
A Legacy Continued

MC from Hogwarts legacy was put into an ancient magic coma as a direct result of the Battle of Hogwarts, during the Goblin Uprising of 1890-1891. He is re-awakened in the summer of 1994, right before the World Quidditch Cup. How will our MC fare at the same school he saved, in a new century, with no friends or family, and threats of another dark wizard?

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Chapter 10 - A glimpse into the Past

***** A/N: SURPRISE BONUS CHAPTER ****** So….. I wasn't expecting top 4. You guys are crazy! Honestly this is gonna cut into my stockpile, but you guys deserve it. Also, not gonna lie, kinda weird, seeing my name as an author, being a long time reader on this website. (I think i hit cultivator 5 years or something here ahaha). Especially on the Power rankings! You all have been so supportive. I'm truly touched. Currently more motivated than ever, and very excited to move to daily releases! Side note…. this is the chapter I was researching the years for lol, and discovered the game started in 1890. What I found was really interesting actually, and a good idea for a sequel for the game. I won't say too much here, lest I spoil things, but you'll know what I mean when you read this chapter lol. Anyways, enjoy!! *****

*A few hours ago*

Fawkes disappeared with a flash, bringing along McGonagall and Pomfrey back to the medical wing to oversee the comatose boy.

Turning to Tonks, Moody states with a grunt. "Come along lass! Go ahead and apparate! I will side-along apparate Dumbledore to the memorial. Meet us there!"

Turning on the spot, Tonks disappeared with a twisting-like *CRACK*, with Moody and Dumbledore following soon after.

***** By the Memorial *****

Close to the two large stones, Tonks, Moody and Dumbledore soon appeared with a twisting-like *CRACK*.

"This is where the memorial is headmaster!" Moody states professionally.

"I discovered the epitaph behind the two large stones Professor!" added Tonks helpfully.

Dumbledore paused to read to epitaph behind.

"I had no idea....." Dumbledore muttered to himself emotionally.

"Sir?" Tonks questioned hesitantly, as she had over heard him.

"Just an old man lost in his memories." Dumbledore responded. "It may be hard for the two of you to imagine, but I was a young student once. Here at Hogwarts."

"Sir?" Moody echoed his protégé, questioning where the headmaster was going with this story.

"I started at Hogwarts in September, 1893." Dumbledore continued his explanation, reminiscing in lost memories of old. "I was a half-blooded first year, excited to learn the wonders of magic back then, knowing nothing of it's mysteries. I was quite the innocent child."

Tonks chuckled to herself. Trying to imagine a young Dumbledore was quite amusing to her. 'Picturing a small boy, with a giant beard, is just funny!' She remarked to herself, holding in her laughter.

"I was sorted into Gryffindor house, and was taken in with Hogwarts and its wonderous mysteries, spending a lot of time exploring, and studying in the library. Quite similar to a certain 4th-year-to-be Gryffindor." Dumbledore comments off hand.

"Unfortunately, due to my Half-Blood status, I was a target for bullying, by many of the pure-blooded upper years."

"You used to be bullied sir?!?" Tonks was in disbelief. The most powerful wizard in the world, used to be bullied?

"I Indeed!" Dumbledore chuckled in amusement. "Headmaster Black, the headmaster at the time, favored pure-bloods quite a bit more than other students. It was rumored that he cancelled quidditch a few years before I started at Hogwarts, due to a very light injury to a pure-blood."

"Not to say that he outright encouraged bullying, he just did not discipline any of the pure-bloods either. It wasn't until I was saved by a particularly popular 7th year, and taken under her wing, so to speak, that the bullying lessened."

Eyes twinkling mysteriously, Dumbledore continues. "In fact, the two of you might recognize her name. It is after all, one of the names on this Epitaph."

Pausing for dramatic effect, he continued a moment later. "Her name was Natsai Onai, and she was perhaps one of the most powerful and bravest witches I have ever had the pleasure of knowing."

"You knew the Hero of Hogwarts' friends!?!" Moody questioned excitedly.

Tonks glancing over to Moody, reminded herself that Moody was a fanboy of this particular battle.

"I'm sure Moody would love to hear about the battle first hand when that handsome student wakes up." Tonks comments to herself, not catching her slip-up.

Being a metamorph, Tonks had developed a secret attraction to exotic looks. Growing up and experimenting with various looks will do that to you. Not that she would ever admit it to anyone.

"I only knew Natsai personally." Dumbledore responds. "But she was the witch who showed me what it meant to be a true Gryffindor, and perhaps influenced me to become the wizard that stands before you today. In fact, she was my wandless magic teacher!"

"And I did know OF the Hero's other friends..... just never knew them personally, being a lowly half-blooded first year." Dumbledore recounted.

"Respectively, they each were quite popular in their houses. Miss Sweeting received a lot of praise and admiration in particular for her affinity with beasts. It was rumored when I was in school, that she was seen flying a Hadrian Black around Hogsmede Valley in her 7th Year. Quite the fearsome witch in her own right, if rumors are to be true."

