
a love contract with my favorite villain

when Fumiko Suzuki was five she made a contract with her friend Arturo Aguirre that if they aren't married at the age of twenty-five then they would married each other. now twenty years later Fumiko is heartbroken and single after a toxic relationship with her ex and she decides that she would stay single forever until Arturo appears out of nowhere with the contract and now Fumiko doesn't know what is worst the fact that Arturo took the contract serious and actually wants to marry her or the fact that he is the most wanted villain also known as "Bloodstain"

TlatoaniPizarro · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

the prologue ends here

Arturo opens his eyes. he is lying down on a sofa. he looks around of the living room in which he is as he stands up. he walks around and it doesn't take long for him to know that he is in Fumiko's place.

Arturo goes to the kitchen. he opens the refrigerator and he takes a beer. he is drinking it calmly until he starts to feel a terrible fear running all over his body. Arturo turns around and he greets Fumiko who has just return.

Fumiko asks him why is he drinking her beer. Arturo's excuse is that he was still drunk and he needed to drink liquor to recover the clarity. Arturo goes back to the living room. Fumiko fallow him. she asks him why was he drinking so much. Arturo stays quiet.

Arturo asks her about the kiss. he wanted to know if she liked the kiss. Fumiko laughs and she lets him know that if he talks about the kiss again she is going to beat him up. Fumiko tells him that she has a lot of work now that there are only two big bosses on the city. there are a lot of gangsters who want to create their own faction.

Fumiko takes a beer from the refrigerator. she sits on the sofa as she drinks. she tells to Arturo that she is thankful that tomorrow in Saturday. she admits that this last days had been so aggressive with work that she felt like she was about to fall unconscious at any moment. with the captain back things will get calm really soon.

Arturo asks for a kiss. Fumiko kicks him in the knee. Arturo yields. he sits on his knees. he asks for mercy. Fumiko laughs and she forgets about work. it is actually really good to have him at her side.

"I have to admit that when I was a kid you were my first crush. I waited for your return for many years until I eventually forgot about you and I started to date with all kinds of guys. when you appear in front of me I was confuse..... I didn't know what to do with all the memories of my childhood knocking on the door and the man who was at the other side of that door."

said Fumiko smiling at him.

she is confuse about her feelings. she is not sure if what she feels for him is a simple crush or is the melancholy of the memories of their childhood. she was still in love of Ray of Hope when they broke up, it was so painful for her to love a clown like him that it became hard for her to believe in love once more.

Arturo has met all kinds of people. he has kiss other lips before, he has tasted other skins before. he knows the essence that leaves in the skin a night of passion, but he never opened his heart to anyone.

every women that slept on his arms, every women that slept next to him was not important enough to remember. if Arturo ever slept with someone it was mostly when he was drunk and he saw Fumiko in the faces of others.

it could be said that Arturo didn't slept with those women, but with the ghost of Fumiko while he was on the burrow feeling skins, tasting flavors, smelling perfumes. it was the shadow of Fumiko always on his mind as he felt other women on his body and forced himself to think it was her. there were several endless night from dusk till down drowned on liquor because that was the only way for him to see her.

"I have never been wrong about my feelings. I have to admit that there were other women on my bed jet none of them I can recall. all this time since I was a kid you were the only one on my head..... you were the only one on my heart and my reason to be."

confesses Arturo as he looks at her in the same way a beggar looks at the sun.

Arturo can't deny that he is not exactly pure of body or soul. jet even when he slept with others in his heart there was only one person and that person will always be the only one on his heart.

Fumiko can't ignore the fact that he is honest about his feelings, but the real question is how real are those emotions that he is feeling. it has been months since she broke up with Ray of Hope and she is still refusing to accept anyone inside of her heart.

Arturo asks Fumiko if he can hug her. Fumiko looks at him for a moment. she isn't sure if she will ever love him or if that love would ever be real, but for now a hug is more than enough. she nods. Arturo hugs her, he sights once he feels her body around of his arms.

"can you answer a simple question for me? what is the meaning of love?"

whispers Fumiko in his ear.

some tears are falling from Arturo's eyes. he wanted to scream or cry intensely at the moment he heard her voice clearly. Arturo sights with a lot of pain as he tries to understand and control the feelings that he is feeling right now.

Fumiko notices how those words had affected him and she tells him that it is fine if he doesn't answer her. he doesn't have to say anything. silence can also be an answer. Arturo closes his eyes.

"that is not something I can easily describe.... I heard that for different people the response is different. what I want to say is that there is no right answer.... my answer to this dilemma is that love is you. to me you are love."

