
A Lady’s Tranquility (Story of Kunning Palace/Rephrased)

In her previous existence, Jiang Xuening epitomized the archetype of a Mary Sue. In pursuit of the Empress title, she strategically formed connections and engaged romantically with various individuals. During her courtship with the Emperor, the rebel served as her contingency plan; In her dalliance with a student, the teacher assumed a similar role; When involved with a superior at work, the subordinate became her backup; Even in relationships with women, a man was kept in reserve...? Every day resembled a battleground! (Sighs) Regardless of the Emperor's identity, she aspired to secure the role of Empress! All the while, men believed they were entering the heart of a naive and sweet girl, only to discover they had unwittingly stepped into the quagmire of a deceitful woman who also moonlighted as the Queen of the Sea. Then came a change in the Palace. Her demise followed. Heaven granted her an opportunity for a fresh start. She pledged to sincerely repent and reform her ways. To her dismay, upon her rebirth, she found herself already entangled in a web of complications, rendering it too late for change! Jiang Xuening, indignant, exclaimed, "Heaven is toying with human lives! I was born with nine lives! believe it or not! When my temper flares up, [BEEP――]" Heaven, stricken with a more severe heart attack, questioned, "What if the ship capsizes again?" Jiang Xuening, with an icy and impassive demeanor, responded, "Helpless." It was all merely a rhetorical exchange. The challenge at hand: How to gracefully terminate enmity without offending influential individuals. Author(s): Mirror Of Time Shi Jing 时镜 Rephrased by: nnm88

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37 Chs

Kunning Chapter 19: Disappointment

Throughout the entire night, Jiang Xuening grappled with a question that lingered in her mind without finding an answer. The exact details of the selection process eluded her, leaving her in uncertainty. Consequently, even those harboring doubts found no means to validate their suspicions.

In the early hours of the next day, more updates about Princess Leyang's selection of companions began to surface, including the list of primary companions for reading. Among them was Xiao Shu, the eldest daughter of Chengguo Duke's Mansion, who had been Shen Zhiyi's childhood companion. Other selections included daughters of ministers and eleven well-educated young ladies from prominent families. Jiang Xuening, designated with a "good life," found her name on the list. Simultaneously, she observed that Miss Fan's family, highlighted by Shen Zhiyi as the poetry leader, and You Yue, the second daughter of Qingyuan uncle's mansion recognized for painting, were also selected.

As for the subjects to be studied, sons of high-ranking officials were to delve into rites, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and mathematics. Conversely, daughters from ordinary families were limited to learning a few subjects, such as female celebrities, poetry, and painting, deemed less essential.

However, Shen Zhiyi, being a princess with specific requirements, enjoyed a distinct curriculum. Apart from the gentlemanly arts of rituals, music, and calligraphy, she also learned more refined skills like mixing incense and painting. Due to the Emperor's favor toward Shen Zhiyi, who desired to clandestinely attend lectures at the Wenhua Palace, the Holy One arranged for erudite scholars from the Hanlin Academy to guide her, even allowing her access to books typically reserved for men.

Among the most astonishing revelations was the inclusion of "Mr. Xie" among the gentlemen invited by the Holy One for Shen Zhiyi—Xie Wei, the crown prince and grand teacher! He was set to teach two courses: guqin, categorized under "music," and the selection of a book from the classics and history collections, the specific one yet to be decided.

Upon hearing this news from Lian'er, Jiang Xuening wished she could bury her head in the ground in frustration.

Another notable aspect was the arrangement for entering the palace. In two days, preparations would commence, with a stay of approximately three to five days to learn court etiquette from female officials, understand palace taboos, and avoid making mistakes that could lead to disasters. In case one struggled with learning or had inadequate qualifications, a polite suggestion to withdraw would be extended. Following a brief return home, the real palace studies would commence, with most living in the palace and permitted a day home every nine days, spanning over half a year.

