
A life with the Author

{Hey, you better get up and do some introduction to the readers who want to try the story.} the author said. I woke up groggily and looked at the time, "Dude, it's four in the morning." I said and went back to sleep. {I don't care. I need a sypnosis now.} the author demanded. "Bro, please, five more hours." I said {Wake up right now or else.} 'Or else what?' I challenged. {If you don't wake up I will reincarnate you in Boku no Pico, I swear.} Oh please, like that's a bad world to reincarnate to. I will just leave Japan and everything would be fine. {Then how about Attack on Titan?} That's great!! It means I would be able to change the story and prevent the sad ending. I could make Mikasa fall for me and maybe even invent some stuff with my future knowledge. It would be amazing. {This is final. I will reincarnate you in Kuroinu...} Oh!! The hentai where men can use any female for sexual pleasure? Reincarnate me there right now!! It is a little fucked up but I certainly wouldn't mind- {...as the elf queen Celestine.} .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Well hello, My name is Yuito Fujita and I am a reincarnated person who reincarnate into a new world similar to my old world but with some fictional stories mixed into it. I though I was going to live a fullfilling and peaceful life until when I was 15 years old, the author spoke to me. From then on my life became full of ups and downs with different challenges every corner. Watch me as I make a harem and fight my way to become the UFC champion of this world. But as any story, mine will be full of challenges as I found out just what fictional stories are mixed into my world My story will be full of romance, action, drama and friendship with the author. Read my life with the author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________ This is a mash up between different worlds Worlds known so far : 1. Komi-san can't communicate 2. My dress up darling. 3. Seiso Kanojo, Ochiru || The Pure Girlfriend's Fall (NTR Doujin) 4. The real world (Yes, the one you are living in. Not any anime.) 5. Wolf Children (Movie) 6. Viral Hit/How to fight (Manhwa) 7. ??? -------------------- Warning : There is NTR element. It is not exactly NTR(no kissing nor sex) but many readers felt it was. So I am here to warn you. And there's incest too. Hopefully I don't waste your time. ..... If you like my story, join my p@treon : p@treon.com/emmanuel_capricorn. (change @ = a). [Link : https://patreon.com/Emmanue_Capricorn] Get 15 early chapters and premium pics of characters while also supporting me

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Komik
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295 Chs

Money solves everything

[Yuito's POV] 

{So tell me, what is stopping us from going inside her house and kill that daughter raping excuse of a human scum before feeding his dead body to the pigs?}

I stood there, heavily contemplating his words. But in the end, I let out a sigh and try to put out the falmes which was my anger.

"The laws and, my moral I guess. Many things are different from canon, it won't be right to punish someone just because of what they might do in the future." I said.







We suddenly burst out laughing after a moment of silence. I grabbed my stomach as I continued laughing as if I had heard the greatest joke in my life.

I picked up a huge stone from the side, it was bigger than my head but I handled it with ease. I toss the stone up and down my hand as I test the weight.

"I'm kidding. The law and the inconvenice is the only thing that's stopping me." I said as I imagined crushing the bastards head with the stone I have in my hand.

I have never killed before but I don't think I would have a hard time doing so, unlike many other protagonist. Maybe it had somehting to do with martial arts? I was no stranger to violence after all. I imaged it would be like knocking a person out, except permanently.

Espcially when it came to scum like Saki's stepfather, I did not think I will hesitate. The only thing stopping me are the laws.

This didn't mean that I was okay with killing in general though, I was just okay with killing people who could harm me or are a threat to my loved ones.

And Saki was included in that circle too, I was feel fully responisble for her now.

"Hey author, can't you use your author power? Just this once?" I asked, half joking half serious.

{Unfortuantely I can't, if I interfere in the matters of life and death directly your universe would push me out. i am already at a tight leash especilly after I have shown you all those shows related to the people in this world.} He answered with a sad tone.

I hummed at his words, "No worries, i will figure soemthing out." 

