
A light in the dark age of Creation

The creators of the world and all of their god and goddess try to make a better world, but some of them only think for themselves. and spread hateness to everyone and kill their creation to start a war sooner and later, everything will joined and made a big chaos will they survive? with help of light they will see everything

CLEO_ZIP · Fantasi
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48 Chs

Chapter 38 : There is another one

"Okay, we all agree, we will still trust you, but, with one thing you should know, if you told a bad thing, there will be punishment for you" said Lord to Katarina, "I understand" said Katarina to Lord, "So, go ahead" said Lord to Katarina. "I don't really know who is she, but, as I hear that she is me in future, I can admit something will happened in future, and it was one in billion possibilities in future, so, I don't know which one gonna happened, as you guys know about it, future would change depend on what happened, and of course, I will try to avoid becoming 'her' since I must paid as what it cost" said Katarina to all of them.

"Wait, so you told us that is one of yourself in future from one of billion possibilities in future, so, any clues about that selves?" ask Lord to Katarina, "since I need to take back all of my power that still I don't know where all of it, I don't know about it" said Katarina to Lord. "I see, yeah, at least you told about it, and we already know about that future possibilities, so, we hope that wont happened, and you will choose a good path for both of us" said Lord to Katarina, "wait, one more, that was not the real me, that was a shadow that sended to this timeline, maybe she want to told something to me, but, accidently she got corrupted on her way to this timeline by all of the time journey that she had, so, we can confirm is that bad or good" said Katarina to all of them.

"hmm, I see, okay, but, as I said, you must remember, paid at what it cost" said Lord to Katarina, "yeah, I will" said Katarina to Lord, "so, the meeting is done you guys can go, or rather want to ask something to her if you guys feel not clear about it, cause you guys gonna bombarded by all of the people in out there that really want to know what happened recently" said Lord to all of them. None of them dare to ask Katarina, "well, we hope no misscomunication, so, good luck" said Lord as he start to took a rest, "Lord, thank you for keep trust me even that thing almost kill you" said Katarina to Lord, "you are my daughter, even you are stronger than me or maybe anything else, as long as you here, you are my daughter" said Lord to Katarina.

Katarina leave Lord alone in there, "I wonder why she wont use her power like just move into room by room, she just gonna strike by a lot of people in front of my room" said Lord to himself while looking at Katarina that keep walking into the door and wanted to open it. "Katarina, wait" shout Lord to Katarina, Katarina stopped and then look to Lord, "isn't that too dangerous for you to get out from that door?" ask Lord to Katarina, "don't worry, I need to get used to it, I must faced them and answer what they need from me" said Katarina to Lord, "are you sure, you're not fully understand human right now" said Lord to Katarina, "if I'm not doing it from now, how could I know?" said Katarina to Lord, "alright, just keep being normal to them, and if you cant answer more of their question, just leave and don't force yourself" said Lord to Katarina.

Katarina nodding to Lord and opened the door, the door opened and there is no one in there excluding some of servant, "madame, you can go now to your room safely, we already told them to move to the other room" said one of the servant to Katarina. Lord feel a bit calm seing none of people in there, "I want to meet them now" said Katarina to that servant, "but madame, it's not good for you to meet them now, you may need some rest now" said that servant to Katarina, "nah, I'm fine, let me know which room they were now" said Katarina to that servant. Lord come to them and start to talk to Katarina, "Katarina, don't force yourself to meet them, just trust our servant, they can handle them" said Lord to Katarina, "okay, I know" said Katarina while she head back to her room.

