
A Lady’s Tranquility (Story of Kunning Palace/Rephrased)

In her previous existence, Jiang Xuening epitomized the archetype of a Mary Sue. In pursuit of the Empress title, she strategically formed connections and engaged romantically with various individuals. During her courtship with the Emperor, the rebel served as her contingency plan; In her dalliance with a student, the teacher assumed a similar role; When involved with a superior at work, the subordinate became her backup; Even in relationships with women, a man was kept in reserve...? Every day resembled a battleground! (Sighs) Regardless of the Emperor's identity, she aspired to secure the role of Empress! All the while, men believed they were entering the heart of a naive and sweet girl, only to discover they had unwittingly stepped into the quagmire of a deceitful woman who also moonlighted as the Queen of the Sea. Then came a change in the Palace. Her demise followed. Heaven granted her an opportunity for a fresh start. She pledged to sincerely repent and reform her ways. To her dismay, upon her rebirth, she found herself already entangled in a web of complications, rendering it too late for change! Jiang Xuening, indignant, exclaimed, "Heaven is toying with human lives! I was born with nine lives! believe it or not! When my temper flares up, [BEEP――]" Heaven, stricken with a more severe heart attack, questioned, "What if the ship capsizes again?" Jiang Xuening, with an icy and impassive demeanor, responded, "Helpless." It was all merely a rhetorical exchange. The challenge at hand: How to gracefully terminate enmity without offending influential individuals. Author(s): Mirror Of Time Shi Jing 时镜 Rephrased by: nnm88

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37 Chs

Kunning Chapter 36: Cinderella

The maid who delivered the message had a confrontational demeanor, likely because she sensed the mistress's anger. She assumed that Jiang Xuening was concerned, leading her to speak rudely. However, as she left, her face turned pale, and her entire body trembled. She had been frightened by Jiang Xuening's explicit threat, and the prospect of reporting these words back to Meng Shi filled her with dread.

Lian'er and Tang'er, thinking that their second daughter had become more reasonable and composed lately, were taken aback by her sudden remark. Serving her again, they couldn't help but feel a bit more apprehensive: "Second Miss, Madam is the head of the house after all. Will this…"

Jiang Xuening removed the face towel covering her face and tossed it into the copper basin before her. The heat had caused her makeup-free face to blush slightly, resembling a freshly peeled egg—smooth, tender, and with clear, unadorned features. Without the camouflage of makeup, the delicacy and beauty of her facial features became even more apparent.

She remarked, "Isn't this also my home?"

Moreover, she had to stay in the palace for half a year. As the companion of the eldest princess, even though she disliked this status and her current situation, there was little Meng Shi could do, despite her annoyance. The Meng family cherished Jiang Xuehui, so they must tread carefully.

After finishing her morning routine, she instructed Lian'er to make tea and told Tang'er, "You Fangyin from the uncle's mansion will visit soon. Find someone who can speak persuasively and instruct the gatekeeper to be strict. I don't want to see people blocked outside the door casually."

This time out of the palace allowed Jiang Xuening only two days at home. She had limited time to advise You Fangyin and tidy up matters left from the previous instructions. Not to mention the issue with Yan Lin.

Originally, while the time for the incident in Yongyi Hou's mansion was approaching, there was still some time. She could have slowly made preparations and explanations for Yan Lin, possibly making it easier for him to accept. But all these plans were disrupted by her entry into the palace as a companion.

Inside the palace, it would be inconvenient to act, and she wouldn't dare to say anything outright. With only ten days left before leaving the palace, if she didn't clarify things now, she might not have another chance in the future.

Early in the morning, You Fangyin discreetly slipped a small piece of silver to the familiar gatekeeper. Wearing a plain skirt without the need for disguise, she appeared like a maid in the mansion, though not overly respectable.

She discreetly exited the mansion, casting cautious glances around as if afraid of being followed. However, the waiting seemed futile, considering that if someone truly intended to tail her, it wouldn't be so easy to detect.

For instance…

The moment she stepped out of the Qingyuan uncle's mansion, next to a wonton stall not far from the roadside, an inconspicuous young man in blue gently set down his chopsticks. He took a few copper plates from his waist, placed them on the greasy little table, rose, and distanced himself.

She noticed and kept listening, Dao Qin scolded: That Lu guy can't directly order Mr. Xie, so he tasks Mr. Xie's subordinates, keeping them from idleness. Making him do such a menial job for someone like her!

What business could a little uncle's concubine have?

If word got out, his brothers would likely consider him a lowly wretch from the impoverished streets and alleys.

You Fangyin crossed two streets and entered a silk shop.

Observing from a distance upstairs, Dao Qin didn't think much of it at first.

However, after some time, You Fangyin entered a brush and ink shop, purchasing two tubes of high-quality brushes and a fine inkstone. Following this, she went for rouge and gouache, making some purchases with the smiling shopkeeper providing complimentary items. Then came headgear and other trifles…

In the end, she went to the temple to seek a peace talisman?!

Dao Qin's mouth finally twitched involuntarily.

This uncle's house concubine's daughter used to lead a life of poverty, but with sudden wealth from the raw silk business, she seemed to be indulging herself. Judging by the items she bought, they all appeared to be typical expenses for a daughter's family.

