
A Man and his Past

A young boy and his family recently came into Colorado. The boy is named Dawn, and he was 5 at the time. After arriving, he soon met his first friend, Aza. The two were inseparable, they would do everything together. In their teenage years, though, something happened. Something very horrible happened. It cost the life of Dawn’s family, and he blames his best friend for it. Dawn changed into a horrible being cause of it. In this story, it will show Dawn’s journey on how he will get his revenge, change the world, and become the man he always wanted to be.

BlackWolfAK · Fantasi
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14 Chs

The Result of Jealousy #2

Blood. Blood was all Dawn could smell. Sizzling of the grill filling his ears with a faint TV show in the background. The teenager thought his mind was playing tricks. Tricks of smell. As Dawn watched the pork chop sizzle on a pan, watching the oil boil underneath it. "Should I check? Did something bad happen?" Thought Dawn, with him wondering at the thought. His gut told him something bad happened. But, he was scared. Scared to see it for himself. The boy reached at the stove and turned it off, a small beep signaling it was turned off. With the sizzling gone, he could tell someone was at the doorway, their shadow being seen on the wall, liquid dripping from their pocket knife. Dawn looked at a nearby mirror, barely seeing who it was. "Who are you? What did you do?" Dawn finally asked. "Check for yourself." Said the figure. Dawn felt his eyes widen, his heart beat fastening. "Aza..what is he doing here?" Thought the teenager, before slowly turning towards the man, hazel eyes being met with brown ones. "Aza..?" Dawn breathed out, starting to slowly walk to him, glimpsing at the pocket knife in his hands. Their eyes being locked on each other as Dawn slowly passed the other teen. Once he was past, he ran to the living room.

"Mom! Dad!" Dawn called out, before stopping dead in his tracks. His gut was right. Something was terribly wrong. Dawn's hazel eyes stared at the blood stained wall, before slowly following the trail to the ground. There they were. Dead. From what Dawn could tell, they were stabbed several times. Seven or 9 times Dawn believed. The hazel eyes boy slowly backed away, feeling his eyes sting with tears. The boy felt a sharp pain in his back, right in the middle of his shoulder blades. "I'm sorry, Dawn..So sorry." Aza whispered in his ear, his hot breathe being felt. The brown haired boy yanked the knife through his back, until it stopped cause of his bones. Dawn's pained yells cried through out the house, a loud thump echoing. The black haired boy fell on his knees, before looking at Aza with a deadly glint of murder in his eyes.

"Fuck you!" Dawn snapped, trying his best to get up, grabbing onto Aza with support. But to no avail. Aza looked down at the blooding boy in pity. "You act tough, but you're just weak," Aza said with a chuckle, raising the pocket knife and stabbing him into his spine, causing Dawn to fall fully on the ground with tears of pain and sorrow rolling down his cheeks. The boy spat out blood, feeling his lungs hurt inside of him. He felt Aza let go of the knife, wiping his fingerprints off with soap and water. It made Dawn hiss at the soap seeker into his wound.

Dawn's body shakes as he raised his head, watching the killer walk to the front door, opening it. "I..I will kill you!" Shouted Dawn, slamming his fist into bloodied ground, having blood splatter on his face. "I will kill you and your family!" Aza only stopped at the words, before snickering and looking back at the dying boy and said, "we will see." With that, Dawn watched as Aza's figure walked into the fogged darkness. The boy let's out a sob as he laid his head in the pool of blood underneath him, sirens being heard off in the distance. He struggled to stay awake, his eyelids sliding down. "Maybe just a little nap.." breathed Dawn, feeling his mind slip into a slumber.

Sounds of machines beeping awoken Dawn, forcing his eyes open as the sudden bright light stung his eyes, causing him to shut them again. "Looks like you're awake," said a person. "Aza." With that thought, he instantly pried his eyes back open. Only to see a doctor typing on their computer. Dawn squinted his eyes as he watched the doctor get up and walk over to the boy, his footsteps sounding like echos in his head.

As the doctor shines his light in his eyes, the sound of a click being heard as the light shuts off. "So far, your neuro check is good and stable. Your aunt will come by shortly." The doctor said in a raspy voice, stuffing his light inside of his coat pocket. "What about my mother? And father?" Asked Dawn, trying his best to sit up, which the doctor stopped him. "You were stabbed two times. Both fatal. Do you have to stay still. Your parents..I am sorry. We couldn't save them. They were stabbed nine times, each one hitting a fatal organ." The doctor sounded pity. It made Dawn's blood boil. Not just cause of the doctor, but the thought of Aza killing his parents, and him covering their mouth as they screamed in pain did. Dawn watched the doctor leave, the door sliding behind him as he heard a faint, "your Aunt will be here soon.". "Some doctor..telling me my parents died and didn't care to give a shit?" The teenager thought, laying his head back. He felt tears prick at his eyes, with him trying to calm his mind, by watching his heart beat on the machine. Though, it continued to wander. It wandering into deep, dark thoughts. Dark thoughts of what he would do to Aza once he found him.