Mia arrived and was shocked to see Henry at her house but immediately he saw Mia he then left saying that " he's in hurry he'll visit again soon".. Sofia then escorted him out while her mother grabs Mia's hands and goes with her to her room asking her about Henry but she pretended not to know about him but her aunt didn't buy it.. Few minutes later Sofia came back running..

Mia was just surprised to see that she was so excited and she sat down next to her asking her about Henry and where she met him but Mia didn't utter a word and Sofia got annoyed and went to sit in the living room day dreaming about Henry being her husband and the two of them having two children and her mother noticed how lost she was so she just let her be and told Mia to prepare dinner but Mia argued about that as it was Sofia's turn to cook but her aunt insisted that she does or she'll not get her share of food tonight.. Mia just kept quiet and prepared the dinner when she was done she served the food and went to her room to study and as she left her aunt asked Sofia why she's so lost in thoughts and Sofia started telling her mom about Henry and asked her mother to talk to Mia to help her talk to Henry so that she could be his girlfriend and her mother promised that she will definitely do something about it and she was so happy about went to sleep..


Henry arrived home a little late and Hannah was still awake waiting for him sitting on the couch and as soon as he stepped in the kitchen Hannah followed him behind asking him where he was and with who then Henry told her that he went to fix the problem Mia has that they were about to lose their house and he fixed that Hannah was a bit relieved to hear that but asked Henry why he's doing it for her and he looked down and Hannah understood what his silent meant so she told him not to worry that she'll talk to Mia on his behalf and Henry smiled and went to his room thinking about Mia until he fell asleep and Hannah cleaned the dishes and went to sleep also..


After Hannah told Mia about Henry she then agreed that indeed she likes Henry but she can't be with a guy like him and Hannah was a bit confused about what she's trying to say as was about to ask her as to why she said that Mia had already walked a distance from her.. Hannah went to the class wondering why Mia said that on the other hand Henry is eagerly waiting for her to come back with positive reply from Mia, during lunch time Hannah tried to talk to Mia again but she wasn't interested in talking to her and Hannah just walked away from her and went to sit with her other friends and Mia sat alone as she was sitting Kelvin our of nowhere and sat next to her and they both talked for a while and headed back to their classes and Kelvin couldn't concentrate much during the classes as his mind was thinking of Mia the whole time and the teacher noticed that and told him to leave the class and he did after left his class he went to Mia's class and called her to come out through the window but Mia refused to and he went inside the class and told Mia's teacher that there's an emergency that he really needs to talk to Mia and Mia got a bit worried not knowing it was his plan to see her and the teacher allowed Mia to go out and talk to Kelvin and they both went out when they were outside Kelvin apologized for lying about there being an emergency and he also kissed Mia on her cheeks some kids who were passing by took pictures and posted them online without them knowing.. Mia was a bit shy and she ran to the washroom smiling and Kelvin was happy to see that she wasn't angry at him and he went to his class with a smiling face and the other kids in class were looking at him wondering why he was smiling so much and others even whispered to his ear asking if has found a girlfriend and he said " not just a girlfriend but an angel * his friends came to sit close to him asking him where he met the girl and what she said to him that made him smile so much but he didn't say anything he just continued writing his classwork and homework as his always busy at the garage when he gets home


After school Kelvin and Mia walked together holding each other's hands and Kelvin dropped her off at her house and immediately went to Henry's house to tell him about Mia.. when he got there Hannah had already told Henry about how he asked Mia to he his girlfriend and Henry was really shattered by that he couldn't believe that his friend would do that they both argued and ended their friendship at that very moment and Henry asked him to leave and never show his face ever again and he left when he left Hannah consulted him and told him that he'd find another girl very soon but Henry didn't want to hear about any other girl at all as he has eyes only for Mia.. after their conversation Henry went to his room disappointed having doubts on himself that his approach wasn't good enough and all that he kept on thinking again and again until he fell asleep and Hannah when she was going to sleep in her room she noticed that Henry was on the floor without any blanket so she putted a blanket on him to keep him warm from the cold and went to sleep too


