
Chapter 81: Returning Home (1)

We returned to the village slowly, Cameia gradually regaining her strength as we traveled through the dense forest.

It took some time, but it allowed us to regain our strenght and chakra, especially for Cameia, who stopped panting and eventually managed to run on her own, though I did hover beside her in worry.

Entering the village, we made our way to the temple first, where the Chieftess was lounging on her throne, one of her wives on her lap feeding her.

"Ah, you're back! Good news I hope?"

We all nodded, and Anko tossed the scroll containing Umyeia's head.

Withdrawing the skull, the Chieftess smiled before sighing, turning her golden gaze towards Cameia.

"Are you sure about this, old friend? Once you leave, you can't come back..."

"I'm very sure, Texanta. This is my new beginning, and hopefully it leads to many, many memories."

Texanta smiled sadly at Cameia, before gesturing towards the door.

"Very well. Go; rest. By noon tomorrow I want you gone, as you are no longer a resident of this village."

Cameia bowed to Texanta before turning to leave, not looking back.

As we walked down the streets, I matched Cameia's long strides, eventually asking "A-Are you sure about leaving, Cameia?"

Glancing over at me, she narrowed her eyes as she asked "Do you not want me?"

Shaking my head swiftly, I held my hands up as I said "O-Obviously I want you to come, but not if you don't want to leave! I want you to be happy..."

"It's not like I know what that feels like, Kokoro."

Gritting my teeth, I stared at her with concern, making the woman look at me.

"Kokoro, I never felt like I belonged here, and each day was dull. However, with you, each days has been different; new. So yes, I am sure. I want to go with you three, explore those new lands, settle down, and maybe eventually..."

Trailing off, she peered down at my stomach, making me shiver.

"Have a family."

"Oi, I called dibs first."

Anko stomped over to us, making me glare at her, about to say something when Cameia asked "'Dibs'?"

"I get to impregnate her first. She was my woman long before you!"


She stared over at me, her brown eyes glowing with possessiveness as she growled "Kokoro."

Shivering under her weighted gaze, I fell silent, nodding.

"That's fine... after all, life is long enough."

"Good. Now come on; this'll be the last time we sleep in a bed for a few days, so let's make the most of it."

Following behind Anko as she took Kurenai's hand, we made our way to the house.

Staring at Anko, Camera pursed her lips slightly before taking my hand as well.


"Is this not what a mate does?"

Seeing her tilt her head as she looked down at me, I chuckled, squeezing her hand slightly before leaning into her muscular arm.

"It is, it is~"


Sitting at the table, Cameia stared down at the plate as picked at the remaining meat, and I blushed as I mirrored her.

In the bathroom was Anko and Kurenai, and...


"A-Anko~! Right there~!"

Kurenai's moans easily pierced the thin walls, and I wanted nothing more than to hide in a corner.

"Does it feel that good? Sex, I mean."

Gulping, I peered up at Cameia, who was staring straight at me.

"W-Well, yes... it feels... pretty good."

Murmuring that, I felt a slight rush of embarrassment as she nodded, chewing on a slice of venison.

"Texanta said that it was really important to a relationship... why?"

Gulping again, I muttered "J-Just li-like a kiss, it l-lets your partner know how much... you... you desire them..."

"Like a kiss? Hmm..."

Getting up, Cameia walked over to me, bending down so that our faces were level.

Cupping my cheek, she leaned forwards, pressing her lips to mine.

My eyes went wide as she kissed me, and after a moments hesitation I nuzzled her hand, opening my mouth to allow her tongue to slither inside.

She quickly subdued my tongue, much to my surprise, and she pulled me deeper into her.

Her citrus taste permeated my mouth, and I felt like I was melting under her touch, only to whine as she pulled away.

"I think their done."

Blinking a few times, I tried to piece together what she said, my brain slightly numb before looking towards the bathroom door, where the nude figures of Anko and Kurenai stood, panting.

Anko was glowing, a grin on her lips as she winked at me, before leading a panting, exhausted Kurenai into the bedroom.

"Well, we should bathe, no?"

"Uh... O-Oh... Y-Yes..."

Getting up, I followed behind Cameia, my heart pounding in my chest as I wondered what was about to happen...


Running through the woods, I glared over at Cameia, who was staring ahead.


Nothing happened...

Sighing, I shook my head; she was still new to everything, so of course she didn't try anything!

However, I was still slightly annoyed that she tried literally NOTHING when I was RIGHT next to her...

Though, I gulped as I remembered her magnificent member that roared to life when we entered the bath...

Maybe it was a good thing we didn't do anything...

Exiting the forest, we looked out towards the tall mountains of the aptly named Land of Mountains.

Reaching the small outpost, I gasped slightly as I turned to look at Cameia, asking "Do you know what happened to this outpost?"

She nodded, saying "Three men lived here, and tried to fight against one of our hunting squads. After tracking them down to this building, we killed them. Why?"

Anko, Kurenai, and I exchanged wry smiles, shaking our heads.

"Nothing. Come on, let's get going; daylights wasting..."

Climbing up the mountain, we all turned to look over the lush forest, and Cameia pursed her lips as she stared over her home.

"Feeling a little sad about leaving?"

She glanced at Anko, before asking "You live near forests as well, yes?"

Nodding, Anko sighed as she said "We do, but not as verdant as this one. Besides, we also don't have any Chakra Beasts, just normal animals."

Cameia shrugged, saying "As long as their are trees and wildlife, I'll be fine."

Taking a last look at the rolling forests, Cameia turned around and walked away, leading us into the mountains.

We fell into formation quickly enough, switching Anko and Cameia so that Anko led us back the way we came, while Cameia protected our rear.

The mountains were quiet, the only noise being the light breeze that blew through the desolate rock faces.

"How long is this stretch?"

Peering back at Cameia, I smirked as I said "A day. This is the second hardest part of the journey..."

She nodded, continuing to observe our surroundings as we traversed the rocky paths.

Hopefully nothing happened on our journey to the Land of Fang...


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts