
A Lost War Tale - Unknown Hero

In a magical and medieval universe taken by war, after returning from hunting a magical deer, two young people, Alma and Viktor, are called to fight for the south and for the General of the Iron Hand. Alma is interested in participating in the war and fulfilling his dream, gaining renown and being respected despite his strange appearance, but Viktor refuses to be just one of the 16-year-olds who will be sent to obey orders in the war. However, a sudden attack destroys the village in which they lived and culminates in the disappearance of Viktor's father, leaving the two to enlist both to survive and looking for an opportunity to find the person responsible for the attack, rediscovering the girl responsible for the attack who strangely resembled with Alma, generating the discovery of an ancient and magical people to which he belonged and mainly his direct connection with Viktor's family, the Gibrams, the makers of destiny.

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17 Chs

Chapter 11 - Preparation

The day was dawning, and the three of them were still near the cemetery. Alma was leaning against a tree while Nina was tending to their wounds with a damp wool, causing him to grunt slightly as she touched him.

"Quit whining, you're bothering me," Viktor commented, a slight smile on his face.

"Oh, shut up, I fell into a heap of branches and sharp rocks, don't know how I ended up so far away," Alma grumbled, maintaining an irritated look, but eventually sighed, saying, "We were practically beaten with body blows, that's what frustrates me. Only in the end did he strike seriously."

"Yeah, I know," Viktor, shirtless with a torn piece of cloth positioned on his chest, replied. "Thanks to the leather armor, the blow wasn't as forceful as it could have been, but I won't be that lucky next time. If it had hit my arm or another part, I wouldn't have gotten away with just this."

"That leads me to conclude that we need medicine," Nina said, sounding somewhat downcast as she tore Viktor's previously worn shirt into rags. "We were lucky he retreated; if something like that got infected or if he had venom..."

"We know, let's return to the city," Viktor said, still struggling as he put on the leather armor, trying not to hurt himself. "We underestimated our monster too much; we'll have to do something better to catch him. We'll need better equipment than a broken sword and some skewers. Thank you for staying to protect me, Nina, you were brave."

"It's okay, I know you'd do the same," she gave a slight smile, and Viktor reciprocated, but he sighed upon seeing the remains of his sword beside the blade, leaving him to sheathe the blade and then the hilt.

"It's going to be hard with the money we have. Besides, despite the greater durability, sooner or later, the meat will spoil and lose its value. We need to either eat or sell it all at once," Alma said, still grunting, but the treatment ended with Nina's help, and he put his shirt back on.

"If it helps, it's better to eat it all. Even if I become physically strong, it will still be better if both of you develop first. We don't have that much meat left because of what we lost in the accident," she lowered her head as she spoke.

"It's still something we've heard; it might be true, might not," Alma looked sideways, furrowing his brow as he said. "But thanks to that merchant's behavior, we're almost certain it's true."

In the end, many doubts remained, leading Viktor to sigh as he said, "Debating this won't add anything; we spent the night fighting and didn't eat. We're weak, let's leave."

"And we need to go to the city, buy equipment, and return before nightfall. If we're in a hurry, we have to do it properly," Alma looked at Viktor and said, "Protect Nina, and I'll go ahead to serve as a decoy, so I'll pave the way for you two to get there and buy everything."

"No, I can still fight," Viktor stretched and closed his eyes as if preparing himself.

"Seriously? With that knife?" Alma furrowed his brow and leaned on the tree to stand up. "I think it would be more useful in close combat. Besides, the blade-"

"That's the idea. I can reinforce my own body, making it stronger," Viktor said, opening and closing his fist. "If they're weaker monsters, I just need to make them hit the leather armor or dodge; since small weapons and claws won't get through, I just need to avoid being hit in lethal areas."

"That's foolishness..." Alma said in a subdued tone, but then Viktor smiled and said, "We don't have time."

As he finished the sentence, he dropped the leather bag with the meats on the ground, and the sun rose.

Quickly, they set up a fire, and as the arrows made by Alma were nothing more than skewers, they quickly cut the meats and prepared them.

The meal was quick, and even though there was no salt or spices, what remained in the meat provided a unique and irresistible flavor.

Although there were only a few pieces left, they ate a portion quickly and only stopped when they realized they were overindulging.

After the meal, they all felt good and invigorated despite an entire night without sleep; still, they felt energized, and the pain was fading.

In the end, they put out the fire and set off on the path they had charted, reaching the flat field they had passed through the previous day, and as he stretched, Viktor said, "Wow, I feel almost bad selling this meat." Viktor had a smile on his face. "The high price it commands makes sense."

"We still don't know the actual price... but yeah..." Alma sighed and continued, "I think the ideal scenario would be selling it to somewhere that cooks it, so they could multiply the price, and we'd have something a bit fairer."

"I know, but if it weren't for the lack of weapons, I'd vote for eating and getting stronger. It's a pity," he said with a smile, and Alma chuckled lightly.

"Are you sure the plan isn't just to eat?"

"Shut up," Viktor replied, maintaining the smile.

