
A Match Made In Mayhem

" She liked him but never dreamt of him , He disliked her and never dreamt of her. However, for some reason fate brought them together." • • Rosalina Navarro is an enthusiastic , charming young lady, and a successful wedding planner. Known for creating magical moments for couples on their special day. Jose Long, on the other hand, is the son of a successful businessman . He's arrogant, condescending, making it difficult for anyone to warm up to him. However, underneath his tough exterior, he is hiding dreadful secrets . Though Rosalina and Jose had crossed paths before, their initial encounter had been quite unfortunate. They were meant to cross paths again, but fate had a way of playing crazy games, and it decided to intervene, changing their lives in unexpected ways . When Rosalina and Jose finally crossed paths once more, their worlds collided in a whirlwind of chaos, messiness, and undeniable chemistry. Sparks fly as they engage in constant banter trying to one-up eachother. Rosalina finds herself both infuriated by Jose's presence and strangely drawn to him, while He derived pleasure from seeing her squirm . Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of emotions as Rosalina and Jose navigate the unpredictable twist and turns of their relationship. Will Rosalina and Jose be able to put aside their differences and find common ground? Or will their chaotic relationship lead to even more mayhem? [ I won't be updating this novel everyday, just three 3×A week.]

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12 Chs

Ignoring His Existence.

'I regret protecting him from those bullies during our high school days. Maybe, just maybe, I should've chosen to ignore his existence back then,' Rosalina mused.

Approaching her front door, she halted, resisting the urge to open it, and veered towards the kitchen instead. "Skipping breakfast is out of the question," she murmured to herself, shutting her eyes as she grasped the refrigerator handle, her lips pressed, forming a determined line. 'Please, let there be something to eat,' she silently prayed. When she slowly opened her eyes, disappointment filled her gaze as she found the fridge empty.

"Ugh! I'll need to restock, but that will be after my visit to the orphanage. I guess I should eat there as well," Rosalina grumbled, sighing as she shut the fridge door. She moved toward the front door, opened it, and stepped outside.

Stepping out of her home, she made her way to her car, opened the door, ignited the engine, and smoothly left her driveway behind.


Rosalina eased her car into the Serenity Shelter Orphanage's parking lot. The engine purred to a halt, and she retrieved her keys, the car door unlocking with a soft click as she stepped out. The echoing laughter and playful chatter of children provided a lively soundtrack as she approached the entrance.

"Serenity Shelter Orphanage" rose like a hopeful oasis amid a tranquil landscape. Nestled within lush greenery, the orphanage was a place where children of various ages played together, their jubilant laughter painting the air with vibrancy. Swings, slides, and an array of colorful toys adorned the playground, where kids dashed around with unrestrained energy.

' It has changed so much since I was adopted. ' She thought.

As Rosalina set foot on the orphanage's grounds, her eyes followed the children at play, their faces beaming with joy. Some scampered toward a different playground, others swung high into the sky or conquered the monkey bars, while small groups gathered on benches, engrossed in games. Children occupied chairs, engrossed in books or cuddled plush toys.

However, Rosalina's smile faltered, vanishing almost immediately, as haunting images of the orphanage engulfed in flames flashed before her eyes.

'What caused that fire?' Rosalina pondered, continuing her journey through the grounds until she spotted an older woman diligently watching over each child, her protective presence a reassuring sight.

As Rosalina approached the woman's side, she discreetly cleared her throat, capturing the woman's attention. When their eyes met, a radiant smile spread across the woman's face. "Rosalina!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm. "How are you doing today?"

"Hello, Ms. Anna," Rosalina replied, offering a polite smile. "It's been quite some time since our last encounter. How have you been?" Anna reached for both of Rosalina's hands, gently squeezing them.

"I've been quite well, thank you, Rosalina. How about you? Have you brought your husband with you this time?" Anna inquired.

Rosalina let out a nervous laugh before responding, "No, I'm just here to enjoy some food and play with the—" Her voice trailed off, noticing the subtle change in Anna's expression. The woman appeared disappointed. "Oh dear, what a shame. I was really hoping to meet your husband soon. But it seems you haven't found the right one yet. Why plan weddings if you haven't found love yourself?"

"I'm not particularly interested in getting married, at least not at this moment. I have my whole life ahead of me, and just to clarify, I'm a wedding planner, not a love expert," Rosalina replied promptly.

Anna nodded in understanding and continued, "But what if you never end up getting married and end up alone?"

Rosalina sighed heavily, her gaze drifting toward some nearby children who were racing towards them. "I'm only twenty; I have plenty of time," she murmured, her voice tinged with determination.

As the two girls approached Rosalina, she knelt down, lifting one of them into her arms. "And I won't ever be alone, not with you and these wonderful kids around," she assured with a warm smile. The child grinned in response, and Anna's joy radiated even brighter.

"Alright, let me whip up something delicious for you," Anna offered, prompting Rosalina to gently place the girl back on the ground before they followed Anna inside.

Anna guided her through the building, leading the way to the bustling canteen. With a nurturing touch, she served Rosalina a hearty meal. As Rosalina settled into a chair, Anna, her eyes filled with concern, gently asked, "Tell me, has anything been bothering you lately? You seem a bit stressed." She took a seat across from Rosalina.

Rosalina took a large bite of her food, chewing thoughtfully before responding, "No, nothing significant. Just the usual work keeping me busy." Her words quickened as she chewed faster.

Anna playfully scolded, "You're practically stuffing your face into your food; that's a clear sign of stress."

Rosalina glanced at Anna, offering a mischievous grin. "Well, it's not just stress; this food is simply irresistible," she admitted, giving Anna a thumbs up and a wide, appreciative smile. Anna responded with a gentle smile, not pressing further, and patiently waited for Rosalina to savor her meal.

' Ms. Anna knows me far too well; there's no hiding anything from her, ' Rosalina mused to herself as she completed her meal.

Gazing out the window, she inquired, "By the way, I don't see Theo and Jaymes anywhere. Where are they?"

Anna's response was succinct, "They've been adopted."

Turning her attention back to Anna, Rosalina nodded with a mixture of relief and nostalgia. "That's great news. I miss them even more, now. They were the only kids who truly knew me."

Anna, perceptive as ever, remarked, "You're deflecting my question with different topics. Since when have you started keeping things from me?"

'It's something beyond our comprehension,' Rosalina thought to herself before responding, "Since yesterday... I've been overwhelmed with work, and right now, I just want to unwind and enjoy the day in peace. I don't want to discuss anything."

"Alright, do whatever makes you feel comfortable. When you're ready to talk, I'm here to listen," Anna offered before excusing herself to attend to other orphanage responsibilities.

Rosalina couldn't help but smile to herself, relieved that Anna hadn't pressed further. 'Thank goodness she let it slide so easily,' she thought, 'I suppose I can finally take a moment to relax.'


As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, Rosalina finally arrived home, pulling her car to a stop near the front gate of her residence. She stepped out of the vehicle, her hand poised to unlatch the gate, when a voice suddenly sliced through the air, calling out, "Rosalina?"

Startled, Rosalina spun around to find a man standing behind her, his presence unexpected and unwelcome.

Her initial irritation painted her expression with shades of anger. 'Why is he here now?'

"Andre, what do you want?" she growled, her voice laced with frustration, as Andre stepped up beside her.

"I miss you," he blurted out, locking his gaze firmly with Rosalina's.