
A mastermind in multiverse

In Ajay's POV, he is likely thinking about the potential for adventure and discovery in the world of One Piece. With his reincarnation and the multiverse gate, he has access to countless worlds and possibilities. It's exciting to think about what he might discover and accomplish in the future. I don't own any character except for original characters of my own .

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11 Chs


Boa Hancock listened intently as Ajay outlined his plan to overthrow the World Government. As he spoke, she couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for his revolutionary spirit and determination to fight for what was right.

Boa Hancock : you sound like a revolutionary why not join them Monkey D Dragon would

happily take you In .

Ajay 's voice was firm and resolute. "I appreciate your offer, but my beliefs don't align with Their cause," he said. "I believe in justice and freedom, but I also believe in doing things my way , their ways are not my cup of tea .

Hancock was surprised by his response, but also respected his convictions. She knew that he was a man of great integrity and honor, and that he would never compromise his beliefs for the sake of a cause.

"I understand your position," she said. "But I hope you understand that you are fighting for a better world. , And they want to create a society where everyone is equal and free, where justice is served and oppression is vanquished."

Ajay nodded, his expression serious. "I understand their goals, and I respect Their passion. But I believe that change can only come from taking the extreme measures when needed. We need to work together to create a better world, but we need to do it peacefully and with respect for all."

Hancock smiled, impressed by his wisdom and strength of character. " I am certainly impressed but why go so far for this world "

( Ajay's pov )

" All my life I have always thought why powerful people always oppress weak , our world itself is always run by capitalism take Super power countries for example even though they say they are the allies of justice , but they themselves profit from sparking the war .

Rich and powerful countries often take advantage of weaker countries in a variety of ways, both overt and covert. One of the most common ways is through economic exploitation, where the wealthy country uses its economic power to extract resources and labor from the weaker country at a low cost, while selling its own products and services at a premium. This can lead to a situation where the weaker country becomes dependent on the richer country for its economic survival, and is unable to develop its own industries and resources.

Another way that rich countries take advantage of weaker countries is through political and military means. This can involve supporting authoritarian regimes or puppet governments that are friendly to the interests of the wealthy country, while suppressing democratic movements or opposition groups that threaten their power. It can also involve military intervention, where the stronger country uses its military might to impose its will on weaker countries, often under the guise of "protecting" them or promoting "democracy."

Rich countries can also take advantage of weaker countries by exploiting their natural resources and environmental conditions. This can involve practices such as deforestation, mining, and pollution, which can have devastating effects on the local ecosystems and populations. In many cases, these practices are carried out with little regard for the long-term consequences, often resulting in irreversible damage to the environment and the health of the local population.

Overall, the exploitation of weaker countries by richer and more powerful countries is a complex and multifaceted issue. It often involves a combination of economic, political, and environmental factors, and can have far-reaching consequences for both the exploited and the exploiter. It is important to recognize and address these inequalities in order to promote a more just and equitable world for all. "

( 3rd person pov )

As they talked, Hancock couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Ajay's unwavering commitment to justice and his refusal to compromise his values. She knew that he was a true ally, even if she didn't join his cause, he would band together a group that would make a real difference in the world.

But what they didn't know was that while they were having a conversation . some of the former slaves had heard their conversation .

Former Slave 1: "Did you hear their conversation earlier?"

Former Slave 2: "Yeah, I overheard them talking. some of it sounded gibberish like they were talking in code but later it sounded like an inspirational thing .

Former Slave 1: "Definitely. That kid understands what we've been through and wants to make a change."

Former Slave 2: "I know, right? He's not just some bounty hunter out for money. He actually cares about making a difference."

Former Slave 1: "We all have been through a lot as a former slave . And not just us alone their are many like us all around the world , but their is no one willing to take the necessary steps in order to help us

Former Slave 2: "I agree. It gives me hope that we can actually make a difference and fight against the oppression and inequality we've faced."

Former Slave 1: "I'm ready to join his cause and fight for a better world. Are you with me?"