Mia's aunt asked her to come to her room when she's done cooking and Mia did so when she got to her aunt's room... her aunt offered her a seat and a pillow so that she sits comfortably and Mia was a bit surprised as her aunt has never been so nice to her when she was still wondering why the sudden change her aunt then asked her if she was friends with Henry and Mia told her that she's friends with his sister only and her aunt immediately stood up saying that " at least you can talk to the sister and she'll talk to the brother am sure of that" Mia was confused about what she's trying to say and she then asked her aunt " aunt what are you talking about" her aunt then told her that she wants Henry to marry her daughter and she needs Mia's help for that.. on hearing this Mia stood up and walks out of the room but her aunt followed her behind still explaining to her about how she can talk to Hannah about her daughter but Mia went out of the house and her aunt assumed that she's going to meet up with Hannah...Mia is sitting outside on the bench and she is lost in thoughts about what her aunt was saying to her and while she was doing that Kelvin arrived with a small pink bag with a teddy bear and a bracelet inside it and he gave it to Mia and she was a bit excited about it as she has never received a gift from anyone ever since her parents passed away... Mia offered Kelvin a seat and went to the kitchen got some snacks and drinks for them to eat while talking when she went outside her aunt and Lisa were both following her behind and stood by the door listening to their conversation.. Mia and Kelvin talked and talked for a while until it was late and Kelvin told her that he'd like to take her out tomorrow but she didn't want to go as she's not comfortable with the idea so Kelvin told her that she can take her time and he headed back home after their conversation and Mia went back inside the house and her aunt was waiting for her in the living room watching TV and she sat down to apologize for letting Kelvin to come to the house without her permission but her aunt did not give her a chance to say anything rather she started asking her who he was and when she started dating him and why she didn't introduce him to them and Mia told her aunt that they had recently started dating so she was giving their relationship time and getting to know each other more and then she was going to introduce him to them and aunt told her that she can't be dating while Lisa hasn't gotten a chance to talk to Henry yet and she's not even doing anything to help her out so she has to or she'll be forced to leave her house and live somewhere else on hearing this Mia went to her room crying and she was asking herself what was her fault that she's being treated this way by her own aunt... Mia cried all night long and her aunt even heard her voice but did not care less about her rather she went to sleep in the guest room away from Mia's room the next morning Mia woke up early and gets ready to go to college but finds her uniform burnt in the dustbin and asked Lisa if she was the one who did that as she remembered ironing the uniform herself and putted it on the hanger nicely and Lisa told her that she couldn't do such a thing even if she is angry at her and Mia was confused as to how the uniform ended up like that and she asked her aunt if by mistake she did it and her aunt told her that she did it deliberately and from today she won't be going to college until she agrees to do what she asked her to do but Mia didn't say anything rather she wore home clothes and went to college everyone at college were looking at her and some even laughed at her but she did not mind them and went to her class and explained to the teacher as to why she was wearing home clothes instead of the uniform and her teacher understood her and told her to sit down and she would like to have a word with her during lunch time and she agreed...

After college Mia and Kelvin met each other on their way home and walked together and Kelvin noticed that Mia was a bit off and asked her what was bothering her and she told him that she didn't like it when the other kids excluded her from the party they're hosting during the weekend and Kelvin told her not to worry they can host their own party but Mia refused saying that her aunt wouldn't agree.. Kelvin then hugged her and they both went their separate ways.. when Mia reached home she found her clothes outside and the door was locked she knocked on the door and Lisa shouted that " no strangers are allowed in the house" Mia started crying and sitted outside waiting for her uncle to come back from work and when he came back he just passed her like he wasn't seeing her at all and Mia stood up with her bags and walked away looking for a place to stay while she was walking down the street she met Henry and he stopped his car and asked her what was wrong but she couldn't even say anything so he took her to his house and gave her a room to rest for a while.. when Hannah got home she was surprised to hear Henry saying that Mia was in the guest room and Hannah was wondering what really happened to her as she was in a bad state and Henry told her that maybe her aunt can explain much better what really happened so I'll go meet her tomorrow afternoon and Hannah agreed saying that it was a good idea...


