
A long way home .

cam_ryn09887 · Komik
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The day we met.

I walked silently, tired some , of this horrid day, on the sidewalk from school. Believing nothing could make me smile. But then I looked up, seeing someone so breathtakingly beautiful. Even though I just saw him, I had to get to know him more . Before I could let him pass, I stopped him. " H-hi, my names Nicole. " I said nervously. He looked up at me cautious, he looked tired as well. "Oh, hey. My names Aaron ." He replied. Aaron, what a nice name, I thought . I couldn't let the chance pass, " Can I have your number ?". " Sure, yeah, of course ." He said. We left each one another happily that night. Thinking endlessly about each other. We talked every night after that, we became best friends. After 8 years though, that all went down hill.

This is the day our two faithful characters met. Aaron and Nicole never knew what was coming.

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