
A lord of Mysteries wandering with a Sword

At the end of the Lord of Mysteries' life of many years of watching the world die out, it had finally ended and so he sought a different end to his own powers. He would leave it to chance. For another soul he would see the end of his life ended in a more, horrific fashion, to most. A final destination-esk ending one would even say. as his soul wandered its way a flash of light and he is no longer aware of where his soul is moving shifting colors and bright streaks of light and he finds himself in front of a fiery blaze. A new story for one who was to become the wrought iron hero, and a new beginning for the current one. —————————////—————————— planned worlds include but not in any order; Tamriel: oblivion and skyrim (different visits) JJK Universe all artwork is owned by their respective owners and all characters from their various franchises are owned by their respective companies. I’m just using it to entertain.

KilljoyCats · Komik
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68 Chs

Gojo Satoru

AN:// Couldn't come up with a title that did the man justice... So there he is in all his glory.)

{Shibuya Crater}

[General POV]

They all watched as he said those strange words his hand went limp. A smile on his face as he slumped in his self made chair. The Prison rolled from his hand to the ground in front of him. 

Then it started. A small insignificant crack. But then the cracked open. A small square outlined itself on the prison. Just as the opening seemed to start to close, hands reached out. Then ripped it open wide. A pillar of light erupted reaching the night sky.

The moon became visible as the light tore through the clouds. A small shockwave erupted but did no harm to those who watched with bated breath. 

When the light faded he stood there looking to the moon. His blindfold was still on his clothes barely wrinkled. The white hair gleamed in the moonlight. He was only a few feet from the unconscious self proclaimed mage. 

He slowly brought his face level with us. bringing his hand up he did a simple wave and said.


A few facepalmed at him. But fond smiles were on their face as they looked upon him. Gojo Satoru was back.

[POV Gojo]

Looking to each of the sorcerers gathered I could see how they had suffered. Injuries littered them, I wanted to take care of all of them but I could feel behind me the guy was beginning to become impatient. But I did have another to worry about. 

Turning to the young man slumped in what looked to be a throne with a bird that looked to be worried for him... I tried to see deeper in the guy who seemed to free me. For the first time since I was born... I couldn't. 

Just under this young man all I saw was a fog. but my senses even told me to be worried when I tried to look deeper. I had time later to truly ponder that, sadly he was unconscious. It seemed I had missed out because he just had one of those faces that one could tease.

The Bird looked to me now as I had my attention on it's charge. Surprisingly even I felt a threat from whatever bird that was. Some footsteps were heard to my left as when I turned to look, Kugisaki was running with cat. The cat had similarities to the bird, Though admittedly the cat was far more expressive as it lounged on Kugisaki.

So many new things around this boy. Yuji tried to ruin my mood though and said, "Gojo sensei, your smile looks weird right now."

Ahh so I was smiling a little too much. I turned to look at him in the eyes, but then I saw it. He was relieved as he saw me but there was pain in those eyes. Looking deeper, I could make out the sphere like seal littered with strange symbols all over it. 

Whoever this kid is really did a lot of work. 

Sadly the warm moment of my return was ruined by the fake. 

"Gojo Satoru, so your free. Against all odds that kid was really able to do something. But It matters not. I have succeeded this day. Even if you are free, the culling games will begin. I invite you all to enjoy as humanity is wiped from existence!" 

I could see he was channeling a large amount of cursed energy now. But I also couldn't move as he had placed many cursed spirits around us. Lifting my blindfold I could see them all clear as day as the circled in the ground around us. 

I felt slight movements behind me as apparently the cat went to check on his owner and seemingly claimed his lap after he saw he was alright. 

As far as stopping whatever fake Suguru was doing, I couldn't. Not without endangering everyone behind me. So there I had to watch as he continued. The grating smirk on his face as he knew. 

He reached to the ground as he kept eye contact. "Idle transfiguration" My eyes widened as he proceeded to pump a large amount of cursed energy into the ground in a pattern that moved to the sky soon after. 

While he was doing all of this I could feel many sources of cursed energy making their way here. 

First to arrive was one that felt like blood. Choso clan? Then Yuki was flying in as well. They both arrived on opposite ends of the battlefield and quickly coming to a stop following the activation of the technique. 

And I could see everything he was doing. From manipulating souls through the use of Tengen's barrier. To the next as he pulled a string, borrowing the strength from all those sources of power and connecting to those seals. He was unleashing hell and I couldn't stop it. 