Former Slave 2: "Absolutely. Let's do this. Together, we can make a difference and create a world where everyone is free and equal."

(Hancock pov )

( As I listened to Ajay speak, I couldn't help but feel conflicted. Part of me still longs to be like the original Boa Hancock, a strong Empress who commands respect and admiration. But another part of me recognizes the wisdom in Ajay's words. He speaks of justice and freedom, values that I hold dear.

My experiences as a former slave have given me a unique perspective on the world. I know what it's like to be oppressed and treated as less than human. And I know that the current system is flawed, with the strong taking advantage of the weak.

But can I really give up my dream of becoming a strong Empress? Can I put aside my ambition and follow Ajay's cause? It's a delicate spot to be in.

On one hand, I know that Ajay's cause is just. I believe in his vision for a better world, and I want to help make that vision a reality. But on the other hand, I still have my own desires and ambitions.

It's a difficult decision to make. But perhaps the true strength lies in recognizing when to put aside one's own desires for the greater good. Maybe, just maybe, I can find a way to reconcile my ambitions with Ajay's cause. Only time will tell. )

AJAY : "Hancock, I not ordering you just asking you a request This world is beautiful and I want to live a life of freedom, free from the oppression and manipulation of the so-called ruler of this world. I want to take down their corrupt system and create a better world for everyone since this world has given me my second chance I don't want to be just selfish for myself .

But there's something else I want, something that I haven't told anyone yet. I want to move on to a different world. I have the means to do it, and I know it's possible. But I can't do it alone. I need allies, people who believe in my cause and are willing to fight for a better world.

That's why I'm here, Hancock. I believe that you can be one of those allies. You have the strength and Will have the influence to make a difference. Together, we can take down the manipulative self-proclaimed rulers of this world and create a world You know it we are different you and I . Are you sure you just want to be a empress or something more .

I know it won't be easy, and I know there will be challenges along the way. But I believe in our cause, and I believe that we can make a difference. So what do you say, Hancock? Will you join me in this fight for freedom?"

( I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Ajay had the power to travel to different worlds? Multiverse travel was something that I also wanted to do But I couldn't choose it since I wanted to become like Hancock .

But at the same time, it is exciting. The thought of exploring different worlds, meeting new people, and experiencing new things was exhilarating.

However, I couldn't let my excitement show on my face. I didn't want Ajay to think that I was devaluing his cause or his vision. I knew how important this was to him, and I didn't want to make light of it.

So instead, I kept my expression neutral, trying to hide my excitement as best as I could. But inside, my mind was racing with possibilities. What kind of worlds could we explore? What kind of adventures could we have?

I knew that there were risks involved, and I knew that we had a long road ahead of us. But the thought of exploring different worlds with Ajay was too tempting to resist.

I would have to tread carefully, though. I didn't want to give away my excitement too easily. But deep down, I knew that this was an opportunity that I couldn't pass up.

( Ajay's pov )

( I couldn't help but notice the excitement radiating from Hancock. She had managed to hide it well enough, but I could tell that something was definitely up. Hancock may not be able to do this on her own.

Despite her confident demeanor and impressive abilities, I knew that traveling through the multiverse was no easy feat. It required a great deal of knowledge and skill, as well as a way to travel . While Hancock was certainly capable of handling herself in a fight, I wondered if she had the necessary tools and resources to navigate the complex web of dimensions and realities. or even a way to travel

I can tell like me she also wants to do that , or she wouldn't choose this world to get reincarnated in . We are like minded in this Senario that much I can tell . )

" now that I have revealed my biggest secret I would also tell you that I didn't ask for some O p power , And even if you have one I am vulnerable to that so I can't hinder any of you're plan "

( After having a conversation this long I can tell she Has a trump card up her sleeve , or she wouldn't be this confident but I am putting my all cards in . it is so she would reveal her trump card and doesn't use it on me but if she does well she was definitely someone beyond me .

Now only luck would decide my fate weather she helps me or manipulate me . this is my biggest gamble )