Henry asked Lisa and her uncle what really happened that made Mia leave the house or what made them chase her out of the house and Mia's uncle said that he was told that " Mia was pregnant and she's not aware of the father of her unborn baby" and that was why his wife chased her out of the house to go look for the person who got her pregnant on hearing this Henry was shocked and couldn't believe that he is actually in love with Mia and she is this kind of a girl.. he then went back home and told Hannah about what Mia's uncle said and Hannah didn't believe it because she knows what kind of a person Mia is and could never do such for a moment Henry agreed with Hannah but still the thought of Mia being pregnant didn't treat him well he was just confused and didn't didn't know what to believe and what not to... Mia went to Hannah's room and told her that she'll be leaving in the morning cause she can't continue staying there and Hannah asked her if she's pregnant and Mia was shocked hearing that question from Hannah and told her that "no am isn't why did you ask that" Hannah then told her her uncle told Henry that they chased you away from the house because you're pregnant and you don't know who's responsible for it and Mia started crying explaining to Hannah what really happened that made her aunt chase her out of the house and Hannah couldn't believe that her aunt was that cruel and she told her that she'll explain it to Henry too but Mia refused her to do that and let it be like that but Hannah argued that at least he should know the truth and stop judging your character due to what your uncle told him but Mia told her that it wasn't necessary to do that anyway let him believe what he wants to believe.. Hannah then gave her a word that she won't utter a word to Henry about it then if that's what she wants and Mia was glad to hear that and they both went to sleep..the next morning Mia woke up early and left Henry's house and went to kelvin's house but unfortunately he wasn't home and when he got back Mia told him what happened and he suggested that they both go to America and live there but Mia argued that she had to finish writing the exams they're starting next week and Kelvin promised to help her continue with the studies in America instead of her living there suffering all times and she agreed.. Kelvin then booked the flight tickets for later in the evening so that he'll be able to finish his work before he leaves the country and Mia went to her mother and father's grave asking for their blessings and apologies if it is wrong what she's doing and then went to see Lisa her cousin and told her that she loves her no matter what she thinks about her but Lisa didn't say anything and went home and sees Henry sitting outside the house in the garden and she was excited thinking that he wants to take her out on a date and he asked her if it was really true that Mia is pregnant or not and Lisa showed him some fake results for pregnancy test and he was so disappointed that Mia could be such cheap with an innocent face of hers and Lisa hoped that after these results he'd change his mind and date her instead of Mia but Henry left without saying anything and went back home when he got there Hannah told him that Mia had left and Henry didn't care where she went and went to his room and Hannah was about to tell him the truth when she received a text message from Mia saying that " Hannah am leaving and please look after Henry and Lisa please" Hannah called her but she had switched off the phone it's now evening and Mia and Kelvin are at the airport leaving the country and Hannah on the other hand trying to tell Henry about it but isn't giving her a listening ear.. Hannah then told him that Mia is leaving the country and Henry laughed a bit confused about what Hannah is trying to say he stood up and asked her w" what do you mean by that " she then showed him Mia's text message and Henry leaves the house headed to the airport trying Mia's phone and was switched off when he got to the airport they had already left and he was feeling guilty and stupid at the same time asking himself" why didn't I ask her first " he kept on asking himself so many questions with no answer and went back home and Hannah was so touched with the state her brother was in and she comforted him until he fell asleep and she also went to sleep and as she was sleeping she received a call from Lisa asking her if she knows where Mia is and Hannan told her that Mia went to America and she immediately hung up and Lisa ran to her mother's room and told her what Hannah had told her and Mia's aunt started saying that " you see what I was saying that girl is really a professional prostitute look where did she get the money to fly to America" her husband was a bit worried about her and couldn't sleep but she kept on saying bad things about Mia to frustrate him even more but he was paying attention to that rather worried about Mia and her whereabouts if she's safe or not he kept on thinking about her all night long....


Jayden and Jenny are getting ready to go to school but Andrew refuses to go stating that he was feeling sick that he'd go on Friday.. the two went to school and Andrew was taken to the hospital for a check up and the doctor told her that he's suffering from malaria and he gave her some medication to give him for the meantime if the is no change she should bring him back for another checkup and they both went back home when they got there Mia asked Andrew if he has eaten anything at school that's making him sick like that and he assured his mother that he only ate the food she gave him to take to school and he had bought some fruits but washed them before eating like she always tells him to and she was confused what caused the malaria infection then if not food she then told him to take some rest and not go play outside until he recovers and he agreed and went to his room to sleep.. later tha in the afternoon that day Jenny came back home crying and locked herself in her room Mia tried to find out what happened that made her cry and she waited for Jayden to come back from school and he got back home a bit late crying ad well TWO STEPS AHEAD CHAPTER 8

Mia is now worried on seeing Jayden crying as well and he's not saying anything either..