For Jiang Xuening, contemplating the prospect of studying in the palace was headache-inducing. While she dared not openly refuse the Emperor's will, she resolved to find a suitable reason for what she termed "passive sabotage."

In the afternoon, Tang'er and Lian'er prepared for her inaugural entry into the palace, emphasizing the need for gifts when meeting numerous ladies from aristocratic families. They suggested purchasing some later.

Seated by the window and engrossed in idle books, Jiang Xuening's lips twitched slightly. She mused, "People familiar with the situation understood they were heading for academic pursuits, but to those uninformed, it seemed like a visit to relatives."

Lian'er expressed with a pout, "When a girl enters the palace, she must be prepared for anything. The servants aren't allowed to follow this time. Who knows what kind of maids are in the palace? They may not be needed now, but they can be useful next time. Our girl is the only one whose name wasn't submitted but is on the accompanying list, so she can't afford to lose anything, unlike the grandeur!"

Jiang Xuening's eyelids twitched upon hearing this.

Indeed, should I consider finding a toothmaid to sell this girl first?

Why stir up trouble?

She buried her head, picked a piece of candied fruit from the plate, and casually flipped through the book, indifferent to the commotion around her.

She didn't plan to stay in the palace for long anyway.

The intention couldn't be vocalized.

If word got out that she was deliberately scheming to avoid entering the palace, it could lead to unnecessary problems.

The fewer people aware of it, the better—preferably none.

Flipping through a few more pages, she suddenly heard a "snap," as if something small had hit the window sash.

Jiang Xuening raised her head, only to find the shadow of the sun outside.

As she was about to resume reading, another soft "pop" caught her attention.

This time, it hit the window sill, bounced, and rolled onto her book.

She picked it up to discover a golden pine nut with a small crack.

Squeezing it with her fingers, it opened up.

It turned out to be fried pine nuts.


Although Jiang Xuening couldn't see anyone, she already knew who was approaching. Unable to contain her laughter, she remarked, "The mansion's courtyard wall appears as if it hasn't been constructed. If my father discovers that you entered without a sound, simply walking in through the main entrance, he'll surely complain again."

"But didn't you let him witness it this time?" Yan Lin's voice echoed from a higher vantage point as he emerged from the thick shade of the tree beside the wall. With a playful smile, he leaped down, clutching a small handful of pine nuts, and approached her window.

"Unless you decide to file a complaint."

Having not seen him for a few days, Yan Lin seemed to have acquired a slight tan. A shallow scratch adorned his once pristine face, not too deep but adding a touch of ruggedness. His initial aristocratic aura was now complemented by a hint of toughness, rendering him even more compelling.

Concerned about his appearance, Jiang Xuening inquired, "What happened to you?"

Yan Lin, noting her concern, raised his hand to touch his cheek, coughed, and explained, "During my visit to Tongzhou Daying, I indulged in a bit of wine and couldn't resist challenging my father's subordinates. Unfortunately, my fists and feet lacked precision, resulting in a minor injury. It's nothing serious; the army doctor assured me it'll heal in a couple of days."

Throughout various dynasties, both Fengtai Daying and Tongzhou Daying served as garrisons defending the capital. However, after King Pingnan's rebellion twenty years ago, the late emperor established an imperial army in the capital. The best soldiers from the two battalions were chosen to join the imperial army, safeguarding the capital. In this dynasty, under Emperor Shen Lang's rule, the imperial army was further strengthened due to his deep-seated concerns about past rebellions.

Yongyihou's Mansion, belonging to one of the noble families responsible for military power, oversaw the Tongzhou Camp. Fengtai Daying, closer to the capital, fell under the jurisdiction of Chengguo Duke's Mansion.

Despite being two noble families of comparable stature in the capital, the Xiao family of Duke Cheng's Mansion, being Shen Lang's family, held a higher level of trust than the Yan family.

Jiang Xuening pondered the situation at Yongyi Hou's Mansion, wondering who might be behind it. Turning her attention back to Yan Lin, she asked, "How is Zhou Yinzhi?"