Arturo releases her. he looks directly at her eyes. Fumiko can see it in his eyes that he isn't lying. he is telling her the truth. Fumiko smiles feeling better to know that she can be especial to him. she feels great to know that she is especial, really especial to someone.

Arturo cleans the tears from his face. he feels ashamed of showing his weakness in front of her. he wants to be seen as a strong person in front of her. he wants to be someone she can trust to protect her and care for her.

Fumiko goes to the kitchen for more beers. she gives one to him and she drinks the other beer. she sits again in the sofa as she looks awkwardly at the TV. she watches news about Walter Grey's case.

"there is more of one guy interested in starting a relationship with me, but I don't know who is honest and who is not honest about his feelings. the worst part is that I don't even know my self, if I actually care for any of them in a sentimental way."

said Fumiko while looking at the TV.

Arturo could swear or even offer his eternity but words are just words. if he wishes to demonstrate he has to use actions and not only words, only in that way she could see the sincerity of his words. the sincerity of his heart.

Fumiko drinks her beer. she sights thinking in all the events that had been happening on the city. she is now officially a policewoman just like she wanted to be. there is a lot of work to do, but at least she can say that she has fought hard enough to accomplish her dreams.

Arturo drinks the beer. he looks at the clock on the wall. the clock strikes twelve o'clock. Arturo receives a call from Daisuke who is right now with Mr Blue-Ribbon running away from the police in a stolen cop car. Arturo asks if he needs help.

Fumiko change the channel on the TV. on the news they are talking about a stolen cop car. Daisuke and Mr Blue-Ribbon are clearly visible on the TV. Fumiko looks at Arturo with many questions. Arturo tells her that he doesn't know the guy on the TV. he hangs up. Arturo is resentful and he have't forgiven Daisuke jet for that time that he ignored his calls and Arturo walked from the bridge to his home for hours.

"isn't that your friend?"

"who? I don't know that guy that looks familiar who is on the TV."

Fumiko finishes her beer. she tells Arturo that he should help his friend. Arturo have doubts if Daisuke really needs of him (Daisuke is considered as dangerous as Arturo. I mean yeah Arturo has a cooler power, but Daisuke was born inside of an Assassin family that belongs to the Yukuza so yeah he can take care of himself.)

Arturo kisses her on the cheeks. Arturo goes to the bathroom. he pisses and wash his hands. he looks at himself on a mirror. he does his hair. when he gets out of the bathroom Fumiko was already asleep. Arturo goes inside of her room and comes back with a blanket that he puts on top of her.

Arturo sits on the sofa slowly and he touches her hair and plays with it as he looks at her face for a moment. Arturo looks at the TV. he has no choice but to help Daisuke if he wants to avoid another destruction that costs a lot of money to the city.

"I love you, you have no idea how real is this love that I have for you. the only problem with love is that is not enough to love someone. sometimes the world is so unfair that even love is not strong enough to unite two souls. I am so sorry Fumi."

whispers Arturo on her ears.

Arturo stands up. he puts on his Villain mask. he feels her hand grabbing his hand. Bloodstain turns to see her face. he feels bad knowing that he is always going to be a monster for the eyes of the world and is possible that for that reason he might never be able to be at her side.

Fumiko wants to believe in him. she wants to trust him. she wants to accept the love that he offers her. even when he has his mask on she can see clearly his face and the expression that he might do. she smiles.

Arturo didn't know how, but he was kneeling in front of her when he blinked. Arturo holds her hand and he puts her hand close to his lips. he wants to stop time so he can be like this in front of her forever. he doesn't want to move.

"all my childhood I was protected by my father. he is still protecting me from the world on his own ways. what I mean is that I can't tell you that I know what happened to you in the past nor I can imagine it. the only thing I can say is that I am surprise that even when your past was difficult you are a decent human being."

Fumiko looks away. Arturo sits on the sofa with her. he looks at her for a moment. with his right hand he touches her face. there are many things that he wants to say. he is not sure if he can stay on the city with all his enemies.

"is true that the world has not been kind to me, neither was the path I walked in. the only reason I never let that to corrupt my soul, the only way form me to keep my soul in its place was by thinking about you, the memories of our childhood and the idea of finding you was my reason to stay sane."

Arturo hugs her. he cries loudly. he can't control his emotions when he is close to her. he is screaming as he lets out all of those emotions. he holds her tight afraid of letting go. he feels like if he where on a cliff and letting her go meant falling deep inside of an eternal never ending hole.

earlier on the prison known as Odin's sight....