"Magical deer aren't the only magical animals that exist, right? Judging by that man's reaction, this meat must be worth a fortune," Nina commented, looking surprised.

"There are bigger and stronger animals than a deer to obtain magical meat, but they're so rare that hunting them would be quite unproductive, and dangerous thanks to the monsters," Alma replied, maintaining a serious look.

"Bigger? Than a deer?" Nina questioned in disbelief.

"Legends speak of dragons. Their meat is always hot, and whoever eats it will hurt their mouth every time they chew, but the increase in strength accompanies the price paid by those who consume the meat," Alma had a slight smile seeing Nina's surprised expression, but soon hurried footsteps were heard.

The trio turned toward the forest and saw a group of goblins with spears and simple weapons running toward them.

Viktor raised his fists and enveloped his body with a yellow aura, along with Alma, who raised his bow, while Nina grabbed stones.

Once again, the goblins stood no chance; although Viktor suffered some cuts on his skin, his reinforced punches were more than enough to kill the goblins while the arrows and stones finished off the others.

Avoiding battles with larger monsters and dealing with the smaller creatures more efficiently, the trio once again reached the city, and at a brisk pace, they managed to arrive before the sun reached its zenith.

Viktor ran into the city, carrying with him the coins and some pieces of meat, while Alma and Nina waited under a tree.

"I still don't feel comfortable sleeping before you," Nina said, sitting near a tree. "Aren't you being too lenient?"

"You know we wouldn't do that. As I said, later we'll continue the hunt to test the weapons and get ready to face the Wolverine," Alma crossed his arms as he watched Viktor move away. "We'll have few hours of rest until the Wolverine arrives; we need you to keep watch until then,"

Alma said, looking at Nina.

"Okay, but it still seems rushed. Viktor seems different; I know he went alone because he's less injured, but..." Nina trailed off, bringing her hand close to her chest.

"Despite trusting people too much, he'll manage in the city," Alma reassured her with a slight smile. "Better worry about getting some sleep."

"Fine, but... you said you were going to hunt. Shouldn't you spend the afternoon resting?" Nina inquired.

"Any form of life contains Diyo, and when we take that life, we consequently absorb the Diyo and become stronger. That's why hunters are strong even if some don't train or have a combat style," Alma explained, crossing his arms. "Even though it's minimal compared to all the monsters we've killed, it'll still be an addition we can apply. If we're going to defeat the Wolverine, we have to do it."

Nina glanced at the city again, then closed her eyes, trying to sleep as time passed.

After a few hours, in the middle of the afternoon, the sound of metal clashing with something echoed in the forest, accompanied by attacks and the sound of wind being cut.

Viktor advanced with a greatsword in his hand against a tall, fat goblin wielding a club. The swordsman moved forward, and the goblin stepped forward, swinging horizontally with his club. Viktor ducked, passed beneath the goblin's defense, and cut the side of his knee, causing the monster to grunt and falter.

Repositioning himself, Viktor swung the sword once, beheading the Fat Goblin, and its head hit the ground.

But another goblin leaped onto Viktor's back, a knife aimed at his skull. Quickly, a stone flew at high speed, shattering the goblin's head, making it fall lifeless. Viktor turned to see Nina spinning a sling in her right hand with a slight smile on her face.

"What a shot..." Viktor smiled lightly.

"A little more praise wouldn't hurt," she responded with a friendly smile. Soon, more goblin cries were heard, and both turned, seeing Alma carrying some goblin corpses.

"It's easy to understand why the materials of these are so cheap, they die so easily," Alma threw the bodies on the ground. "But it's better this way; at least we absorb some Diyo and won't tire out as much. Still, I'm glad to know these weapons work, despite costing us a good part of our remaining meat."

"It was a few pieces; at least my father taught me how to haggle. I was expecting only the sword and quiver of arrows, but as a bonus, I got a sling and a bag for stones," Viktor said with a slight smile, turning to Nina. "It'll help a lot, but you're learning fast, huh?"

"Not that hard," Nina smiled, still spinning the sling, then grabbed more stones. "Isn't it time?"

Both looked up simultaneously and nodded.

"Even though we're killing much weaker monsters, I think the way you dealt with the Fat Goblin is efficient," Alma said, looking down at the monster full of wounds. "In fact, it might be our only chance."

Viktor nodded in agreement, and the group continued.

The day had passed quickly despite being filled with monster confrontations.

Once again, the trio found themselves near the cemetery. Viktor and Alma leaned against a tree while Nina kept watch, staying alert to the surroundings.

"We're sure that fight didn't last all night..." Nina looked at the reddening sky, slowly darkening, feeling that same presence. "We knew he was magical, but he's strong..."

Time passed quickly, and night arrived. Distant and rapid footsteps were heard, causing Nina to call out, "Alma, Viktor!"

In unison, they opened their eyes and raised their heads, seeing the same scenario as the day before.

Night had fallen, and atop the hill, a creature glowed, with red eyes and an imposing posture, observing the trio below.

Once again, the monster raised its head and let out a powerful howl, alerting the trio who wielded their weapons. Viktor, wearing a broad smile, thought, "Time for a rematch."