"Whereas Mr Sallow was infamous for his dark magic research, winning him a lot of respect and fear among the Slytherins. I heard many dark rumors surrounding him during school, such as controlling undead, and his use of the unforgivables. However, he still appeared to be admired by the general student populace. With him having been chosen as headboy during my time as a first year, I can tell you personally, he was quite respected in Hogwarts amongst most of the students. Upon his graduation, I heard he had taken up a position in the department of mysteries."

Moody and Tonks both were speechless with that revelation.

One of his friends was Dumbledore's mentor!

The other was an unspeakable!

And the last one was a dragon rider!?!

It seemed this hero had quite the powerful and influential friends.

Pausing in contemplation, Dumbledore seemed a little emotional about his memories.

"I always sensed Natsai was trying to overcompensate for something or someone. Headgirl, gifted in wandless and animagus magic from her time in Uagadou, and a fearsome dualist, she was always striving to be the best. Learning a bit about her personal past, I always believed it to be her Father she was compensating for, having lost him tragically in Africa before she came to Hogwarts. Reading this Epitaph however, I now believe she was compensating for our young hero instead."

Wrapping up the history lesson, Dumbledore eagerly finished. "It seems our young hero has influenced me through Natsai, if our recent revelations do indeed turn out to be true. I truly look forward to meeting this elder of mine!"

Tonks was dumbfounded with Dumbledore's final statement. That handsome student was older than Dumbledore?!?


Pomfrey was currently occupied with busy work, attempting to distract herself from the thoughts of a newly awakened missing student. Pacing up and down the medical wing, she was casting bed-making charms, cleaning charms; anything she could think of really. She personally hated it when a student under her care went missing.

'I hadn't even discharged him yet! The nerve of that boy!' She grumbled to herself.

It had been a little over an hour since McGonagall had gone to the Ministry, to investigate the boy's past and family, and Pomfrey was eager for her to return.


Dumbledore, Moody and Tonks appeared in a flash, courtesy of Fawkes.

"Thank you Fawkes!" Dumbledore appeared quite grateful, thanking Fawkes for his hard work.

Meanwhile, Tonks and Moody appeared a little disoriented from the Phoenix Flash.

Handing the 2 of them a pepper-up potion each, Pomfrey commented compassionately. "Flashing is a little disorienting, especially coming out of a dark cave. Take this, it's been a long night."

Downing the potions, Moody and Tonks soon had steam blowing out of their ears, looking much more refreshed.

Meanwhile, Dumbledore had noticed that the egg structure as well as the student were missing from the medical wing.

Clarifying with Pomfrey, he asked excitedly. "Has our young hero awakened? I must speak with him!"

Pomfrey however, did not match the headmaster's excitement.

Looking rather worried, she responded professionally. "Upon our arrival to the medical wing, we had found that the protective egg-shell had dissipated. The student awakened shortly after, from his coma. However, after finding out the current year, he vanished with a bright flash."

"We have sent the house-elves to search for the boy. Meanwhile, Minerva has gone to the ministry to try to track down his family. He has been missing for over 1 hour." Pomfrey finished worriedly.

"He must be in panic, finding out the year so suddenly after awakening." Dumbledore comments offhand. "No matter. I trust the house-elves will find him soon."


A shortwhile later, the house-elf did indeed appear, a young asian man in tow.

"Dobby has found the Blue and Yellow Boy!" Dobby announced with a salute, looking quite pleased with himself, if his flapping ears were any indication.

Tonks took a quick glimpse at the young man, before hurriedly looking away, lest he catch her staring.

A handsome young man, his asian heritage was highlighted with his slight-tan and sharp-looking brownish-grey eyes.

"My apologies for the abrupt disappearance." The young man stated an apology. "I was overwhelmed with emotion, and rushed to leave, without any regard for those around me. I am truly sorry for the trouble I may have caused."

Black hair neatly combed in a side-part style, pure-blood etiquette on full display, he finished with a polite bow.

Finishing the bow a few seconds later, he continued.

"My name is Jordan Khan, heir to the Ancient and Noble Khan family." He introduced himself, flashing his heir ring, and holding his hand forward. "A pleasure to make your acquaintances."

Stepping forward, both Moody and Dumbledore went up to him, excitedly shaking his hand, one after the other.

"A pleasure to meet you sir!" Grunted Moody with more emotion than she had ever heard from him before.

Tonks noted to herself, that Moody seemed at a loss for words.

'He didn't even introduce himself' She chuckles to herself.

"No trouble at all, no trouble at all." Dumbledore commented jovially.

"I am the current headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." The headmaster introduces himself happily.

"Please allow me to thank you for your heroic deeds in 1891, on behalf of Hogwarts herself. It is because of your actions, that Hogwarts still stands today. We are all forever grateful!" Dumbledore thanks Khan emotionally.

"I look forward to learning from you." Pausing once again for dramatic effect, Dumbledore finishes with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "Senior!"

Yes, I was refering to 7th year being a sequel in Hogwarts legacy. Dumbledore does join Hogwarts in 1893, which would technically be our MC's 7th year. How crazy would a sequel be where you are in 7th year, and take Albus Freaking Dumbledore as your protege? Anyways, little nerd moment for me researching this chapter lol.

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