
A military gacha system in A fantasy world?

Creepthewriter · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


Light flashed through the infinite sky. A comet-like flash flew directly into a secluded planet and as the snapping sound of barriers of atmospheres was broken, a glorious ball of fire crashed into a lonely and terrifying forest.

The denizens of the world who saw the trail of flame knew change was coming for better or worse.


Fluttering his eyes he found himself in an unfamiliar place. Zeke no longer found himself no longer in the presence of that weird ass clown, nor the beyond or whatever horrid ass place that was. Shuttering at what was called the beyond he brushed the thought from his mind. 

'No way that gives me PTSD or something' Any who where the fuck am I? Pushing himself from the ground moving from the plank-like position he was in he was finally able to look at his surroundings.

"Trees?? Seriously? I'm not Bear Grylls, Oslo where the hell did you drop me off!!" 

Before Zeke had any more time to complain a unique ding-like sound rang in his ears. 'What the hel--l' 

'Hello, my name is Iris.' 

Flipping around Zeke looked for the woman's voice that seemingly whispered in his ears. "Who's there?" Zeke called out. "I'll beat your ass if you think I am playing around," He said with a quivering fist.

 'Shut up peasant– I mean user I am Iris your personal assistant bestowed upon you by Sir Oslo destroyer of worlds' 

'This bitch can't be serious.' "Oslo buddy, is there any way I can get a replacement my shit is defective!"

 'Do you seriously want to attract god knows what or who with your moronic shouting' 'Also calling me a bitch was uncalled for, that's no way to treat a lady.' 

First of all, there is no way she or they or whatever the whisper identifies with is reading my mind. Second, I can't see anyone around me so some freaky shit is definitely happening. I assume she is my advantage or whatever that the wheel provided so yapping must not be the only thing she can provide.

"Okay Iris is there any way we can discuss what you are good at besides—- I mean anyway you could tell me what you do," Zeke asked.

'Yes I can, I am Iris, the Intelligent Response Irresponsible Gambling (Gacha) System.' Lucky you based on the lack of skyscrapers and McDonald's you seem to be in a less progressed society. Thankfully though you won't be completely useless thanks to the Modern Military Gacha made to help you achieve your wildest dreams.'

'So how do I get this super cool totally not sketch currency to spin the Gacha?' 

'Souls simply put.'

' You will have to slay multiple types of life forms to gain currency. Every thirty souls you can do an eleven pull on the Gacha resulting in weapons melee or ranged, units melee or ranged Vehicles weaponized or not, and also buildings. Also, just a fun fact Conscious creatures count for more so Human-like entities or animals capable of thought have more valuable souls!'

"So I basically have to become an insane maniac?"

 'Precisely' Iris responded.


 "Do I have a starter pack like most cool fantasy novels?" I mean I don't even have clothes right now. Looking down revealed Zeke's "three-inch punisher" as he likes to call it flowing in the wind. 

'Of course in your starter pack as you would like to call it Zeke, you have a free eleven spin and a backpack.' 

Awesome! But how do I get the items I pull?

 'I will hold on to them for now. As the best of the best, Iris can hold eleven objects you don't want from your pulls and keep them stationed here with me.' 

'I'm not even going to ask where the hell Iris lives.' 

"Alright great, Iris I would like to pull the free eleven spin. "

'As you wish Zeke'



M1 Garand x1

M1 Garand Bayonet x1

Military MRE x5

A platoon of five, wielding M1 Garand's x1

Advanced base x1 

Bullet production factory x1

General outfit x1


'Let's fucking go!' 

Jumping into the air with glee Zeke lost all resemblance of humbleness and human reasoning at the results of his luck.

 "First things first Iris spawn me the M1 Garand with the bayonet and the outfit please if you would."

 'Fine if I must'

 Spawning by his feet out of thin air rested all he had requested. Grabbing up the clothes first he equipped his new outfit which comfortably fit him. 

'How did– never mind, I don't even want to ask.' 

Disregarding his thoughts on how his clothes fit him perfectly he fit the bayonet on the weapon which came loaded with five rounds.

 'Thankfully I got this bullet factory or else I would be seriously fucked.'

"Iris how do I place the buildings and what not'

 'It works much like a game Zeke where you place the building after viewing the amount of space and land you need. I will also allow you the luxury of not working about potential problems with the land such as reservoirs of water by scanning the ground for you and providing you with information on what spots are best to place the buildings on.'

 'Thanks, I appreciate it Iris!' 

'You are welcome I suppose' 

I like this version of Iris a lot better. Chuckling to himself he prepared to place the coolest item he got from the Draw. With a devious and excitable gleam in his eye, he requested Iris to show him the outline and schematic.