
Chapter 65: Sirens blare

The sirens were loud, almost on top of them. Abruptly they quit. 'They're here. You'll be all right now.'

She gripped him, 'Don't leave me!' and felt her fingers against his lips.

'I'm not going anywhere.'

She held his hand tight. It was big. She had to hold his fingers to get a grip. There was more slithering and sliding.

'What've we got?' a strange voice asked.

'Single female, probable leg injuries, trapped. Can't see her from any angle.' No longer talking to her his voice was professional. 'Been here about nine and half hours.' Her hand was lowered and freed. He had stepped away.

'Conscious then.'

'And talking.'

She heard someone else bend close. Heard breathing. She raised her hand and it was taken.

'Her name's Elisabeth,' Constable John Micklemass said.