"that was close" said Lord to that servant, "everything clear sir, luckily I can read your handsign clearly while you keep talkin to Katarina" said that servant to Lord, "yeah, we can't let her meet all of that people, we must keep Katarina safe from them" said Lord to that servant. "Katarina, I hope you know, we really love you in here, despite some people really rude about you, but our anger, our strict rules, and anything hopefully gonna make you change and realize how important us in your side" said Lord to himself, "alright, take me there, I need to talk to all of them" said Lord to that servant. Quickly they move to the room where all of the people gathered by the servant, "Lord, what happened?" ask Ramirez to Lord, "don't worry, just a little misscomunication between them" said Lord to Ramirez, "but they talk about Katarina, is everything fine?" ask Ramirez again to Lord, "just a misscomunication, don't worry, I will told them the truth" said Lord to Ramirez.

Lord entered the room while Ramirez waiting outside with some god and goddess, "alright everyone, I know it kinda shock you all, but, don't worry, everything is fine and we already talk to Katarina" said Lord to all of them, "but, if everything is fine, why you wont bring her here?" ask one of people in there to Lord. "listen, she need to take a rest, and not even a year she in here she already do much thing to us, so, let me explain everything to you guys" said Lord to all of them. "Lord better you not disappoint us this time!" said one of people in there to Lord, "first time, we still need to look more further about her, since she said that was one of her future self that come to us with a hidden message, so, we can accept is as a fact, and besides, she know about the time turbulance where one of object get corrupted on it's way into specific timeline, so we don't know if that Katarina was evil one or good one" said Lord to all of them.

"So you trust her words? How could a son of this heaven trust an dirty hell object like her?" said one of the people in there to Lord, Lord took that personally and slam table in front of him really hard, everyone in there gone silence for a moment and some of the god and goddess beside Lord try to calm him down. "don't ever bring that words again in front of me!" said Lord to all of them, "alright listen, Lord is now on duty waiting for Albara comeback from the world that Katarina made of for him, so please show some respect to Lord in here!" said one of god in there to all of them.

"I know! I know I'm still not worthy in front of you guys, I know I throwed to this place cause my father hate me being a backline people, and can't even fight well in frontline back then, unlike Albara that really strong and lead you guys to victory" said Lord half crying in front of them, some of the goddess try to calm Lord in there. "Alright everyone, everything is clear so I hope you guys understand a bit about current situation" said one of the goddess in there to all of them. "Sir, let us take you to your room, you look really weak right now" said one of the goddess in there to Lord. "no, I'm okay, I just being emotional right now, I'm sorry" said Lord to that goddess, "you need to took a rest sir, let us do the rest, we will announce it quickly so everyone will know it" said one of the god in there to Lord, "yeah, but don't bring something bad on it, or else they will keep questioning what happened" said Lord to that god.

Lord move back to his rom with help of two goddess that keep him stable on his way to his room, "thank you my dearest goddess, may you always blessed" said Lord to the goddess that bring him up to his room, "yes sir, take a well rest, you need to keep yourself In good condition or else lot of bad things will happened" said that goddess to Lord, "I will" said Lord to that goddess. Lord then took a well sleep on his room and catch a weird dream, where he lead a victory against Hell and Serenia in Hell side, realizing that Lord suddenly awake and a bit shocked by that dream, "Serenia, I hope you doing fine out there" said Lord to himself and praying to keep Serenia safe.

Lord start wake up and try to forget the dream that really made him stressed, "I must, keep Katarina on my side, no matter what people said, she's the one that I can lend my body into" said Lord to himself, Lord start move to Katarina room. "Katarina?" said Lord while knocking Katarina door, after a moment, Katarina open her door, "We need to talk" said Lord to Katarina, "eh, is there something happened?" ask Katarina that confused to Lord, "nah, maybe a little talk in the rooftop, would be nice" said Lord to Katarina, Katarina agree and follow Lord to the rooftop. "Katarina, I want you to know, even this place called heaven, not all of the things in here good, at least not as bad as hell, but, I still don't know how your heart respond to anything, like bad or good, I still don't know it, but, if something bother you, like someone really dislike you, just tell that to me, everyone in here really give their respect to me, so, you don't need to hold your self to me" said Lord to Katarina, "giving a respect to a kid that disliked by his dad?" said Katarina constantly to Lord.