The Lu guy had claimed she would surely go to her employer.

This looked like she was heading to find her boss?

For a moment, Dao Qin contemplated abandoning the mission, returning to the mansion, and complaining to his master. He could say that the Lu guy kept talking nonsense all day, and none of his predictions were accurate.

But the next moment, he realized something was amiss!

You Fangyin had already hired a carriage on her way, entering it after leaving the temple. She exchanged a few words with the driver. Normally, it would be time to return home, but Dao Qin, skilled in swordsmanship and archery with keen eyes, could see the feathers of birds ten feet away. Now he could easily discern the shape of You Fangyin's lips when she spoke—

Those were definitely not the words "Qingyuan Bofu."

Dao Qin's heart trembled, dispelling his prior disdain for this task. He silently observed the carriage's direction, sometimes sprinting and sometimes taking shortcuts. After a while, he saw the carriage maneuvering far around a mansion, finally stopping in front of a side door that faced east.

You Fangyin alighted from the carriage.

Dao Qin looked up at the plaque hanging on the mansion's door, almost biting her tongue off in surprise. "Old boy…"

Mr. Xie's headache was probably going to get worse.

"Miss You, please come in."

Prepared by Jiang Xuening's orders, the concierge promptly ushered You Fangyin inside. When Tang'er heard of You Fangyin's arrival, she quickly greeted her and escorted her to Jiang Xuening's room. Drawing the curtain, she reported the visitor to Jiang Xuening.

"Second Miss, someone is here."

Jiang Xuening's living quarters were far more elegant than You Fangyin's modest abode. After her return, she had tidied up, adjusted some appropriate decorations, and added more suitable objects, giving her boudoir a fragrant and soft ambiance.

The Boshan furnace on the table still emitted the clear and distant fragrance of Dulu incense.

Upon entering, You Fangyin was nearly dumbstruck.

Jiang Xuening was barefoot in her room, sitting cross-legged on the kang by the window. She hadn't bothered to comb her hair, casually sipping tea and reading a book. However, the anticipation of meeting Yan Lin in the evening kept her from turning the page for a long while.

Upon hearing someone's approach, she looked up.

True to her prediction the day before, You Fangyin arrived dressed inconspicuously, carrying a multitude of purchased items. Jiang Xuening nodded with a smile, inviting her to sit. You Fangyin saluted first but declined to sit across from Jiang Xuening. Tang'er had to fetch an embroidery pier for her to sit beside the second miss.

With a lowered head, You Fangyin said, "Second Miss is my savior. I'll just sit here."

Jiang Xuening considered persuading her but decided against it, realizing she might feel uncomfortable. Instead, she inquired, "How was it when you came?"

You Fangyin responded, "I followed the instructions precisely, checked my surroundings when I went out, but I genuinely didn't notice anyone following me."

"If you could find out, then the pursuer is too foolish," Jiang Xuening chuckled. She nodded, asking Tang'er to bring tea, and continued, "In any case, just do as I instruct. As for what happens later, we'll have to wait and see. I called you here today because of your enthusiasm yesterday. Since you want to make more money, you must find a way. I made some preparations before you came, and I have a few strategies to share with you."

To You Fangyin's surprise, her eyes widened.

Tang'er brought the tea at that moment.

While pondering how to respond, You Fangyin hurriedly reached for the teacup but forgot about her injured hand. The sudden pain made her shake uncontrollably, causing the teacup to fall and shatter on the ground. Tea splashed, dampening their clothes and skirts.

Tang'er was concerned, asking, "Miss You, are you alright?"

"No, no, no, I'm fine," You Fangyin reassured, grabbing her other hand's fingers with one hand. She looked panicked and embarrassed, turning over the broken teacup, feeling extreme shame. "It's all my fault. I lost my mind just now."

Lost her mind? It didn't seem like she was distracted just now. And when she picked up the tea earlier, it appeared as though she touched a sore spot and got burnt.

Jiang Xuening wasn't easily fooled. Staring at her for a moment, she instructed, "Come here."

You Fangyin hesitated but finally walked over.

Jiang Xuening lowered her eyes, not looking at her. She directly pulled the hand she held earlier and found a cut on the fingertip, with the skin turned up, revealing flesh and blood. Although the wound wasn't large, it looked painful.

You Fangyin tried to retract her hand.

Embarrassed enough, she didn't want the second girl who had helped her to see more. She cringed, saying, "I was in a hurry to go back yesterday. I accidentally fell on the steps at home and scratched my hand, but it's nothing serious."

Jiang Xuening firmly held her hand, not allowing her to withdraw it.

Fell down? It wasn't implausible for someone like her to have a mishap while walking.


Without uttering a word, she pulled up her long sleeves, which tightly covered her arms. On the arm, already marked with many scars, the old wounds hadn't healed yet. It displayed various shades of blue, purple, and red, along with several new injuries!

Tang'er and Lian'er gasped beside them.

You Fangyin lowered her head deeply.

Jiang Xuening finally raised her head to look at her again, asking, "Yesterday, your second sister You Yue also returned home from the palace, didn't she?"