
A Love thorn pendent Memory

"In 'A Love Thorn Pendant Memory,' a woman's journey through love, promises, and life choices unravels the threads of her past. With each page, her heart leads her to discover the power of love, the weight of promises, and the path to forgiveness. Join her on this poignant exploration of heartache and hope, as she learns to follow her heart's true desires."

PearlRing1841 · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Betrayed by Friends

Rose gently held the angel wings pendant in her hand, her fingers tracing the delicate lines, feeling a pleasant tickle as her thumb and forefinger brushed over it. A small smile graced her lips as she thought of the boy who had played such a significant role in her life, her first real love.

Today was his birthday, and Rose had chosen this pendant as a special gift for him. As she held it, she made a silent promise to herself that she would do her best to give it to him, even though the fear of rejection lingered in her mind.

With a small birthday cake in hand, Rose walked quietly, her hands tucked behind her back, towards his parents' room. She could overhear Mrs. and Romeo talking about his impending eighteenth birthday, a milestone marking the beginning of his adult life.

However, just as she was about to proceed, Rose caught the sound of a familiar voice. She turned her head, searching for the source. Her heart sank as she recognized the voice of a girl named Hana, accompanied by her friends.

Hana commented mockingly on Rose's cake, and her friends joined in laughter. Rose knew that tone; it was filled with disdain. She frowned but decided to continue on her way.

But then, suddenly, a hand firmly gripped her elbow, halting her in her tracks. Rose turned to face them, her eyes meeting theirs as they smiled down at her. Hana spoke softly, suggesting that they should bring Rose along.

Rose was confused, asking what Hana meant. She looked at the faces before her, realizing that they were her friends, but something seemed amiss.

Hana's words turned menacing, and Rose felt a knot of anxiety forming. The mention of a guy dragging her near a car garage and throwing her to the ground sent chills down her spine. Hana warned Anna to stay away from someone while her friends laughed heartily.

Rose couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew Hana was lying, but the group continued to mock her. Rose's voice trembled as she confronted her friend, accusing her of spreading false rumors.

Hana and her friends only laughed harder, and the girl with fiery red hair fixed Rose with an angry glare. Rose tried to speak but found herself unable to utter a word. The group's laughter intensified, and the redhead girl's gaze remained unwavering.

Then, suddenly, someone seized Rose's arm, causing sharp pain to shoot through her elbow. Rose cried out in pain, attempting to break free, but the grip tightened, rendering her helpless. She desperately looked at the others for assistance, but all she found were smirks and indifference.

Rose was caught in a bewildering and distressing situation, her mind racing as she tried to comprehend what was happening.

As Hana and her friends continued to mock Rose , their laughter echoing through the room, Rose's confusion and frustration grew. She couldn't understand why her longtime friends were suddenly turning against her, The laughter intensified, and it felt like the world was closing in on her.

With her arm still in the painful grip of the guy who had restrained her, Rose felt tears welling up in her eyes. She had always considered Hana and her friends her closest companions, and this sudden betrayal hurt more than she could express.

Hana, the ringleader of the group, looked at Rose with a triumphant glint in her eyes. She turned to her friends and said, "I'll bet she won't even have the courage to give that cake to him."

Rose's ears rang with their taunting words. She wasn't one to back down from a challenge, especially when it came to matters of the heart. The boy whose birthday it was meant everything to her. Despite the laughter and Summoning her inner strength, Rose decided to confront the situation head-on. She looked straight at Hana and her friends, her voice trembling but determined. "You can laugh all you want and make your bets, but I won't let your words stop me. I'll give this cake to him, and he'll know the truth."

Hana's friends exchanged glances, seemingly surprised by Rose's resolve. Hana herself hesitated for a moment but then smirked. "Fine," she said, "let's see if you have the guts."

With those words, Hana signaled to the guy who had restrained Rose. As Rose turned away from Hana and her friends, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. She knew that Hana and her friends were above playing dirty, but she hoped they wouldn't go too far.