Mia waited for Kelvin to come back from work so that he'd talk to both of them but when he arrived they had gone to sleep and Mia told him that Jenny and Jayden came home separately and crying and she tried to ask them what happened but none gave reply to her question and Kelvin told her not to worry about it he'll talk them in the morning before he leaves for work and then they both went to sleep..

The next morning Kelvin woke up and calls Jenny and Jayden in the living room and asked them what happened at school yesterday and Jayden told him that there was a misunderstanding between the two of us but it got cleared up by our friend Mary and Kelvin got up and told them not to let anyone come between the two of them and they both agreed to that and he left for work as soon as he left Mia got up and goes to Jenny's room to ask her what was the misunderstanding about and Jenny said that " Jayden was told by his friend that am a lesbian and that same friend came to me and said that Jayden is gay" and we both fought at school about that and Mia couldn't believe that they both were jealous at each other like that and had a thought that maybe it's because they're twins and she left Jenny's room and went to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast and lunchboxes after she went to the washroom to do laundry and when Jenny and Jayden were done they both went to school and on their way to school told each other that they won't listen to anyone who says nonsense to them anymore and Jayden told Jenny that he's going to end his friendship with his friend and Jenny was a bit relieved to hear that and they both walked to their classes


Its now evening and Kelvin tells everyone to come in the living room as wants to talk about something important to all of them TWO STEPS AHEAD CHAPTER 8

Mia is now worried on seeing Jayden crying as well and he's not saying anything either..

Mia waited for Kelvin to come back from work so that he'd talk to both of them but when he arrived they had gone to sleep and Mia told him that Jenny and Jayden came home separately and crying and she tried to ask them what happened but none gave reply to her question and Kelvin told her not to worry about it he'll talk them in the morning before he leaves for work and then they both went to sleep..

The next morning Kelvin woke up and calls Jenny and Jayden in the living room and asked them what happened at school yesterday and Jayden told him that there was a misunderstanding between the two of us but it got cleared up by our friend Mary and Kelvin got up and told them not to let anyone come between the two of them and they both agreed to that and he left for work as soon as he left Mia got up and goes to Jenny's room to ask her what was the misunderstanding about and Jenny said that " Jayden was told by his friend that am a lesbian and that same friend came to me and said that Jayden is gay" and we both fought at school about that and Mia couldn't believe that they both were jealous at each other like that and had a thought that maybe it's because they're twins and she left Jenny's room and went to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast and lunchboxes after she went to the washroom to do laundry and when Jenny and Jayden were done they both went to school and on their way to school told each other that they won't listen to anyone who says nonsense to them anymore and Jayden told Jenny that he's going to end his friendship with his friend and Jenny was a bit relieved to hear that and they both walked to their classes


Its now evening and Kelvin tells everyone to come in the living room as wants to talk about something important to all of them Mia is now worried on seeing Jayden crying as well and he's not saying anything either..

