
A Memo For Sabrina

merinfinite · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Dearest Sabrina,

What's the matter?

You looked troubled.

Was that because of the post you saw a while ago?

You know that it doesn't concern you, yet, why do you think about it over and over?

Are you still that afraid even though there's nothing to be afraid of?

Stop crying.

Take a deep breath and close your eyes.

Still worried?

Still hurting?

Still bothered?

Then, take a deeper breath.

The world's a scary place, yet, I must say that our thoughts were scarier.

They can either make or break you.

But, why are you going back to square one?

You've passed this stage before, yet, you're running back to this place.

What's happening, Sabrina?

Are you going to trade the peace you hold for the anxious thoughts you had right now?

You're just clinging on to possibilities, Sabrina.

They're not the real deal.

Please, be stronger.

Please, walk away from this phase.

You deserve better.

- JY