A flap of wings next to my ear as the bird from before landed on my shoulder. The eye looked to me and it opened it's mouth. 

Human words came from it, but strangely I could feel it wasn't the "bird" speaking.

"Mortal, Do you wish to act?"

It brought a chuckle to me. This woman's voice coming from the bird seemed to read well into this situation. 

"Who are you to the kid?" I asked, making small talk as I calmed my laugh.

"His Mother, And I am very angry with his recklessness at this moment. Be that as it may... I am "Infinitely" more enraged at the being in front of you. You can't act with them behind you correct?" 

The way she announced infinite like that was like she saw through me. But that was fine, many knew about the Gojo clan after all. 

"And you can rectify that? through this bird?" I said, almost laughing at the thought of the bird just carrying them off. Until the little bird gave a presence that reminded me of Sukuna, only so much denser.

"My NIGHTINGALE, Mortal. And even I myself am not close, She is more than enough. But her talents don't lie with combat. She will clear the air, so to speak. Go wild as Mortals say, As decrees... Nocturnal."

With that the Nightingale as she called it flew back and drew the shadows around it and covered everyone behind me. And as the Choso and Yuki arrived they were swallowed by the shadows extending from the bubble around everyone.

Then It collapsed to the ground and they were gone. The shadow having simply combined and left. Turning my head to fake Suguru, my anger showed... briefly. That... Nocturnal, gave me a chance, best not waste it afterall. 

I regained my smile as I looked upon the fake. His face distorted as he realized I was here, no one but me. The Strongest.

"Alright!" I announced clapping my hands as his little ritual finished. 

"Now, now... What to do with you? It seems you've made a lot of people mad? You know? The strange guy who apparently has an even scarier mother. All of the Jujutsu Sorcerers. Me."

I began to approach him now. My steps steady, flashes of memories with myself and Suguru as I looked at him. And the disgrace he has given my best friend. I may not have seen eye to eye with Suguru in the end, But to distort his legacy into this. 

Cracking my knuckles I said, "This is gonna hurt you more than it hurts me. Just know that. I don't even want to know what your name is. It's irrelevant, because there will be no headstone for you. Capiche?" 

I didn't give him a response as I moved swiftly. Closing the vast difference instantly using Blue. 

Arriving behind him I decided this needed to be a little... personal. My cute students had to put up with this fool, so let him feel their pain. 

Red. The reason why I told Yuji to use his bad habit as his own way of fighting. The small red orb formed instantly as he turned to look back at me. The red orb was already finished and touching him. 

Then I utilized blue once more and arrived in his flight path. Kudos to him as he conjured a cursed spirit to protect him while he was flying towards me. 

A small localized Purple gathered in front of my fist. When you have an infinite amount of time to think, The possibilities are endless. While my body may have been trapped my mind, My Soul! Had a long time to think on what I could do better. 

The energy was utilized to destroy the cursed spirit surrounding him. As it was blown to bits, He was revealed to have decided to attack with a sword. His Domain amplification was activated as he attempted to cut through me. 

I simply activated Lapse Blue inside the little sword he held. His arm was dragged towards the center of the blade as it erupted. With the slight hesitation on his face present, I decided the fool needed to learn Just how outclassed he was.

My smile widened as I controlled my cursed energy. My stance just like Yuji's I had seen when he was practicing. Griping the stray limb that could no longer hold the detonated sword with my left, My right moved forwards. 

It landed right into his ribcage. I could see him immediately respond with the Reverse Curse Technique (RCT). The reaction time admiral. But he couldn't sense my red hidden inside and delayed as I channeled Lapse Blue and struck just as quickly as the first. 

They collided inside him and sent him flying back when I let him go. But all of a sudden a woman arrived at his side. While he had a very new hole inside his stomach, It wasn't fatal. She immediately applied RCT. 

"That boy really did a number on you didn't he. The Suguru I knew wouldn't be this weak."

That got a reaction out of him, "You fool, You act like you aren't aware already!"

"Ah, Ah, ahh. You lost to a child! The kid still has his mother watching over him! Definitely not out of High School range. And he folded you like a pancake! And you say it like he didn't?"

Just as he was about to speak I activated Lapse Blue again. Space bent to my whim as I appeared and kicked the little witch away from him. He responded by summoning a horde against me. Utilizing Uzumaki he created another creature to attempt to attack me. 