However, her hope was short-lived. Hana signaled to the guy who had restrained Rose earlier. He received her gesture and, with a malicious grin, walked toward the birthday cake. He took the knife meant for cutting the cake and held it above the cake's surface, making a small, deliberate cut.

As the knife touched the cake, a thin line of red icing emerged, causing Rose's heart to sink. It was a symbolic act meant to tarnish the cake and, by extension, Hana and her friends watched with twisted satisfaction, relishing in their cruel game.

Rose clenched her fists, her determination burning even stronger now. She couldn't let them ruin this special moment. She knew she had to find the boy quickly, before Hana and her friends could further sabotage her heartfelt intentions.

As Rose was about to walk away from Hana and her friends, she suddenly felt a strong hand gripping her arm once more. It was the same guy who had restrained her earlier. This time, he received another signal from Hana, and a sinister grin crept across his face.

With surprising strength, the guy forced Rose to her knees, making sure she couldn't move. Her heart raced as she realized the depth of Hana's cruelty. She was now physically restrained, humiliated in front of her friends, unable to continue her mission to find the boy and deliver the birthday cake.

Hana and her friends looked on with a mix of amusement and satisfaction, reveling in their power over Her. It was a heartbreaking and frustrating situation for her, who had only wanted to express her love and goodwill on this special day.

Rose knew she had to think fast and find a way to break free from this humiliating position. She couldn't let Hana's malicious game destroy her chance to make things right.

As She knelt on the ground, restrained and humiliated by Hana's friends, Hana herself approached with a wicked glint in her eyes. In her hand, she held the hot, red knife from the birthday cake. Rose's heart raced, and panic surged through her veins as Hana pressed the hot blade against her chest, causing a searing pain.

Rose winced, tears forming in her eyes from the intense heat and pain. Hana's cruel actions were pushing Rose to her limit.

Summoning every ounce of strength and courage, She spoke with defiance in her voice. "Hana, you can hurt me all you want, but you won't break my spirit. Love and sincerity will always triumph over cruelty and deceit."

Her words hung in the air, and for a brief moment, it seemed like a glimmer of doubt crossed Hana's face. But Hana quickly regained her malicious composure and pressed the knife even harder, causing Anna to gasp in pain.

However, just as it seemed Rose's ordeal was reaching its darkest point, her mobile phone suddenly rang, shattering the tension in the air. The unexpected sound startled She and Hana's friends, causing them to pause and look around in confusion.

Rose's heart raced as she scrambled to answer her phone, unsure of who could be calling her at such a critical moment.

In the midst of the chaos, Hana and her friends, spooked by the possibility of being caught or reported, abruptly ceased their assault on Rose and fled the scene in a panic. Their fear of facing consequences outweighed their desire to continue tormenting her.

As the dust settled and Rose realized she had been spared further harm, she felt a mixture of relief and astonishment. She answered her phone, only to find her big brother on the line, his voice filled with concern as he asked, "Rose, where are you?"

Relieved to hear a familiar and caring voice, She quickly replied, "I'm in a difficult situation, near the bridge." She hesitated to share the full details but knew she needed help.

Her big brother immediately sensed the urgency in her voice. "Stay there, Rose. I'm on my way," he assured her.

She hung up the phone, a glimmer of hope in her heart. She knew her big brother would come to her aid, just as he had countless times before. With renewed determination, she waited for his arrival.

As She waited, fear, pain from her ordeal, and exhaustion overwhelmed her. Weakened by the emotional and physical stress she had endured, she suddenly collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

Time seemed to stand still as She lay there, her body limp and vulnerable. Her big brother, still en route to rescue her, remained unaware of her current condition.

The situation had taken a dire turn, and Rose's unconscious state left her future uncertain. The mission to deliver the birthday cake and heartfelt message now hung in the balance.