But killing or not, I need to put survellience on the house. It was when Saki had her glow up that her father got interested and raped her.

And since we went to the salon today and she had her face and hair done, she had a glow up. Her hidden beauty was finally allwoed to shine through, like a diamond finally getting cleaned after it was hidden in mud.

That means that now is the time to preapre for such things. Saki would not be able to protect herself if that man attacked her.

So what was the solution to this matter?




"I think I have an idea on what to do." I said with a smile.

It was said that violence was the solution to all problems and if it's not, you didn't use it enough.

But there was soemthing equvalent to that in the modern world.

'Money is the solution to all problems.'

So I wonder, who was the multi millionaire who had enough money to throw on a burning building until it extinqishes? 

Itan Highschool was a famous school and it also had a hostel for both boys and girls who came form different prefectures to attend the school.

I could talk to the principal and ask him to give scholarship to Saki and offer a free residence in the hostel. 

I have quite an influence as I was repected, they did not even treat me like a stuent at this point. Even if he is hesitant about giving her a scholarship or if its not possible, i could just give her the money in the form of scholarship.

Heck I could even sponsor the school and open scholarships as donation to my alma matter or something.

I only need her to leave her house and with her guardians seeing her as a burden, they would happily accept if she moved out.

"But that is the only solution for later. She also needs protection right now and the coming few more weeks before everything is done." I said.

But that problem can also be solved by money. I could hire bodyguards or some people to keep an eye on her from a distance.

The only problem was that I did not know the details of how to excute the rough plans I came up with.

"It seems I will have to do some research on it." I said, and finally threw away the stone on my hand.

Under the moonlit sky of the night, I walked home. The author and I shared ideas on how to go along with the protection of Saki on the way.




"It'd be so much easier and safer to kill him."


[3rd POV]

In the Fujita household, you could see four people snuggling up to each other on the bed as they watched a movie on the big screen. 

Yuito was in the middle with Smuire and Marin both leaning from each of his side. Sumire gently leaned on him while Marin had her head on his shoulder.

Then there was Kurumi who laid her head on Yuito's stomach as she was between Yuito's legs.

A blanket was on top of them but just for the sake of it as it was the heat from each other's body that kept them warm.

On the screen, a new animated movie that came out not too long ago was playing. It was The Incredibles, a movie about a family of superheroes.

"Yuito, do you like Elastigirl's ass or mine?" Marin asked as all of their eyes were on the screen. 

"For the third time Marin, I like your ass better." he said to which the girl hummed.

"Having a baby seems like a lot of trouble. Yet I encountered no such thing when Yuito was a baby." Sumire commented. "He was a really was a special baby." 

"Master, do you think you'd be able to defeat Mr Incredible?" Kurumi asked with a genuine curiosity in her voice.

"I probably could fight him." Yuito said, "He is around a hundred times stronger than me but his power is superstrength and he does not have any show of superspeed so I will be faster than him. It would be quite challenging." 

"Would you lose?"

"Nah, I'd win." He said with confidence.

He was faster than Mr. Incredible, what's the use of superstrength if he can't hit him? On the other hand, Yuito might be able to do some damage if he pokes the enemy's eyes or something

If that didn't work, he would have enough time to adapt. And with Water Stream Rock Smashing Fiest near a breakthrough, he reckoned he would win.

They continued watching the movie, as they played with their feet under the blanket. 

It was a wholesome bonding family time.

But they were interrupted as his phone started ringing. It was put on silent mode so it simply vibrated, but they could still hear it.

Yuito sighed and looked at the screen, he was about to turn it off before he saw the name of the person who called him.

Dana White.

He reluctantly picked up the phone and answered softly as to not disturb his girls who were watching the movie.


"Oh, yes."

"Uh hah."


"They finally finalized the place for the title match?"











[Image : Behold, our favourite incubus]


Author : Give power stones!! This is directly link to the author's power and he need it to smite the step father.

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