
A Lost War Tale - Unknown Hero

In a magical and medieval universe taken by war, after returning from hunting a magical deer, two young people, Alma and Viktor, are called to fight for the south and for the General of the Iron Hand. Alma is interested in participating in the war and fulfilling his dream, gaining renown and being respected despite his strange appearance, but Viktor refuses to be just one of the 16-year-olds who will be sent to obey orders in the war. However, a sudden attack destroys the village in which they lived and culminates in the disappearance of Viktor's father, leaving the two to enlist both to survive and looking for an opportunity to find the person responsible for the attack, rediscovering the girl responsible for the attack who strangely resembled with Alma, generating the discovery of an ancient and magical people to which he belonged and mainly his direct connection with Viktor's family, the Gibrams, the makers of destiny.

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17 Chs

Chapter 15 - Dead Men March

"So there's another group apart from the prince and iron hand general's armies?" Alma furrowed her brow, saying, "I thought the war had stalled due to the enormous number of losses, why is there a new name surfacing in the war just now?"

"It's precisely because of all this time in war. It's been a while without a victor, and because of that, the rebellion of some soldiers has formed a new power in the war," Elioth said, giving a slight smile. "They're called Dead Men March, led by Guillem Juggram. They are former soldiers who abandoned their roles, many from both the north and south now part of the march."

"They don't want to fight for either the general or the prince; the war has gone on for over 30 years... so they're seeking a way out of it," Alma grumbled, then lifted her head. "What do they want?"

"They believe power should belong to the people. This Guillem seems to be a natural leader who somehow convinced factions from opposing sides. However, he doesn't want to ally with any of them or dominate over them," Elioth said with a slight smile. "His persuasive speech to the masses indicates he believes power should belong to the people, and that the era of the bourgeoisie has come to an end. Because of this, his group managed to kidnap a noble from the southern region, further mobilizing troops and announcing the recruitment of new squires for the war, this time allowing those as young as 16..."

Alma furrowed her brow and crossed her arms thoughtfully, while Nina lowered her eyebrows, saying, "Does that mean I won't be able to go then?"

"Let's proceed with our plan; let's not give them a choice but to recruit us," Viktor said, crossing his arms.

"I haven't trained as much as you guys; I only managed to use reinforcement once and for a moment..." Nina remembered the moment she had attacked the Wolverine and furrowed her brows. "Just that tired me out physically, I don't even know if I can do it again. The age difference between us, you could cover since you've been training since early on... but me..."

She lowered her head in silence, Alma squinted while furrowing his brow, but Viktor spoke up, "You said you'd help us get stronger to join the army, right? How much time do we have?" He looked at Elioth and continued, "You said you'd train us, I want Nina included in that."

"I know, I said I'd train all of you since you brought the horn to me. I promised, and I will fulfill it. So get ready, but before that..." He pushed the bag of gold toward them. "Go eat, sleep, and be here in the morning. I'll prepare our departure and train you. You need to be ready and rested to follow the training."

"Hey, do you know where I can fix this leather armor?" Viktor pointed, and Elioth looked curious.

"Leather isn't easily fixed; why not just replace it?" He turned fully and said, "Just transfer those furs; it'll retain its magical property."

"No, I want the armor..." Viktor sighed. "It has to be this one..."

Viktor lowered his gaze and looked at the armor, pressing it lightly. Elioth watched with a smile as he stood up, grabbed the horn from the table, and walked calmly toward his storeroom. Before leaving, he said, "You can reinforce it with iron plates if it holds such emotional value for you." He showed a slight smile but then passed through a door inside the shop, disappearing from their sight. "I know doubt still lingers in your hearts; for whatever you need, I will help. Think thoroughly and make a choice you won't regret."

The three continued to look toward the door while Nina simply lowered her gaze.

Viktor sighed lightly as he turned towards the exit, followed by the other three.

Time passed, and night fell in Aldanna. In a small room at an inn, the three arranged their beds as if they formed a triangle.