Observing the bustling maidservants in the room, Yan Lin placed the handful of pine nuts on the window table. With one hand on the window sill, he sat down, one leg hanging outside and the other in the air. Leaning over, he picked up a piece of candied fruit from her and began eating.

"He's an intriguing person," Yan Lin remarked after some thought. Expressing admiration, he continued, "I met him before leaving Beijing. He exudes neither humility nor arrogance, remaining calm. Perhaps, being a Jin Yiwei, he possesses comprehensive knowledge of the court and should be adept at handling affairs. But there's something else about him that I find valuable. Have you heard of it?"

Intrigued, Jiang Xuening inquired, "There have been recent assassinations in Beijing, making it unrestful. I've stayed indoors and paid little attention to the outside. What's the matter?"

Yan Lin swiftly shared, "This man has a prized horse, and he cares deeply for it. He personally tends to it every day. Despite the lack of open spaces in the capital, whenever he finds the time, he takes it to the outskirts for horse racing. However, not long ago, while he was handling official matters at the Wei Office, a young boy arrived, claiming his horse was gravely ill and on the brink of death. Without hesitation, he sought leave from the office, rushed home, and upon seeing the ailing horse, drew his saber and put it out of its misery."

Jiang Xuening was suddenly frozen.

Yan Lin chuckled, recounting, "The following day, when he visited Zhen Fusi, the officer inquired about his horse. He candidly replied that the horse had died, and he had put it down. The officer was taken aback and questioned his reasoning. Astonishingly, he explained that he had raised the horse for over two years, treating it like family. However, witnessing the horse's suffering from illness, he couldn't bear to see it in pain. Hence, he chose to grant it a swift end, considering it a gesture of ending both the horse's torment and their two years of companionship."

That horse…

How could Jiang Xuening not be aware?

The horse was perfectly fine when she sought out Zhou Yinzhi that day. So why did it suddenly fall gravely ill, experiencing unbearable agony?

The only explanation that crossed her mind at this moment was the excuse she concocted when she dispatched the boy to retrieve him from the guard: Master Zhou's beloved horse is on the brink of death due to illness…

A chilling sensation swept from her feet to her entire body.

Jiang Xuening's fingers, pressing the book's pages, lost their steadiness and trembled slightly.

Yan Lin remarked, "Whether the statement is true or not remains uncertain, but the fact of the horse's demise is confirmed. This man's decisiveness and sharpness in his actions are evident. Lately, the Emperor intends to task Jin Yiwei with overseeing punishment and prison matters. However, the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate—the three legal divisions responsible for criminal and prison affairs—hold strong reservations. During this incident, the Criminal Division accused Zhou Qianhu, providing an opportunity for the three justice divisions to exploit the issue. The Emperor couldn't bear the uproar. The talk is everywhere, and Zhou Qianhu was stripped of his official position a few days ago. I've arranged people within the court, and this gap conveniently led to Zhou Yinzhi."

Zhou Yinzhi wouldn't release an eagle without spotting a rabbit.

Yan Lin handles matters efficiently.

Although Jiang Xuening had been reborn, she lacked knowledge of governmental intricacies during her past life experiences. She was only privy to the final outcomes, unaware of the underlying events, the political maneuvers, and the power struggles among factions. Hasty reminders might plunge her into unforeseen dangers. She feared she could unintentionally harm Yongyi Hou Mansion while trying to help and harm herself instead. However, if Zhou Yinzhi were to warn her, she could conceal herself and benefit from Zhou Yinzhi, the "secret weapon" sent by Jin Yiwei to investigate the connection between Yongyi Hou Mansion and King Pingnan's rebellion. He possessed more knowledge about the matter than she did and could provide genuine information, gaining sufficient attention from Yongyi Houfu.

Even if she couldn't completely avert disaster, taking some precautions and making preparations in advance might prevent a situation like the one in her previous life—

Although some people lost their lives during home raids, more met their demise in exile. Some succumbed to old age and frailty, others fell prey to bandits, and many perished due to poverty and illness…

This included Yan Lin's father.