Julio Aguirre is surrounded by ten men who want to attack him (they were ordered to kill him.) Julio Aguirre gets two bat like wings out of his back. the wings have sharp bones in the corners. Julio turns three hundred and sixty degrees while opening his wings. with his wings he cut them all like if his wings were blades.

the ten men are falling on the floor bleeding and dying. Julio Aguirre hides his wings. he walks away from them. Harold, Vladimir and Bandit Cadaver are waiting for him. Harold tells him that Gluttonyc Justice told him to let him know that the escape is happening.

Vladimir invites them to drink with him on his cell. they follow him to his cell where he has his beer. Vladimir sits on his bed and he complains about feeling pain on his ass. Julio takes one of the beer battles and he looks suspiciously at his cellmate.

"you didn't put this on your ass, right? sorry but I am not eating that lie of your smuggling of liquor without putting it on the ass. like I have seen enough movies to know where the convicts put the things they smuggle inside of prison."

said Julio looking directly at the eyes of his cellmate.

everyone (except Julio) laughs thinking it was a joke. they all take a beer each. Julio drinks his beer and he asks for another beer. Vladimir and Harold are talking about the plan for their escape and about every important detail. Vladimir was safe on prison with the Brothers of the Red Shoes, but he wanted freedom.

Vladimir tells them that he wanted to be a hero when he was a kid. he really wanted to be like by others and to help, but he had a responsibility as a gangster and he didn't have powers unlike them. he was a powerless human.

"no crying man. no crying. you are a mafioso now and you can't give your back to the people that depends of you."

said Harold in a serious tone of voice.

"we all had dreams and unfulfilled wishes, we came from dark pasts but what matters is the present and to appreciate those with who you share your present without getting lost in hopeless thoughts about the future or pointless what ifs."

said Bandit Cadaver with a small smile.

this was a night to celebrate and to drink with true friends. this is meant to be one of those nights that becomes unforgettable with time. there is coming a time for a change, a change for the better. now the important question is if they will be ready for it.

there was something especial about being with people that you can call your friends. there was something especial about drinking with them. Julio was alone but not anymore. since they arrived in this prison Julio was given the opportunity to have something known as a genuine friendship.

earlier on the middle of the hallway....

Daisuke is driving. one of his clones is shooting at the cops with an assault riffle. another clone is shooting with a shotgun. Mr Blue-Ribbon is sitting next to Daisuke. even when Mr Blue-Ribbon is one of the best killers on the city he is not interested in killing right now and he is more interested in sleeping. like it was explain before he care for his beauty sleep to not lose his beauty.

Daisuke keeps calling his friend who refuses to answer his phone. Daisuke tells to one of his clones to kill himself. the clone opens the door. he shoots at himself on the head. the dying clone falls off the car and explodes on the air making it difficult for the cop car behind and causing it to crush on a building.

Daisuke makes another clone who goes to the back sit and he closes the door. he takes the weapon from the sit and he starts shooting randomly at the cop cars behind of them. Daisuke asks Mr Blue-Ribbon for help but he refuses to sacrifice his beauty sleep.

Daisuke is desperate to escape from this situation. Bloodstain appears out of nowhere on the middle of the road. Bloodstain jumps using his tentacles. he steps on top of the car. he looks down at Daisuke & Mr Blue-Ribbon.

"bitches daddy is back... I always wanted to say that. hello Daisuke, stop moaning."

said Bloodstain with confidence on himself.

Bloodstain is using two tentacles to stay nailed at the car. he stretches two tentacles that releases smoke. he takes Daisuke out of the car and he jumps on top of a building. Daisuke asks if he is going to let Mr Blue-Ribbon been arrested. Bloodstain tells him to follow him.

ten minutes later; Mr Blue-Ribbon wakes up as he is taken in a cop car. he releases himself and he kills the cops in the car with a gun. he gets out of the car. he looks at his watch to see that is too late to be awake.

"that asshole has no understanding of what beauty sleep means."

yields Mr Blue-Ribbon furiously.

he takes the dead bodies out of the car. he looks at more cops coming his way. he gets inside of the car and he drives far away from them.

on top of a building is Lucky-Hit looking at Mr Blue-Ribbon trying to escape on one side of the city and Bloodstain running on the rooftops of the buildings with his friend the Drainer. Lucky-Hit tells to the people on the shadows that he is going to wait for the right time to attack the city, once Bloodstain is ready.

"why are we leaving when we are already here and he is in there."

said one of the guys on the shadows.

"he is not ready, not jet. I will know when he is going to be ready for us. when the time comes believe me, we will begin the judgement day for the city and the citizens of it.... every rotten being in it will be judge based on their sins."

said Lucky-Hit follow by an evil laugh.

I will take my time to properly write a better arc in the next volume. yes I will take a small break but I will be beack with a better volume next time.

TlatoaniPizarrocreators' thoughts