While Nina remained silent, Viktor finished making his bed. Alma then said, "If you don't want to fight, Nina, it's okay. Honestly, I even prefer that..." He clenched his fist and threw himself onto his bed, saying, "Viktor and I will join to gather information about what happened in the village. We might be able to force our way in and with whatever we gather, we'll be able to buy or secure a place for us. In the end, we can stay together while the training lasts."

"What do you want, Nina?" Viktor raised his head, looking back at the girl.

Nina kept her head down, but then she took a deep breath, looked up, and smiled, saying, "I won't hinder you, brother. Even though I'm younger, I don't want to be a burden..." She sighed deeply and continued, "Forcing our way in is something you guys can manage because you've been training since you were young. As for me, I think it'll be hard to use a decent weapon with just one arm and prove my worth. I'll have some time to think and try to develop something unique in training; I'll rack my brains for a while. Even if I'm not strong, if it's unique and useful, I think I can also join."

"But is that really what you want?" Alma furrowed his brow while sitting and looking down. "Because... if it's not..."

"I know, you'll support me, but it's what I want..." She gave a gentle, sympathetic smile, looking at both of them. "I don't want to be separated from the family I have. If you go to war, I'll go too. Don't worry, I'll come up with an idea and join your training. It might take time to catch up, but I will, my way."

Nina turned to her bed and then slipped under the covers, lying down with a slight smile on her face, saying, "You've learned to fight, I will too." She turned with a smile and added, "Goodnight."

In a short while, Nina was already asleep, and Viktor sat on his bed, keeping a slight smile on his face, saying, "She really is your sister, huh?" He also lay down and continued, "Don't underestimate her for being younger. After all, in just two days of practice, she managed to use the basic version of reinforcement."

Viktor looked up, recalling the moment she had thrown the stone at the Wolverine.

Initially, the stones were supposed to distract the Wolverine before it attacked, but thanks to the reinforcement, she had managed to reach farther and surprisingly hit the target, making Viktor chuckle and say, "She's good, imagine if she had a bow..."

But in the end, Alma sighed, lowering his head, and said, "Again, it's not what I wanted..." He squinted and concluded, "I guess no older brother would want this..."

Sure, here's the translation:

"Well, I can understand you." Viktor covered himself and sighed, turning his head to the ceiling while closing his eyes, saying, "I also don't want Nina, who's much younger than us, to fight in the war, but if it's her wish, will you support her?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that..." Alma let out a long sigh and said, "In the end, all my preparation to keep her safe in that house went down the drain when the attack happened..."

"At least you two are alive," Viktor said, making Alma lift his head. "Of all those who lost their lives in that attack, honestly, I'm thankful my father threw me into the river to save me. I know he would have done the same for both of you, but whether by luck or fate, you're here. Do what you think is right, but remember, your sister also has something to think about. It's not just the two of us who survived that incident. It might sound harsh, because it is... but even though she's the youngest, after everything, she must have her own opinion."

Viktor turned his body towards the wall, covering himself completely with the blanket, letting silence reign in the room once again.

However, Alma remained seated, slowly lowering his head, lost in his own thoughts as his mind reminded him of that day.

For a brief moment, he remembered hearing the thunderous sound that made the walls of his house tremble.

Looking out the window, he saw the house in ruins as its debris continued to fall, but the most striking was a girl with white hair, standing still, gazing into nothingness with a skeptical look.

But suddenly, she was in his house, without entering through the door or any place, simply appearing in the middle of his house, now looking in his direction.

As he stared at her, the girl showed a faint smile and said, "So there's still another Noah; I'm glad that even amidst all this chaos, there will be salvation..."

As her words ceased, Alma's surroundings slowly turned red, and the atmosphere grew increasingly hot.

Looking out the window, he could see large firestones falling towards the city as the surroundings reddened even more.

People crowded the streets, their eyes wide, not knowing how to react. Alma, with wide eyes, couldn't make his body react. Yet again, the girl took a step forward, but this time, she embraced him, sinking into his chest, saying, "No need to worry; in the end, those of us who can bring about calamity will survive."

And one of those stones struck Viktor's house directly, initiating a rain of gigantic stones that even reached his house. However, that was the last memory Alma had, causing him to furrow his brow while still sitting on the bed, staring at the floor, saying to himself, "Noah..."