Jiang Xuening felt a renewed heaviness in her heart. She had been entirely manipulated by Zhou Yinzhi in her previous life, and even though she continued to use him in this life, she needed to exercise caution. Today, he could end the life of his cherished horse based on her fabricated details; tomorrow, he might wield the butcher's knife against her for the sake of his career and future.

Unable to resist, she cautioned Yan Lin, "This man seems fond of his horse, yet he can end its life without hesitation. While his decisiveness is commendable, it also reflects a ruthless approach."

Yan Lin's eyebrows extended, understanding her concern. He simply said, "I know."

Unable to articulate her thoughts further, Jiang Xuening merely lowered her gaze, picking up the handful of pine nuts he had just placed down to peel.

Peeling the small pine nut kernels was tedious and required considerable effort, evident from the furrow on her forehead.

Yan Lin observed with a smile, then untied the bulging purse hanging from his waist and tossed it to her, saying, "I figured you might be impatient to peel them, so go ahead and take a look."

As she held the purse, she sensed its weight.

Upon opening it, she discovered a collection of peeled pine nuts, their yellow hue gathered together.

Though not extravagant, the effort required to peel them was evident. The bulging purse hinted at the meticulous work of the boy sitting on the window sill, meticulously extracting each pine nut from its shell with hands that were accustomed to holding a sword. Then, he saved them up before casually presenting them to her.

Observing her silence, Yan Lin wondered if she disliked the offering. He asked, "Don't you like it?"

Jiang Xuening shook her head, stating, "No, I appreciate it very much."

Surprised, Yan Lin questioned, "Then why aren't you eating?"

Jiang Xuening struggled to explain. Although the item was small, it held great significance for her, and she feared she might not be able to reciprocate the gesture.

A cool autumn breeze wafted in through the window, and as September neared its end, the scent of osmanthus gradually waned.

Noticing her prolonged silence, Yan Lin recalled the peculiar words she uttered that night. When he lifted his eyes, he saw her servant girl packing several more books and asking, "Miss, are you going to the palace tomorrow? Would you like to bring some books to read?"

Without turning back, Jiang Xuening replied, "No."

It was then that Yan Lin remembered the impending palace entry. He took another piece of candied fruit from her and exclaimed, "You'll be entering the palace as the princess's companion. You'll also have the opportunity to learn from Mr. Xie. How about that? Aren't you thrilled?"

No wonder Yan Lin seemed so delighted.

She began to express her reluctance, stating that she had no desire to go at all. However, before she could voice her thoughts, she looked up to find Yan Lin wearing a broad smile. Upon reflection, she sensed a smug undertone in his words, sparking an uneasy feeling within her.

Jiang Xuening's eyelids twitched. "Did you know about the companion reading within two days of your return?"

Yan Lin let out an "ah" and winked at her. The brilliance in his dark eyes shone brightly, and the hint of mischief between his brows became more apparent. "I was aware that the princess chose you for reading. I informed her long ago. I urged her to include you no matter what. You always talk about wanting to explore new places. Aren't you curious about the palace's offerings from the past? Of course, I couldn't miss this golden opportunity. Ning Ning, how am I doing? I've done well, haven't I?"

Jiang Xuening: "…"

After all the trouble, it turns out you were the one scheming against me!!

Suppressing the urge to push this kid off the window sill, Jiang Xuening's mouth twitched. Though she appeared to be smiling, she clenched her back molars in secret. She replied, "Fantastic! It's so well-executed, such a 'pleasant surprise'!"

For some reason, Yan Lin felt a chill down the back of his neck.

However, seeing Ning Ning happy made him happy as well.

So, he said, "Though I don't know which books Mr. Xie will teach you, learning the guqin has been confirmed. There will undoubtedly be some related materials. A few days ago, I instructed people to search for high-quality guqins, some dating back hundreds of years. Mr. Xie has a fondness for the qin. Even if the instructor is strict, they'll likely be lenient for the sake of the qin. Today is an opportune time, and there's still some time. Let's go; I'll accompany you to choose a qin!"