Suddenly Lord fell silent and a bit shocked by Katarina word, "nah, it just a normal relation between father and son, don't mind about it" said Lord to Katarina, "so why they chose Albara more than you?" ask Katarina again to Lord, "Katarina, why you being bold suddenly, it just they think I cant fight on front lane, while I was being their support on backline neither they will died just in one monster sweep" said Lord to Katarina. "Prove them wrong" said Katarina to Lord, "remember when 16 deadly disease and attack by Albara, the way he extinguished all of the wrong of this land, without my power, he cant even do that and almost killed" said Lord to Katarina.

"You sound nonsense by it, if you only added some power to Albara, doesn't mean you are usefull to them" said Katarina to Lord, "what do you mean it nonsense?" ask Lord to Katarina, "if really Albara did it and face it without you helped him in front of line, it just same like you are not doing anything to them" said Katarina to Lord. "so, you mean, I must face everything in front line while I don't have any power to fight except heal, and died in there just for the favor they will remember my name and give some respect to me when I died?" ask Lord to Katarina, "that's what battle is, only win or lose, if you try to draw you enemies, it just same like the bettle never happened" said Katarina to Lord.

"calm down Lord, remember your dream!" said Lord to himself, "I know you wont, and I know what just happened at your dream, and, don't think I will be your meatshield, do it yourself" said Katarina to Lord. "Katarina, listen, I can do anything to you, at least, stay here, and trust me" said Lord to Katarina, "you know, my goal is way more different than your goal, so, don't think I will helpful in future" said Katarina to Lord, "yeah, I understand, but, remember, pay at what it cost" said Lord to Katarina. Katarina just nodding to Lord, "anyway, you can go back rest, and, maybe you can check your own made universe in altar of life tomorrow" said Lord to Katarina, "I will" said Katarina to Lord, "you can rest now, I need to go back to my office right now" said Lord to Katarina.

Lord start move back to his office real quick, "Katarina, I beg you, please" said Lord on his way to his office, suddenly one of his servant come to Lord "sir, where have you been, everyone is worried about you, are you okay?" ask that servant to Lord, "I'm okay, sorry for make you guys worried about me" said Lord to that servant. "huft, glad to hear that, is anything that girl said to you? Or she hurt you in a physic way?" ask that servant again to Lord, "nothing, I'm good, don't worry, we just talk a little bit about her own universe, and she will took care it back since all of the sudden bad things happened in here" said Lord to that servant. "if anything bad happened or something wrong comin to you, just tell us, we will always by your side" said that servant to Lord, "yes, I will" said Lord to that servant and Lord start to continue his way to his office.

The next day, Katarina head into the altar of life to look at her own made universe where Albara still on the life progress in there, everyone in there a bit shocked by Katarina appereance but they already know it by lord yesterday. "I'm sorry I'm kinda late, so, how was it?" ask Katarina to Jason, "it's kinda bad since Albara know about his current position as the leader of heaven, he control all of the battle on your universe, and that's kinda bad at all, but other world that outside Albara sense range still save, anyway, wanna take a closer look about what happened in your own world?" ask Jason to Katarina, "yeah, go on" said Katarina to Jason. Jason start to move all of them to destinated place where all of neverending war made by Albara happened, that is the place where Albara stay.

"This is the place" said Jason to Katarina and some of angel that follow them , "oohhh, there is a kids over there" said one of the angel over there, "yeah, and that kid will die in 3. 2. 1." As Jason done count to 1, a missile come and shoot that kid until that kids body don't have any solid structure unless blood comin from that kids body that exploded by that missile. Some of the angel in there shocked and cry seing that poor kids died by that missile, "yeah, war only give an neverending misery, just like what happened to us back then, and that's the reason why we are here" said Jason to all of them, "I want to know where Albara now" said Katarina to Jason, "oh, yes, Albara right now is a solid president of this world, you wanna go to his office, but, it's kinda lame since he was having a good time with other men in his office" said Jason to Katarina, "yeah, take us there" said Katarina to Jason.

