

'Yeah. Fuck that man with his hypocrisy word!'


'Shut him up! He knew nothing!'


'Oh, his eyes will look so good once you gouged them out of his head.'


The voices returned. Khaos had gone so long, Zuri craved his presence, but not only because she needed him, as he was her mate, but because the voices returned.


Her medicine didn't really help to shut them up and the past week she had been suppressing her darkest urge to kill someone, to feel the blood on her face, to embed her claws into someone's flesh. The euphoria of that moment was very tempting.


And right now, Rhett was truly challenging her patience.


'Kill him!'


'Kill him!'


'Kill him!'


"Fuck you, Rhett," Zuri cussed him out through her gritted teeth, she glared at him sharply. "Get out of my face before I killed you."