
Chapter 100: The car crash explained

On the Friday of the second week of Elisabeth's absence - Robert now measured time this way - Phillip Milne rang and asked to meet for a beer at the Wig and Pen. Phil never rang to pass the time of day but, even so, Robert was pleased to abandon the paper work up to his ears, his PC's flickering screen and the incessant phone calls.

It was a pleasant walk now that the heat had tempered. Canberrans loved their autumns much more than their windy erratic springs. The golden glowing days with air so clean and clear and every colour enhanced, every line and shape sharp, the air so sweet, away from the traffic, you pulled it into your lungs right down to your belly for the flavour; the trees, the shrubs, the flowers, the hues and tints and fragrance enough to make you weep. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and his head back and took his time, and met Phil wandering down, also enjoying the interlude. They smiled easily on coming together.

'What's up?' Robert asked.