Quickly Jason bring them to where Albara currently, "eeeuuughhh" said some of the angel in there looking what Albara do in there "damn, what a nasty, and, yeah, there he is" said Jason while hold some cringe feeling on himself, "you don't like seing Albara being like this and you still want to work with him?" ask Katarina to Jason, "it's not like what you mean, madame, he loyal to us, and he never force us to be like him" said Jason to Katarina. "yeah, but when you keep following him, there is a chance you become like him, I can see it in your eyes, you kinda imitated by what he doin in there, but your heart still strong enough to deny it, but, one day, your heart will be melted by his kindness and everything he did to everyone" said Katarina to Jason. "madame, I'm not type of guy that fall easily on something, and I'm not even like anything about being like him in future" said Jason to Katarina, "I see, well, it's enough, let's head back home" said Katarina to Jason.

With a bit of angry on his face, Jason bring back all of them to altar of life, "so, what's your plan?" ask Jason to Katarina, "wait a second, I will give some risk-less way to made Albara suffer in the world without made him traumatized for liking same gender" said Katarina to Jason. "what is that? If someone already fall in love with others, it cant be changed or something else" said Jason to Katarina, "did you ever know the hell way about 'cheating'?" ask Katarina to Jason, "madame, if people that like same gender will be defend everything for his lovers, instead kill that guy, Albara will kill the other guy that his lover cheated on" said Jason to Katarina. "make him suffer more and made that guy cheated more" said Katarina to Jason, "Actually madame, we already do that and made Albara start this war only for his lovers" said Jason to Katarina.

"Hmm, kinda shame on him, literally we give him an life exam but he made that into life elimination real quick, anyway, you told this one is still prototype, right?" ask Katarina to Jason, "yeah, this world still in prototype, so, what will you do?" ask Jason to Katarina, "I will told Lord about this so he can really know that this world prototype need to be upgraded in any aspect" said Katarina to Jason. "but madame, in which aspect?" ask Jason to Katarina, "we will see what Lord gonna say, I will just follow all of his order, but I hope he will say something just like what I thought" said Katarina to Jason. "so, you will meet him, and share your opinion to be accepted by him?" ask Jason to Katarina, "it's not about opinion, it's a statement to help this prototype world improved" said Katarina to Jason.

"So, what we gonna do on Albara?" ask Jason to Katarina, "stop anything that related to love, and give another denial aspect from a lot of people to him, including everyone that pro to him before" said Katarina to Jason, "but madame, Albara will kill people that not have same mindset with him?" said one of the goddess in there to Katarina, "he will not kill billions of people in one month, right? I will discuss this too with Lord" said Katarina to that goddess, "so you guys need to keep that denial aspect step by step, one person to ten person to hundred person, and keep it hidden from him" said Katarina to all of them. "okay, we will do the best we can" said Jason to Katarina, Katarina quickly move to Lord office to talk with him, "Lord?" ask Katarina while knocking Lord office door, get in, I'm kinda busy but still have a some time to talk" said Lord from inside of his office.

"Lord, I need to talk about those world that I created before in altar of life, seems like Albara just took over it and do what he want on that world" said Katarina to Lord after a moment she entered Lord office, "oh, about that, I don't know any of that, all I know is Albara who find that first, then always go around with it, and do anything what he likes on it, so, I wouldn't mind enough about it" said Lord to Katarina. "so, you mean I just an tool used by Albara?" ask Katarina to Lord, "I don't know, maybe yes maybe not, it depends on how Albara point of view on you, tool? Nah, maybe cause he want you to do something on his prototype, yes, maybe he want to get rid of everyone that hate his orientation in here" said Lord to Katarina.

