
A mastermind in multiverse

In Ajay's POV, he is likely thinking about the potential for adventure and discovery in the world of One Piece. With his reincarnation and the multiverse gate, he has access to countless worlds and possibilities. It's exciting to think about what he might discover and accomplish in the future. I don't own any character except for original characters of my own .

water_law · Komik
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11 Chs


Ajay was about to leave for his mission when he was stopped by Boa's sisters.

"Ajay, are you sure you want to do this?" asked Hancock. "It's a dangerous mission."

"I know," said Ajay. "But I have to do it. I'm the only one who can do this and you know it ."

"But what if you don't come back?" asked Boa.

"I'll come back," said Ajay. "I promise."

Then he looked at both the young sisters Sonia and mari . and nodded .

The young sisters looked at each other, their faces filled with worry. since he was the first friend they made outside of their island .

( 2 days after the rescue mission)

Hancock was struggling with her sisters since the young girls were traumatized by the event . since Ajay and Hancock were Adults in the mind . it didn't matter to them but for Boa Marigold And Boa Sandersonia it was really traumatizing they were still young little girls a far cry from. their future strong women . so Ajay took it upon himself To help them .

Hancock: I know you're both still scared and confused. That's why I asked Ajay to come and talk to you. I trust him enough and I know you would too .

Ajay: Hi, Sandersonia, Marigold. My name is Ajay. I'm a friend of Hancock's, and I'm here to help you.

Sandersonia: A friend?

Marigold: But we don't know you.

Ajay: I know. But I want you to trust me. I've been through a lot in my life, and I know what it's like to be scared and alone. I want to help you heal from your trauma and find your home .

Sandersonia: How can you help us?

Ajay: I can help you find a safe place to live for now , I can also help you connect with other people who have been through similar experiences. meanwhile I prepare to send you back home .

Marigold: We don't know if we can trust you.

Ajay: I understand. But I promise I will never hurt you. I just want to help.

Sandersonia: We'll see.

Marigold: Yeah, we'll see.

After leaving both young sisters Ajay and Hancock sat while having lunch .

Hancock: I'm so glad you were able to help Sandersonia and Marigold. They're still traumatized, but they're starting to trust you.

Ajay: I'm glad I could help. They're both strong girls , and I know they'll get through this.

Hancock: I know they will. But I'm worried about them. They need to get their devil fruits to have some sort of a defense , so they can protect themselves sort of like a assurance.

Ajay: I know. I'm working on a plan to get them their devil fruits. But it's going to take some time.

Hancock: I understand. But I don't want them to have to wait too long. To us it might be nothing but to them their whole world has turn upside down .

Ajay: I know. But I promise I'll do everything I can to get them their devil fruits as soon as possible.

Hancock: Thank you, Ajay. I know I can count on you.

Ajay: Of course. I'm here for you and your sisters.

Hancock: Thank you. I appreciate that.

Ajay and Hancock sit in silence for a few minutes.

Hancock: I think it would be best if Sandersonia and Marigold stayed here for the time being. They can heal from their trauma and wait for their devil fruits here.

Ajay: I agree. This is a safe place for them, and I can help them get the therapy they need.

Hancock: Thank you , It pains me to say this even while having powers sometimes it is not so easy always . I hope to count on you for this

Ajay: I will. They're like family to me now.

Hancock smiles. "I'm glad,"

Ajay and Hancock continue to talk, and they come up with a plan for Sandersonia and Marigold to stay on Karakuri Island for the time being. They know that it will take some time for them to heal from their trauma, but they are confident that they will be safe and supported here

( Back to present )

( Ajay pov )

I've been on this journey for 2 days now, and I'm finally close to Germa Kingdom. its a good thing my Airplane can self drive and doesn't need to refuel, I'm ready to infiltrate and steal their technology. I know it's a dangerous mission, but I'm confident that I can succeed.

I've been traveling through the Grand Line, and I've seen some amazing things. sea monster as big as island , and I've had some close calls with them . But I've never given up on my mission. I know that Germa Kingdom has the technology I need to build my own army, and I'm not going to stop until I get it.

I'm finally close to Germa Kingdom. I can see the island in the distance, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I know this is it. This is the moment I've been waiting for.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for what's to come. I know it's going to be a difficult mission, but I'm ready for it. I'm ready to infiltrate Germa Kingdom and steal their technology.

my mind was racing with plans. I knew that this would be a difficult mission, but I was determined to succeed. I had been training for this moment for months, and I was finally ready to put my skills to the test.

I arrived at Germa Kingdom Airspace and jumped off of the plane. just as the sun was setting. The island was even more impressive than I had imagined. It was surrounded by high walls, and there were guards everywhere. I knew that I would have to be careful if I wanted to infiltrate the kingdom.

I landed on the ground and made my way to the walls. I hid in the shadows and watched the guards for a while. I learned their patterns and waited for my opportunity.

When the guards were distracted, I slipped through the walls and into the castle.

I made my way to the heart of the kingdom, where the Germa scientists were working on their most advanced technology. I knew that this was the technology I needed to build my own army. " The cloning Technology " .