" la morte è l'unico vero uguale tra noi." (Death is the only true equalizer among us). Those were the last words, Andre heard before Baron Antonio 'The Tempest' Falcone shot his father when he was just eight. After 12 years of serving the Baron at the expense of his captive mother, on the very day he turns 20. Andre is willing to make sure those same words are the last words the Baron would ever hear. The question remains "Will he be able to go through with it when given the chance?"
The hallway was a traffic of activity. Students greeted each other as they made their way to the shower. A blond shirtless and barefoot guy clung his items(tee and sneakers) as he tried to sneak his way out of the room with the pink knob. Who knows, it might have been a one-night stand or a one-time hookup motivated by booze and drugs. And it seemed sobriety had him regretting his actions as he kept muttering 'shit' as he tiptoed his way down the hall.
Florescent lights hummed overhead, mirroring the black polished marble floors and bathing the red walls with a fresh coat. The sight always amazed Laura as if she couldn't believe that her, a freshman could reside in the popular prestigious Hawks hall.
Named after Charles Hawks, founder of the indomitable RedHawks. Hawks hall was a dorm for the rugby team and the elites - students whose parents were famous politicians, celebrities, business tycoons and fell into the stinking rich category.
Isabella or Bells, her roommate, got a spot even before she landed, being the daughter of a Baron in Italy and all.
She met a lost Bells at the school grounds trying to navigate her way to her dorm, the shitty Billy hall. It was the dorm where broke students like her, housed. In spite of that, it had taken her extras of extra shifts before she could pay for it, or at least the bed she was to be sleeping in, since three other girls were to share the room with her.
Right from day one, Isabella was unreceptive to boys. Bruce, the bulky full-back of the RedHawks, had been talking to her, trying to help her, but she paid him no heed.
"Hey, do you mind pointing me to Hawks hall" Isabella had said when she was strolling… well, stumbling by with her luggage.
"Seriously girl, you are asking another freshman, can a blind man guide another blind man", he scoffed. " whereas I've been telling you that I can take you there. See" he had pointed to his chest where 'RedHawks' was embroidered in red and black.
"I'm a rugby player" he had continued, pride laced heavily in his voice, "that hall is my home, so allow me help a beautiful girl who I wager must be tired after her journey to this fine institution."
Isabella had given him a smile that turned men to dogs, eager to obey. Turning to me, she said as if she hadn't heard him , "Never mind him, just point where."
"Dumb-ass freshman, you'll soon learn who owns this school. Goodluck and what is that your people say, Adieu" he had replied, storming off, a murderous glint in his eyes.
"I think he meant Addio" Laura had said, inspiring a chuckle from Isabella.
"But" she had continued, "making enemies on your first day is really not an ideal way to begin and that was one of the RedHawks. You had better watch your back, those guys don't play, especially when it concerns their teammates. Luckily for you, I took a tour before applying, so I know your hall, but you will have to excuse me to drop these off at my dorm before we can head to yours."
As she made to continue dragging her things, the girl said "Sorry about that, I'm Isabella and where might I ask, is this your hall?"
Embarrassment flushed her cheeks as she replied, "Nice to meet you, Isabella. I'm Laura and Billy hall is on the other side behind the cafeteria. Don't worry, I will be fast."
"Hey, Laura" Isabella had called after her as she made to quickly depart, "I don't really have a roommate and I have no clue what is what and where is where, so would you do me the honors and in return I might consider having you as a roommate"
What amazed Laura wasn't the thought of her becoming a roommate to this girl at the famous Hawks hall, but the nonchalant way to which she had asked, hinting that she wasn't used to being told no.
Laura Hayes hated people like Isabella, how privileged they are. How they didn't have to labor for anything in their lives. To her, they were privileged pricks and as much as she wanted to be the first person to enlighten the girl on the reality of no, she didn't. Instead, she hugged her as she practically shrieked yes. Maybe she had known then that Bells wasn't like the others. Or was she?, with that shit she just pulled over something as trivial as not lying for her to Sam.
"Good morning, Laura. Aren't you a little late than usual?" Mira asked, hurrying along and startling her to the present.
"Morning, Mira, you won't understand." Everyone knew that Mira was a gossip. She had a blog that somehow manages to provide the latest gists and information even before the school media could. Her dad owned Beacon, the most popular daily in London and one could say the apple really didn't fall far from the tree.