Mia waited for Kelvin to come back from work so that he'd talk to both of them but when he arrived they had gone to sleep and Mia told him that Jenny and Jayden came home separately and crying and she tried to ask them what happened but none gave reply to her question and Kelvin told her not to worry about it he'll talk them in the morning before he leaves for work and then they both went to sleep it's now evening and Kelvin tells everyone to come in the living room as wants to talk about something important to all of them and they did when they were all sitted he then told them about going back to New York and Mia didn't say anything about it rather than nodes her head and went back to her room but the kids were happy about it and they immediately went to pack their bags as if they're going tomorrow morning and Kelvin followed Mia to the room and asked her if she's not comfortable with the idea of going to New York so that he cancels the trip but Mia told him that she doesn't have a problem with it just that seeing her aunt again will open the old wounds she had recovered from all these years but Kelvin assured her that her aunt might be a changed person now and she can't wait to see her niece and nephews and Mia hoped so and they both sat down and started discussing how they are going to budget for the trip and if they should sell the house they're living in now but Mia suggested that they shouldn't in case they will need to come back at least they'll be having a place to stay already here and Kelvin agreed with that and he told her to go to the kid's school tomorrow to get transferring letters to new schools and agreed that she'll go with them in the morning when they go to school and they both went to sleep on the other hand Jenny, Andrew and Jayden were planning to have a small party on Saturday before they go to New York and they want to have nice time with their friends and bid goodbyes in a memorable way the next morning Kelvin woke up and calls Jenny and Jayden in the living room and asked them what happened at school yesterday and Jayden told him that there was a misunderstanding between the two of us but it got cleared up by our friend Mary and Kelvin got up and told them not to let anyone come between the two of them and they both agreed to that and he left for work as soon as he left Mia got up and goes to Jenny's room to ask her what was the misunderstanding about and Jenny said that " Jayden was told by his friend that am a lesbian and that same friend came to me and said that Jayden is gay" and we both fought at school about that and Mia couldn't believe that they both were jealous at each other like that and had a thought that maybe it's because they're twins and she left Jenny's room and went to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast and lunchboxes after she went to the washroom to do laundry and when Jenny and Jayden were done they both went to school and on their way to school told each other that they won't listen to anyone who says nonsense to them anymore and Jayden told Jenny that he's going to end his friendship with his friend and Jenny was a bit relieved to hear that and they both walked to their classes


Its now evening and Kelvin tells everyone to come in the living room as he wants to talk about something important to all of them it's Thursday afternoon and Jenny and Andrew tells their friends about the party they're planning to have on Saturday and everyone was so happy and couldn't wait for the party little did they know that their friends will be leaving and after that they went to their classes and Jayden was sitting alone outside sad and his other friend David saw him and asked him what was wrong and he said " the thought of leaving is just not suiting well with me" David was a bit confused about what he was saying and he asked him if he was planning to commit suicide or what but Andrew replied to him with a joke saying that " when you're about to hit a flying bird in the sky you don't ask if you should hit or not" so why would I tell you that am about to kill myself when I can just stand on the road and let the car run me over and David laughs asking him so what were you saying earlier and Jayden told him that they're leaving next week and David was a bit sad about it because Jayden was his only best friend at school and Jayden promised him that he'd be visiting on holidays and David was glad to hear that and they both went to their classes chasing each other up and down.. when it was after school Jayden walked with David talking all the way until they reached his house and then walked back home alone as David's dad was around and had asked him to wash the dishes and clothes too so he couldn't walk out his friend and on the other hand Jenny and Andrew bought a few things from the market on their way home which they'll be needing for the party and went back home later that night Jenny had a bad dream about her mother Mia and told her brothers about and they both told her that it was just a dream and nothing serious but Jenny took it seriously and in the morning tells her mother about it and the dream was about " Mia getting shot by her aunt and she fell in the river and drowns to death" Mia got worried about it as she knew her aunt's character and what she was capable of doing but tells Jenny to go to school and not worry much about it and Jenny did that but Mia stayed stressed out all day thinking about the dream Jenny had and tries to understand what the dream meant to say and what's her connection with it and she fell asleep on the couch thinking about it and when Kelvin came back from work he tried to wake her up and she woke up saying that " please don't shoot" and Kelvin was confused as to what made her say that and Mia apologized saying that " I'm just stressed out about the dream Jenny had last night" and Kelvin asked her what the dream was about and she told him about it but he said that " dreams sometimes don't show you the exact truth and besides why would your aunt attack you in a dream" and Mia didn't say much and went to the kitchen and made lunch and served the food for Kelvin after that she went to sleep in her room and when the kids came back from school they asked Kelvin to give them a little money for the party and some remaining items they'll be needing and he gave them and they had their food and went to their rooms to discuss more about the party and did their homeworks and went to sleep Friday morning Kelvin didn't go to work as he wanted to finish the process of getting the money to go to New York and the kids went to school.. Mia was sitting in the living room lost in thoughts about the dream jennny had and Kelvin noticed that and told her not to be stressed out over a dream and Mia still argued that she knows her aunt is capable of anything and she's now scared to go to New York and Kelvin told her that he'll support her in whatever decision she makes and Mia was glad to hear that.. when the kids cane back from school Kelvin told them they won't be going New York anymore and they walked to their rooms sad and in disappointed way but Jayden was happy about it as he won't be leaving his friend anymore and he'll be staying he then texted his friend telling him about it but Jennny and Andrew were sad about it and were even asking each other what made dad change about the trip to New York and all that then Jenny remembered that she had told her mom about the dream she had and assumed that was the reason she might have told dad to cancel the trip and Andrew got so upset with what Jenny did and even said that " it's best to keep quiet sometimes rather than preaching around about your so called dreams" but Jayden told her that she did the right thing and shouldn't mid what Andrew said but Jenny was a bit confused why would her dream make mom to not want to go to New York is there something else besides the dream she then went to her mother's room and asked her about it but Mia assured her that the dream had nothing to do with the trip but Jenny had doubts about it in her mind and Mia noticed that so she then changed her mind and told Jenny that she'll talk to Kelvin about the trip and they'll go to New York and Jenny was a bit relieved to hear that and went back to her room and told the others about it and Jayden had to delete the text message before David could see it and went to sleep and Jenny and Andrew were talking about the trip until they fell asleep the next morning Mia went to their school to get their transferring letters to new schools and informed their teachers too and went back home.. Mia, Andrew and Jayden were called at the office and were asked to announce about that they'll be leaving and they did some of the kids at school were a bit sad about it and some even argued that they shouldn't leave.. after school they told the kids at school that they'll be having a small party before they leave some agreed some didn't saying that " you've ruined our moods" and all that so Jenny and Jayden went home and they both asked their dad to bring drinks from the mall on his way home and he agreed they even asked Mia to cook the food tomorrow at the party to cut the costs of catering and Jenny will be helping out with the cooking and Andrew will be welcoming the guests that will be coming to the party.. the next day they did the cookin and decorations for the party and went to the mall to buy a few things that were of shortage and came back when they were back from the mall people were starting to come to the party and Andrew was welcoming everyone with a drink and snacks and he even turned on the music to make more people come and they did come...