I simply walked through the beam his creature conjured. Watching him as he tried to put distance. The little Ice Witch tried to throw a veritable Iceberg at me. A wave of blue shattered the ice and sent it back to her. 

She did all she could to protect herself from the stray Ice as it shot out at her. 

With my right hand I utilized Blue again and instead of moving myself I dragged Him to me. Focusing I decided a little bit of Poetic justice for my student's favorite move needed a second chance. When he was in front of me in an instant later, My arm was already swinging. My mind focused and my eyes ready.

The punch was thrown. No limitless, No domain amplification, Nothing but raw Cursed Energy. As it connected I felt the vindication as the black lightning coursed through the fake Suguru's head. 

He fell to the ground a distance from me. Crying out in pain. Pitiful. This is the bastard who orchestrated all of this? This coward? 

Walking close to him I decided to end this. He may have started all of this, but he would not get to see the end. A smirk was on my face when he started to cower and speak.

"No, nono NO! I have done everything right! all of the predictions were Correct! But no sight of that blasted mage! We would return this world to the Heian Period! My brother would Rule again! WHY WHYWHYWHY WHY!!!!"

I couldn't help but chuckle that came to full blown laughter as he spoke. Sukuna's brother? 

He stared in abject horror at me when I was finished I said, "Ahh, It explains a lot now that I have that little piece of information. Sukuna's brother ehh. You know what the best part is? He can't even get out anymore! Whatever that kid did sealed him up REAL tight. Even better than the prison realm that's for sure."

Stepping over him I looked down at him. This time he would die. There would be nothing left for him to desecrate my best friend. Explaining to him just how the kid messed up his grand plans was just a nice bonus though.

"The little seal he put him in put him in the depths of Yuji's Soul. A little marble like what Suguru would make for his cursed Spirits before. Only that little sphere constantly drains the cursed energy from him and then feeds it into Yuji, after filtering it through some very weird symbols albeit. It also constantly tortures Sukuna as well. Something about those symbols just screamed "Justice" to my brain when I tried to look into them."

A brief chuckle left me as I said, "The strange kid really has all the surprises."

The Ice witch fell to her knees behind me having her own existential crisis. Fake Suguru was falling deeper and deeper into despair. But it was time.

Standing straight as my smile faded. Thoughts went to Suguru's final moments I was unable to witness before. My best friend. I finally get to bid you farewell.

"Suguru, find peace in knowing the one who is manipulating you this time will be gone. Its the least I can do."

Then I unleashed My domain. I would take no chances with this being. He has had enough of those as it is. Let him suffer as I finish him.

"Ryoiki Tenkai: Muryōkūsho"

(Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void) 

My Domain was centered around the two of us. As the Infinite surrounded us and flooded the brain of the fool in front of me. I prepared his last Rites. 

Red... Then Blue. While he was frozen in front of me I combined them. Hallow purple was created as he could do... nothing. Nothing as The Infinite void continued to flood his senses. With my words from before. My actions now. 

Then it was released. I released my domain next. In front of me a crater where nothing was left. My own mistake corrected by my hand. I took a deep breath as I felt the world around me. My Sight taking in the changes as the world sought to search for something in it. Something to "Contest" me. 

But I had my own smile as I gazed upwards. That kid came from somewhere else. New challenges? I am the strongest. But now I know I'm the strongest HERE. Just need to do a little spring cleaning, right? 


The Honored One sees the truth!

He sees your hordes of stone... 

Surrender to the one!

AN:// So there we go. Showcased a very strong Gojo decimating Kenjaku due to a number of factors in this scenario. Kenjaku had just finished the ritual to awaken new sorcerers and unseal the curses from the past. Due to this he was weakened. Since this was the case he was able to body him.

Make no mistake this is NOT the end of JJK world. A new story can be written in the ashes of Canon. A new path to move forwards with the inclusion of our MC. A new path without the original fate of the series. 

Hope I was able to portray Gojo a little on the more serious side, But he will be the happy go lazy uncle who teaches you to evade the system. YAY!

For those who have followed this story and the ones just beginning to really come along with the rest of us, Thank you. 

This has been both entertaining and heartwarming to write for you guys and I am thankful for the support. even if i am horribly inconsistent with releases. Blame my ADD on that.

This Khajiit Sends His Regards. (Salute)