"So, you don't have any interest on that prototype of him?" ask Katarina to Lord, "yeah, all I want to prevent is he gonna do something wrong on it so I always go there to check what happened" said Lord to Katarina. "ehh, okay, I will find that by myself, thanks for your advice" said Katarina to Lord. "I'm not tell you everything that I know, at least you already know a little secret about him" said Lord to Katarina, Katarina leave Lord room with a lot of stuff going trough on her head, "if I did something on his prototype that means I will involved on his dirty job stuff, may I force to stop work on it and let Jason do what he wants?" said Katarina to herself on her way back to her room.

"How's her condition right now?" ask Livanka on some restricted treatment room at that palace asking for Rin condition, "we did try our best, but, we don't know if she gonna be normal again, we don't know how to turn back someone emotion and memories right now, all you can do is hope for the best" said Ifra the Leader of unusual phenomenon activity. "Do everything you guys can for the best, I sure there will be big price for you guys after it" said Livanka to Ifra, "we can't it's too hard, she's already dead at all, and bring her back with all of memories that she got back then was a very difficult thing to do now" said Ifra to Livanka, With an full of emotion on Livanka heart after an long debate with Ifra, she leave Ifra there with no answer and get out from that room.

"Sister" said Livanka facing to the wall with empty look at her face then start crying and slowly fell to the floor while try to hold her tears, Katarina suddenly pass by her while keep thinkin on how she must do to the Albara self project that currently handled by her. Knowing Katarina pass by her, Livanka try to stand back and wipe her tears pretend there is nothing happened, luckily Katarina still writing on some note and don't gove attention to Livanka in there. "Katarina?" ask Livanka to Katarina, Katarina suddenly stopped and still not look on Livanka face, "don't hide your emotion, it's not good for your heart" said Katarina to Livanka, "nah, I'm good" said Livanka to Katarina, "I know something bad happened, dare to tell that to me?" said Katarina to Livanka.

Livanka know it had something related to Katarina, but, on Katarina self Livanka know she was not gonna disappoint her, "Huh, abut Rin" said Rin to Katarina, "Rin, I remember that Madame Rin already done in treatment back then, what happened?" ask Katarina to Livanka, Livanka a bit shocked cause Katarina still remember to call Rin with madame cause Katarina back then still work for Rin. "she's not in good condition right now" said Livanka to Katarina, "may I look at her?" said Katarina to Livanka, Livanka bring Katarina inside the restricted treatment room, "this room was developed by myself, I don't want people know about this room, in here we can bring back someone from dead, even how fatal the dead is, we can bring any species, even a primal god like Lord Father" said Livanka to Katarina.

"But, bring back something from dead was really hard to do" said Katarina to Livanka, "it was easy for us, but, we can bring back the memory information till now, so our project still beta and need more development, we already bring back some creator back to live, but there is strange thing that we cant bring back Firdaus back" said Livanka to Katarina. "I'm not kinda interest about that, I just want to look after Rin, where is she?" ask Katarina to Livanka, "she's in the middle of this room, all of our team still work on her memory" said Livanka to Katarina while keep bring her to where Rin belong.

They finally arrived, Ifra and others in there were shocked by Katarina, "don't worry she want to help us" said Livanka to Ifra and others, Katarina looks around and realized something in there, "what did you guys do in here?" ask Katarina to Livanka, "this is a sacred room, where we illegally steal soul from where it stored, it was Livanka power from all of this, she can do that and that's was the real uniqe power ever, and" answer Ifra to Katarina but before finishing her words, Livanka told Ifra to stop talking, Katarina go over to a capsule where Rin body stored. Katarina start touch it and suddenly connected to Rin's memory, "you guys only need one tools again to made this thing perfect, cause the memory still stored inside her soul, but all of this wire and life pipe denied the memory sector to enter the body, and made the memory stuck outside the real soul" said Katarina to all of them.

