
A million feeling

At some point in our life we all have had or still having problem with the word called "Love" , having to deal with pain or sadness , I hope this poem-novel have a impact on you thank you.

james1ink · Fantasi
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3 Chs

A million feeling


I think the worst thing we did,

was put heaven in the sky,

a place one can visit,

only after we die.

But what if I told you,

that heaven is within,

a rich beautiful kingdom,

buried beneath your skin.

What if I told you,

that heaven is on earth,

giving and renewing,

a continual rebirth.

And what if I told you,

that heaven is a state of mind,

your thoughts hold the power,

as to what will be aligned.

So don't live in the future,

simply living just to die,

heaven is right here,

don't let it pass you by.


" Sweet Love "

I believe that self-love

Needs to stem from within

For the love of the world

Cannot compair to the love

The person gives to her or himself.

But your love is different

It's so unconditional

So pure, deep and wonderful.

It's like a magic mirror

Through which I see myself

In a whole new perspective

I see qualities I never thought I had.

Your love keeps bringing out the best in me

I don't know how to explain it

You need please to explain it to me

Your love is like an everlasting fountain of love.

The more I drink from it

The more my heart and soul

Are transformed into endless flames of love

Of inner beauty and serenity.



Can I make you understand , can I make you feel.

can I make you see the dark side of my heart oh it's beautiful.

can I make you feel the feelings of the dark

you never know another feeling than this.

can I show you the way of the dark

deep within the lost souls.

can I show you the desires of the dark

forgotten in time.

can i really make anyone understand the drakness within the empty space.

can this feeling be ours forever, can this be mine.

take me into the deepest part of dark places , take me to the dark shadow

take me into the lost souls , lost in-between .

paint my house with the darkness given to me

sing me a sad song and fill my heart with memories

of lost desires.

and watch as the memories of me becomes ecstasies .