
A Man and his Past

A young boy and his family recently came into Colorado. The boy is named Dawn, and he was 5 at the time. After arriving, he soon met his first friend, Aza. The two were inseparable, they would do everything together. In their teenage years, though, something happened. Something very horrible happened. It cost the life of Dawn’s family, and he blames his best friend for it. Dawn changed into a horrible being cause of it. In this story, it will show Dawn’s journey on how he will get his revenge, change the world, and become the man he always wanted to be.

BlackWolfAK · Fantasi
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14 Chs

The Result of Jealousy

It was around 8:00 PM. Aza watched as Dawn stumbled across the sidewalks, his hair a mess with his clothing lose and wrinkled. His face looked like he hasn't slept in days, with red circles under his eyes, having blood shot eyes, and dirt across his face. Which Aza only shook his head at. "Honestly, Dawn. You look like a mess," Aza admitted, grabbing onto his arm to keep him steady. "Oh please! You look awful yourself." Joked Dawn, having a cricked smile as he looked at Aza. Aza only ignored the drunken man, taking out his phone to call an Uber. Once Aza let go of Dawn, Dawn stumbled to a alley wall, having his back slide down it. Dawn looked at the night sky, watching the stars twinkle and shine. He then looked at the city, seeing the bright colors and busy streets hurt his eyes. He watched as cars passed by, feeling the slight breeze from how fast they were going. Dawn was knocked out of his gaze by Aza flicking his forehead. "I can't believe rich men do this.." Sighed Aza, sliding down to sit beside Dawn. Dawn only grinned at him. He didn't say anything, only looked at Aza. The black haired men then looked at the graffiti covered wall. "Even if my family is rich, doesn't mean I am. You never know, something bad might happen," Dawn said with a shrug, pushing his hand through his messy hair. "I hope that never happens, though..".

After a moment of awkward silence, they heard a car horn as a black car drove up, an "UBER" logo on the side of it. "Looks like your ride is here, Dawn." Aza told the slightly dazed man, flinging a lit up cigarette on the ground before stepping on it. The brown haired man kneeled down and wrapped Dawn's arm around his neck, dragging him to the car. Aza opened the door and gently put Dawn on the leather like seats, before looking at the driver. "I texted you the address, get him home safely," said Aza as he shut the door close, watching as the black car drove off, the moon shining onto it. It looked like a scene from a movie. Aza sighed as he took out a pocket knife, examining it closely. It had a black tint to the blade, his name carved into the red, leather handle. The man flipped it closed, before starting to walk to Dawn's house.