Upon hearing the words "Mr. Xie," Jiang Xuening felt a shiver run down her spine. When she heard "qin," her head began to spin. She wanted to express her intent to decline politely and mention she didn't require such an item.

However, Yan Lin was insistent.

After a brief struggle, she found herself coerced into the carriage and taken out of the mansion to select a qin.

At this point, fourteen days had elapsed since the Jiujiu Chongyang Festival.

You Fangyin couldn't count how many times she had visited this business. Today, after checking the market price of raw silk, she wore a puzzled frown. Despite the repeated blank stares from the clerk at the counter, she continued to express her gratitude sincerely.

For over ten consecutive days, she had burned the midnight oil, diligently studying ledger reading and practicing accounting, leaving her with bloodshot eyes.

Upon leaving the business, she felt a sense of dizziness.

The street market outside buzzed with activity, filled with people and horse-drawn carriages.

Lately, the household had become more strict, but she found herself sneaking out frequently. If her two elder sisters, especially the second one, discovered her actions, it could lead to further troubles.

Considering her second sister's recent selection as the eldest princess's companion, she was virtually untouchable within the household.

You Fangyin thought she should return home earlier today. Having only slept for two hours the previous night, she felt she couldn't endure much longer.

As she walked, however, a small stall on the side of the road caught her attention. It displayed intricately embroidered brocade handkerchiefs, sachets, and various embroidery patterns. One sachet, embroidered with green calyx orchids, featured a stitching method she had never encountered before. Her gaze lingered for a moment, and so did her footsteps.

She thought of the white peony she had accidentally stained.

Extending her hand, she picked up the sachet for a closer inspection. Lost in thought and unable to stand firmly, she was unintentionally propelled forward when someone passed by, causing her to fluster around her sleeves. Unexpectedly, most of the neatly hung brocade handkerchiefs and sachets were thrown to the ground.

The peddler, running a small business, immediately shouted, "What's the matter with you, young lady? Are you intentionally here to ruin my business?"

You Fangyin suddenly felt a pang of guilt. "I'm sorry; I just wanted to see the sachet. I didn't mean to…"

All eyes in the vicinity focused on her, intensifying her embarrassment. Quickly lowering her head, she hastened to assist the peddler in retrieving the scattered items, offering repeated apologies.

A commotion unfolded on the street, drawing the attention of passersby who couldn't resist pointing fingers at her.

Meanwhile, Jiang Xuening had followed Yan Lin to an elegantly furnished, secluded restaurant upstairs. Before she could enter, she overheard a commotion, turned her head in the direction of the sound, and immediately spotted the embarrassed girl in the crowd.

As the girl picked up a sachet, she inadvertently knocked down more items, growing increasingly flustered.

Recognizing her as You Fangyin, Jiang Xuening felt a slight tightness in her chest.

It seemed that some things hadn't changed.

How clumsy she had been before, and how clumsy she remained.

Glancing at the stall, she noted the sale of sachets and brocade handkerchiefs.

A self-deprecating laugh escaped her lips.

What was she expecting?

Not long ago, she learned that a girl from the back house lacked the skills to manage a household. Unable to read account books or write more than a few words, bound by her family, even with money in hand, she would likely purchase land when exhausted. Was it realistic to expect her to take risks, buy raw silk, and engage in business?

After all, there was only one You Fangyin who possessed the same boldness and uniqueness as in the previous life.

Yan Lin followed her gaze, recognizing the woman as the concubine's daughter of the You family he had saved that day. He frowned momentarily and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xuening withdrew her gaze, lowered her eyelids, and responded, "Sometimes, you can't save a situation even if you can save a person. There are times when you know something is impossible, but seeing it with your own eyes still brings a twinge of disappointment…"

Yan Lin looked at her with some confusion.

She smiled gently, saying, "It's okay. Just a little bit."

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