Laura wasn't going to allow her start her blog with a story about her, so she waved and called "Don't worry, Mira. It's nothing to concern yourself with" already jogging as Mira made to approach her.
A door opened on her right. The person behind it trying to rush back inside at the sight of her.
"Not so fast, Alicia. Please tell me that is not who I think it is."
Alicia Gray was a friend of theirs and, just like Bells, she was wild. Always partying, boozing and indulging all manner of stuff. Not to mention having a bad taste in boys.
"Keep your voice down" she whispered, dragging her away from the said door. Her hair was messy, her lips swollen, and her eyes glinted with pleasure. It wasn't rocket science what she had been doing.
"Keep my voice down, I was almost grateful that that twat had cheated on you so you could finally leave his abusive ass, but here you are sneaking out of his room a week later" Laura said, rolling her eyes at her friend.
"You don't have to remind me, I know. And don't you think I want to stay away, leave him, in fact, but I can't. I don't want to and, besides, he apologized and acknowledged it was a mistake that will never happen again, and I guess that makes me a fool, but I believe him", Alicia said, not meeting her eyes.
"Do you even hear yourself, 'he apologized and acknowledged it was a mistake that will never happen again', she mocked.
"His lying and cheating ass has always been like that, and I guess you're really a fool if you believe he will change."
"I don't expect you to understand" Alicia challenged, fighting the tears that were brimming in her eyes.
"Oh I do understand, but what I struggle to grasp is what you guys see in these fools. You know what, I've already had to deal with Bells and was on my way to your dorm to see if you would join me running, but I guess I have to deal with you too. My morning keeps getting better" she forced.
"You know no one asked you to do that, and I already feel bad as it is, you don't have to make it worse. Such a friend you are. And don't worry , one day you will find yourself someone who will treat you like shit cause all men do that and, for the sake of love, leaving won't be an option. I just pray I will be there to deal with you as well." She walked away, adjusting her bra and pulling her dress as she went.
With nothing but guilt and a hammering conscience, Laura plugged her earphones and ran out of there.
She was a hypocrite of the highest order. And a terrible, terrible friend. The truth was that she had actually met 'that someone' Alicia was talking about.
From the very day she set her eyes on Sam Hilton, she was smitten. He haunted and plagued her dreams, but in reality, it seems his heart only beat for her friend, Isabella.
All her life she has had to fight for everything, especially after her dad abandoned them for another woman. To stay in school and at the top while juggling three to four jobs. For Fred, her younger brother, to remain in school. For her mom not to feel the absence of her fool of a father. She even had to fight for Tyler in the eleventh grade when she decided to try dating so she wouldn't go to prom alone.
She had won but at a huge expense. That year she finished second best after devoting her time to tutoring Tyler, who was cute, but had a nut for a brain.
The cool morning breeze swept by her as she ran through a park, scattering a flock of pigeons. Through the lingering smell of hot coffee and oven fresh confectioneries, through fountains and alleys, her sneakers thudding hard on the cobblestones. Running helped her think and process things, especially after the first one she had when her dad left.
She had come home to see her mom sobbing on the sofa and the house empty of all things, his. It wasn't how most people processed abandonment, but she had taken off running for miles non-stop until her body failed her. It was on the long walk home that she accepted his absence and promised herself to do all she could to make sure her mom and Fred didn't feel his absence.
She quickened her pace even as her breaths came in rasps, as Alicia's words echoed through the song blaring in her ears.
One day you will find yourself someone who will treat you like shit cause all men do that and, for the sake of love, leaving won't be an option.
Alicia was right, men are scum. Her dad treated her mom like shit. Tyler treated her the same after using her to excel at his exams and bag his sports scholarship. Nathan was doing the same to Alicia. Andre to Isabella. Sam to most girls on campus and may do the same to her if her desire to have him would be granted.
Yet, she couldn't help herself or stop her heart from skipping a beat at the sight of him. Or how his gaze could hypnotize her. Or even how her nights would feel incomplete without dreaming of him.
If only she was as beautiful as Isabella. No, gorgeous as Isabella with her straight long jet-black hair, almond-shaped eyes like glistening obsidian pools, lips as red and plush as a rose and a body that draws every eye.
Life was unfair, but hers was a story of survival with each chapter a battle.
I just want to dedicate this chapter to all those who in one stage or another in their lives fought to be like Laura. Kudos to you all.
Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!