Livanka a bit shocked by Katarina words, "what do you mean?" ask Livanka to Katarina, this prototype I found in hell back then, where they use to torture someone on mind by just take their memory core from the main soul, and torture the memory core, so the main soul will take the effect of the torured mind cause it's still connect, I beg you guys after did revive someone in here, they feel stupid and acant even move an inch for a moment, right?" ask Katarina to all of them, Ifra just nodding know that was the fact. "I will store back the memory core to Rin's body, and you guys do the rest after that" said Katarina to all of them, after a moment while keep touching the capsule, Katarina finally release her hand from the capsule and go away from there.

"I don't know why you really care for Rin, but, there is something that I didn't know about you guys" said Katarina to Livanka, Livanka just fell silent in there while Katarina keep moving and start to get out from that room, "hey, I want you to keep this as a secret" said Livanka to Katarina, "I will" answer Katarina to Livanka. Katarina quickly get out from that room and head back to her room, "there is too much secret on this place, is they, hide something from me or what?" ask Katarina to herself as soon as her arrived on her room, the next day Katarina head into the altar of life to check everything in there, "Jason, is there anything bad happened?" ask Katarina to Jason, "no, madame, we keep work on giving some life exam to Albara step by step, so he wouldn't realize it" said Jason to Katarina, "mhm, keep that, I will give the answer later, I still need some time to find the right action to Albara" said Katarina to Jason.

"Sure, but, I hope it wont take a long time to answer it since we know Albara type of human that will do everything to make his dream come true" said Jason to Katarina, "I understand" answer Katarina to Jason. Katarina leave that room again and head to some bench in the rooftop to sit and thinkin in there, after a moment, Yulnera come to her and sit beside her, "you look a bit tired" said Yulnera while hand some mineral water to Katarina, Katarina look at her and took that mineral water and start drinkin it. "is there any problem?" ask Yulnera to Katarina, "just a normal thing, I don't know what was Albara do this all time, made that prorotype and let me run that thing" said Katarina to Yulnera, "hmm, I don't know much about him, but I know once he got a good feeling to a woman, but that woman much more than what he expected too, but, there is once a time that woman disappoint Albara, and made Albara turn into liking the same gender as him, and that cause that problem that getting worse by that woman was fixed by a male that made Albara so happy with him" said Yulnera to Katarina.

"Nah, not that, is there any other thing that Albara planned by made that prototype?" ask Katarina to Yulnera, "nah, he just love the tool that made by Natasha back then, and getting over it, Natasha just made that to create a ton of slaves for her, while Albara try to able-conquer everything" said Yulnera to Katarina. "so, that means he only made that world to gain self satisfaction?" ask Katarina to Yulnera, "yep" said Yulnera to Katarina, "i rather refuse his offer back then, what a dumb I was" said Katarina to Yulnera, "so, if you thought you're a dummy, why you keep stay on this palace?" said a sound that suddenly appear in there, Katarina and Yulnera prepare for battle in whatever happened.

"Calm down, you guys don't need to be anticipated like that, I come here just to tell that hell girl something" said Serenia, that suddenly come in the middle of Yulnera and Katarina conversation, "what do you want?" ask Katarina to Serenia, "nothing, I just want to told you about something, could be important in future of you guys" said Serenia to Katarina. "Serenia, why wont you comeback to this palace, together we can" said Yulnera to Serenia, but Serenia cut Yulnera words real quick, "I don't want to go along with a weak passionate of person like you all, so stop persuade me to get back on this stupid palace" said Serenia to Yulnera. Yulnera getting angry with Serenia words, then she wants to attack Serenia but stopped by Katarina, "Talk to me now" said Katarina to Serenia, "hmm, where I should start this conversation, well, you guys should know that the lights will never fade into the darkness, they still available even there is darkness around them" said Serenia to Katarina.