Mia, Kelvin, Jenny, Jayden and Andrew are now in New York and Mia's aunt welcomed them with open arms but Mia is surprised to see the sudden change in her aunt and her uncle was so delighted to see her and her children and he even asked them to stay for a few days or even more but Mia told her uncle that Kelvin will be far from where he works at so they'll stay with them for a few days only Lisa builds a bond with Jenny and they both get along well and Mia is glad to see that she has changed too.. Mia's aunt apolozed to Mia for had happened 12 years ago after Kevin and her aunt went out but Mia didn't was to hear about it rather she told her aunt to forget about the past and move and her aunt putted on a fake smile and went to sit with Andrew and Jayden telling them about how Mia and Lisa used to be naughty when they were their age and they both laughed and wanted to hear more about it and she even told them about how Mia fell into the mud paddle and she started crying saying that " I really hate rain and mud" and they both laughed about that even Jenny who was sitting a bit far away from them laughed along with them later that day in the evening they all had so much fun and Jenny and Jayden even mentioned of their birthday which going to be within two days and Mia's aunt assured them it'll be a memorable day ever and she'll organize the party and invite a few friends of Mia's in her college days and Kelvin agreed to that but in his mind thinking about his friend Henry and all good things they were doing together during college days even though Henry was a bit older than him and Mia noticed that Kelvin was a bit lost in thoughts and they both went outside to talk about what was bothering him and he told her that he just miss his friend but didn't say the name and Mia hugged him telling him that " I'm sorry am sure that wherever your friend is he's missing you as well" and he just smiled hugging her and they both went inside the house and slept in the guest room and the kids slept in the room which Mia was using before she left the house and they were looking at their mother's pictures and the old clothes she used to wear when she was young they did all that until they went to sleep the next morning Lisa took Jenny to the park and spend the whole day there with her telling her about the good things Mia did for her and how rude she was to her and how much she regret doing that to her but Jenny told her that it's the past and she can start afresh with her by being nice and kind to her and she liked the idea.. on the other hand Mia's uncle was showing Andrew and Jayden around Mia's college and all around the streets and the market and they were all having fun doing that when they got tired they went home and goes to the garden and cleaned it as it was dirty and even planned a few plants there after they had dinner and Lisa decided to get their old toys and and putted them on the floor showing them one by one how much she used to play with them with Mia when they were young and Mia smiled looking at Lisa and she even sat down next to her showing her kids the toys too and tells them a story about them until everyone was feeling sleepy and they went to sleep it's Wednesday afternoon and Mia's aunt is preparing for the party for Jayden and Jenny and also had the guests list who are coming.. and on the other hand Henry got to know that Mia and Kevin are in town and is very angry about it and wants to fight Kelvin and he's jealous that they even have kids now and they're living happily as a family and when Hannah got to know of his plan he tried to stop him but he didn't want listen to her and when he got to know about the party they'll be having tomorrow he found a perfect chance to do what he was planing to do and Hannah was still trying to talk sense to him but he was still on it so she decided to leave him alone and went to her room but couldn't sleep thinking about what Henry is going to do tomorrow and how it'll affect everyone there and all that she was lost in thoughts didn't know what to do but she promised herself to try and stop him again tomorrow..


