
A Light Within Darkness

It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. Now since the golden dick bag can't get out of his wheelchair, I am going to fix this literally God forsaken universe even if I have to smash it together in a new Big Bang if I have too.

Azazyel · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
91 Chs

Chapter X

Once we arrived back in our vault Elesmere told me she was going to finish her Diamond Body reformation while also coming up with a better disguise for her ears as that was the most defining part of her body that could out her as a Xeno.

I on the other hand knew all too well that gathering the troops and supplies to invade that Genestealer Cult was going to take at least a couple of hours so I had plenty of time for me to slowly engrave my sigils onto my Commissar sword until almost every inch of its surface was covered in small runes.

Honestly, for a Dharma Sword that will stick with me for a long time, this simple steel sword to put bluntly wasn't worth the hearts blood essence I was putting onto it but I needed a strong weapon that would last me until I at least reached the Earth Realm of Cultivation and once I got there I could see if I could make a deal with a demon for them to steal the Crone sword that Slaanesh had hidden away in one of her castles.

Well, that or I could attempt to either raid Terra for one of the Primarch's swords or trade with one of the Xeno races for a powerful sword.

Finally, after an hour of engraving with blood pulled with my Qi directly from my heart, I twisted the mass of runes and arrays on the sword in a swirling pattern making them shrink until it formed an ouroboros symbol at the hilt of the blade and I felt a strong connection to my sword.

"Now for the fun part..." I grimaced making Elesmere look outside her room in confusion at how apprehensive I sounded but her face froze as I pulled an Ichigo and shoved the blade through my own heart making me vomit blood as it pierced my lungs

"What the fuck are you doing!" Elesmere cried rushing into the room and was about to pull out the sword but as she approached, she saw where the blade should have penetrated all the way through my back that there was no exit wound even the blade's handle pressing against my chest.

I waved her off unable to speak with the literal blade inside my chest but knowing I had to rely on that gifted knowledge that hadn't steered me wrongly in absorbing a fucking sun of all things, I quickly followed the directions my mental guide explained and finally the handle of the sword fell out of the air as the sword's blade was fully absorbed into my body.

The loud clanging noise of the handle colliding with the metal floor signaled I had formed my Sword Seed as my heart took on the elemental alignment of Metal which would gift me a perfect talent for Sword Arts as I now had the Sword Orifice Heart Physique due to the Sword Seed Technique.

"I am alright Elesmere. Cultivation especially powerful methods I used aren't... Pleasant to get started to say the least." I said grimacing as I had a whole host of other powerful techniques, but I was honestly terrified of cultivating them. Such as the Primordial Rage Buddha technique which would allow me to grow to massive sizes at will grant me great strength and most importantly an insane regeneration factor that so long as a single drop of blood remained, I could reform my body within moments.

But the entry to that technique required me to sever or cripple all four limbs of my body and do the equivalent of climbing a cliff with only my chin to pull myself up in intensity...

On the other hand, was the Diamond Body Technique which was also a Buddhism art however it was rather basic, and it showed that the technique only requiring it needed the person simply to eat a large amount of food to fuel the body's transformation.

"Will other techniques you teach me be so... Ridiculous as to need you to stab yourself in the chest?" Elesmere asked wryly and I shook my head.

"No, frankly the Solitary Moon Technique you will be training will be far tamer in comparison to my actions in eating a sun. I burnt alive a bit and you uhm will eat a normal rock to mostly project ice while also having some gravity abilities."

"Just a normal rock? Not some super radioactive isotope that will turn me into a toad should I sneeze while absorbing it?" She said doubtfully and I gleefully nodded.

"Yup, a completely normal rock... Don't worry about it!" I said cheerfully patting Elesmere on her shoulder and I saw she was in no way convinced of my words. "Well in either case I need to head out lest I be left out of the fun to come. To train in Sword Arts obviously requires me to use a sword in battle."

Elesmere nodded as when I practiced just the motions of the sword arts, I had without Qi, even she had to agree the fluidity of the motions once I got the muscle memory down reminded her of the tales of that one sword-obsessed Eldar Yvraine that was a Sword Cultivator in all but name that fought in the War of Heaven millions of years ago and was still fucking alive at this point, just being a hermit and killing anyone who annoyed her.

With a flash, the Commissar sword flashed into my right hand but now it had a new handle made out of bone inlaid with glowing golden blood vessels showing its Metal elemental alignment.

As I walked into the tunnel, I looked towards the dark tunnel heading towards the spider domain, and with a flash I swung the sword within my hands a silver arcing beam of light was launched from my sword making a screaming noise as it heedlessly carved its way through Rockcrete and chunks of metal from the traps Elesmere setup.

Finally, after more than twenty yards of carving through the floor, ceiling, and all the debris in the way, the power in my sword qi dissipated leaving an early silence.

I nodded looking at the damage and not wanting to see Elesmere's reaction to her traps being wrecked I quickly made my way towards the Cistern City.


I was posted up above the slave-running business a whole street away and atop another building to watch the area in case any Genestealers were hiding in the shadows of the buildings

I have heard stakeouts were never fun in any way. The adrenalin of watching for a certain event to happen that would signal you 'going in' as it only compounded the anxiety I was feeling as this was nothing as simple as a simply stake out to catch a drug deal or something.

This stake out. This event of the church versus the Genestealers may very well determine the fate of this planet, and should this planet fall I had no chance to survive in reality. The realms in which I could tear a spatial tear to another planet or even travel in space without a spaceship or artifact that was made for inter-realm travels simply wasn't feasible until I reached the upper levels of the mortal ranks of my cultivation.

So, I was taking the chance to participate in the battle as I had interest in dealing with the possibility that an overzealous Inquisitor may hear a Genestealer cult was getting to the point where it was confident in being semi-in the open in a Tyrranid hot zone of space and simply gifting the Emperor's Mercy to the planet in the various forms of Exterminatus.

Finally, once I believed I was beginning to go crazy in anticipation I saw that the Church wasn't going in to investigate or otherwise clear out people. Nope from the other side of the Cistern City where the lifts to the Lowerhive were, a series of metal orbs arced over the city and violently exploded upon the slave ring establishment as the dozens of mortars landed at once.

It was repeatedly bombarded for several minutes and even with my cultivation-boosted senses I honestly lost count of the number of explosions before the screaming mortals halted their journeys across the now silent city as the Underhive dwellers realized this wasn't a simple mutant purge and fled into the shadows to hide.

Once the explosions stopped, I saw a couple minutes later the rubble from the building was being moved somehow and I grimaced as several Genestealers in full mutations with insect carapaces on their foreheads and an extra set of muscular arms to augment their strength broke out of the rubble screaming incoherently.

But the screams of the Genestealers were soon met with cries of approaching Imperial Soldiers who as a whole spoke in a thundering tone. "Enemies of the Imperium, hear me. You have come here to die. The Immortal Emperor is with us, and we are invincible. His soldiers will strike you down. His war machines will crush you under their treads. His mighty guns will bring the very sky crashing down upon you. You cannot win. The Emperor has given us his greatest weapon to wield. So make yourselves ready. We are the First Regiment, and today is our Victory Day!"

They repeated the words as a mantra that even stirred up my own bloodlust and desire to just go down there take a Las gun and begin blasting.

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