"what do you mean?" ask Katarina to Serenia, "Yulnera, I ask you, do you belive that star already extinct?" ask Serenia to Yulnera, "what do you mean, they already gone a billion age ago, and our star is made by the only one Lord Father" said Yulnera to Serenia, "in that case, you already blinded by the false story, Lord Father never did that, he only took an shy star, that just born in that day, and took it while the newborn star turned into human, and hiding in human identity" said Serenia to Yulnera. "I wont trust people like you, Serenia, how did a star become a human, they think their superior back then and hate human, and they isolated themselves until none of them seen again!" said Yulnera denied all Serenia words, "Yulnera, I think she's right about it, seems like too much that this heaven hid from us, and we must find the truth or else, we will be fade into neverending answer that pop on our head" said Katarina to Yulnera.

"Katarina?! You just trust Serenia that easy?" ask Yulnera to Katarina, "unlike you guys that really trust a guy like Albara, I never trust Serenia at the point she leave me injured so bad when she freely took all the highlights of the battle back then on our first encounter mission" said Katarina to Yulnera. "Hmph, as I thought from a hell creature like you, well, time for you guys find the truth, I just give the clue, a lot of stars still available watching all of us, if you guys want to living freely, find them, and kill them!" said Serenia that quickly fade away just a second after she finish her words. "Okay, if she said so, where we gonna start to search the star creature from?" ask Yulnera to Katarina, "we just gonna wait and search for it, they will come to us" said Katarina to Yulnera, "then about Albara, why you hate him beside you help him on his own prototype?" ask Yulnera to Katarina, "I just curious about his own prototype, so I try it and nothing special, beside, he betrayed me" said Katarina to Yulnera.

"Well, me too, I want Lord back then to lead us, but, Albara just too strong and give 16 deadly curse to a lot to creators and god who want to fight him, many times" said Yulnera to Katarina, "surprisingly, that was one of my power too, that cannot freely being used by everyone, and at this point, my resentment to hell become stronger, and, it was my fault too for letting them using my power, I'm too kind for them" said Katarina to Yulnera. "no wonder you really dare to take this mission from Serenia, no one ever want to encounter a star like you, well, I will go with you, I will told Lord about this" said Yulnera to Katarina, "you mean, his Father?" ask Katarina to Yulnera, "nah, I will told about this continuous misson to Lord" said Yulnera to Katarina.

"Mhm, ok, go ahead" Katarina nodding to Yulnera, and Yulnera start move to Lord office, "Sir, you available right now?" ask Yulnera while knocking Lord office door, "yeah, get in" said one servant in there answering Yulnera, "Lord, can we have some private mission to talk about" said Yulnera to Lord, "seems really important, go ahead, and, Yivka, we need some private time, so, I'm sorry for disturbing about your guys recommendation about that salary" said Lord to Yivka, one of head servant on the palace, yeah, we understood" said Yivka and bring all of the maid in there out from Lord office. "well, I want to talk about" said Yulnera to Lord, "I know you know something about my father, don't hide that thing in front of me" said Lord to Yulnera, Yulnera a bit shocked by it, "nah, I just want to talk about my secret mission with Katarina" said Yulnera trying to avoid Lord question to her.

"Don't act like you don't know something, tell it, I wont angry for you" said Lord strictly speaking to Yulnera, "I don't know nothing, but, I want to find out" said Yulnera to Lord, "Yulnera, don't hide it from me, just tell it, that easy" said Lord to Yulnera. The tension seems rising between Yulnera and Lord. Yulnera try to keep avoid the Lord question and told about their important mission between her and Katarina "Lord, can we just talk about that mission, and I will answer that later" said Yulnera to Lord, "no, answer that first so I will hear your guys mission so I will know how to act on it" said Lord to Yulnera, "no, our mission first!" Said Yulnera to Lord, "YULNERA!" said Lord angrily to Yulnera, Yulnera silenced in a second by seing different side of Lord.

To be Continued