Mia and her kids went to where her parents used to live before they died and Kelvin came to take the kids to his house and asked Mia to join him with the kids but she refused and told him that she'll come later and it happened that Henry got to know of the location where Kelvin was but as soon as he left with the kids Henry arrived and Mia was sitting alone and the lights were off and she was trying to switch on the torch of her phone but her phone fell down and she sat where she was as she was scared after hearing the footsteps of Henry but didn't know it was Henry.. and Henry spotted Mia but thought it was Kelvin as she was wearing his jacket and he shot her on her back three times and she fell down on the floor and Henry walked towards her to confirm if she was dead not knowing it was Mia on seeing that it's Mia.. he couldn't think straight and he jumped into the river near Mia's house and drown but didn't die some fisherman found him and took him to their house and took care of him


Everyone is sad about what happened to Mia and Kelvin is in a denial state and Mia's uncle is sitting with him giving him comfort even though he was also shocked with the news of Mia's death and the aunt was sitted as the corner shedding crocodile tears and Lisa was crying sitting on the floor thinking about all that they used to do and how Mia used to stay quiet whenever she accused her of something she didn't do and it made her cry even more.. Mia's kids were sitting in the room where Mia used to sleep looking at her pictures tears falling none stop and Jenny was thinking about the dream she had before they came to New York and she said that " if I hadn't insisted that we come here mom would have been alive today" and Andrew hugged her telling her not to be blame herself about what happened to Mia as it's a shock to everyone and not anyone's fault.. on the other hand Hannah is worried about Henry as she doesn't know where he is and she's scared he might be in danger or something she ended up calling Kelvin to ask him if he knows where he was that's when Kelvin told her about Mia's death and Hannah sitted down in shock wondering if Henry was behind her death or she's over thinking about it the people who took Henry noticed that he was behaving strange and they took him to a mental asylum as his brains weren't functioning properly and he needed help with that and Hannah was informed about his whereabouts and tried to talk to him to understand what's causing it but Henry wasn't talking he was just looking at her tears falling and she got worried even more about him and while he was in the asylum he met a young girl who was his nurse who helped him recover and ended up falling in love with her and she liked him too so they both started dating while he was still there he even told her what happened that day Mia died that " he had a toy gun and he doesn't understand how it ended up being a real gun" and the girl told him that he'll definitely find out the truth about what really happened that day and she's going help him out..


Mia's aunt got arrested for changing the toy gun with a real gun and she confessed that she did all this because she hated Mia and didn't want her to be owner of the house when she dies but wanted her daughter to get the house her husband was so disappointed that she could do that to her own niece for a house and he even filed for a divorce and Henry got out of the mental asylum and continued his relationship with the nurse Kate and Mia's aunt was sentenced for life imprisonment for her crimes and Mia's kids graduated and Jenny became a teacher, Jayden a police officer and Andrew became a lawyer and Kelvin was so happy and proud of her kids and wished Mia was there with them to witness this wonderful day.


The story is based on a true story hope you'll like it and inbox for anything

Tana_Chiningacreators' thoughts