
Chapter 62: Basan (1)

We stood in a tree, a hundred some odd feet away from a large, decrepit stone temple, similar to the one in the village.

"This looks like..."

Hearing my voice, Rekyses nodded, turning towards us as she said "That was a temple used by our ancestors. We had two villages, however this one... well, there are things in this forest that defy the natural order of the world."

"Ah... like a woman pale green skin living in a completely silent, calm clearing?"

The two Priestess' turned to look at me, the pressure from their body increasing slightly.

"You saw the Nature Mother?"

Cameia asked the question, looking at me with slightly narrowed eyes.

Shivering from her pressure, I nodded, saying "We didn't enter the clearing..."

Rekyses sighed in relief, and the pressure dropped.

The Tempest Priestess looked at us, smiling slightly as she said "Good, cause otherwise you'd be dead."

"From that woman?"

Looking over at Anko, Cameia shook her head, saying "No. From us."

We gulped as her piercing golden eyes stared at us, before she turned back towards the ruins.

"Alright! Let's go hunt a large chicken, yeah?"

I chuckled slightly as Anko tried to lighten the mood.

"Indeed. Now, it isn't just the Basan we need to worry about; there are countless beasts living inside and around the temple. As such, I believe it best to split into two groups; Kokoro and Cameai, and then us three."

Anko narrowed her eyes, looking between the two women, before turning her gaze towards Kurenai, who just shook her head.

Sighing, my childish wife hung her head, looking at me with a pout before glaring at Cameia.

"I suggest this due to how well they'd work together; as well as how well we'd work together. Worry not, Cameia doesn't seem... interested in taking a mate."

The Darkness Priestess just remained silent, staring at the temple with her unchanging expression.

"Alright, so, the Basan is likely inside the temple, but it apparently has sway over the creatures living here. So, we need to thin the herd quickly and silently, before drawing it outside, where we can attack it from afar, out of reach of its Soul Fire."

We listened to Rekyses, who continued to explain what we may run into, as well as where we should go.

Committing everything to memory, I chuckled as Kurenai had to drag the pouting Anko away, following behind Rekyses.

Turning to Cameia, I asked "So, shall we start?"

She turned to look at me, her golden eyes meeting mine before she nodded.

Dropping from the tree, she landed on a lower branch before waiting for me.

When I landed beside her Cameia just jumped to a new tree, and I sighed as I followed, the silence deafening.

"Uh... Kama are a rare weapon to use. What made you decide to use them?"


I nodded, waiting for more, only to be met by silence.

Sighing again, I just fell silent, wishing for the time to pass.

"You are an archer, are you not?"

Looking at Cameia in surprise, I asked "How'd you know? I haven't even used the bow since before we entered the village..."

She turned, her eyes gliding over my body as she said "Your musculature, habits, and other physical signs. Calloused finger pads, stronger and larger shoulder muscles compared to your mates. Your eyes always flicker towards weak points, and when you attack you always want to create distance instead of pushing the attack."

My eyes went wide, wondering if she just used her daily word count on that one sentence.

"You paid that much attention to me?"

She turned away, muttering "You are intriguing."

I chuckled at that, making her stop on a branch.

Looking at me again, Cameia said "Well, I found you interesting, so I decided to learn as much as I could. Now, would you like to show me your skill?"

She pointed off towards a tree in the distance, where a green snake coiled around the trunk.

Nodding, I summoned my bow, nocking an arrow as I said "Pick a segment."

The snake was coiled around the tree almost a dozen times, its thick body scarring the bark as it moved slowly upwards.

"Third from the top, left side."

I nodded, nocking an arrow as I held my breath.

Not bothering with a chakra string, I wanted to use my pure skill to make this shot.

Feeling the wind on my skin, and taking in the way the leaves and branches rustled around the layer the snake was on.

Taking in all of those factors, I adjusted the bow, nodding to myself before...

Releasing the string, I listened to the thunk of my longbow with a grin, watching as the arrow hurtled threw the air, whistling quietly as it sliced through the light winds.

Cameia and I watched as the arrow pierced the third segment from its head, on the left side of the trunk.

The arrow easily slid into the snakes flesh, pinning it to the tree.

Grinning, I drew another arrow, only to feel Cameia's cold hand on my arm.

"My turn."

Placing her hand on my longbow, she stared at me, making me sigh as I allowed her to use my weapon.

Before I could hand her an arrow she shook her head, a black, wispy arrow appearing on the string.

Nocking her Darkness Chakra arrow back, she took aim and released, all in just a second.

The arrow flew through the sky, a streak of the void following behind it as it...

My jaw went slack as her arrow split my own, making the snake hiss before the chakra diffused into the snake, making it writhe in pain before its green scales turned grey, withering away.

Handing my bow back to me, Cameia nodded, saying "You are good."

Jumping away, I watched her with narrowed eyes, grumbling to myself "'You are good.' My ass! The hell was that? I'll show-"

I continued grumbling, following behind Cameia.

"I can hear you."


She looked at me again, before turning back towards the ruins.

"More beasts. Do you wish to... what was it... 'Make that expressionless doll look at me in awe?'"

I pursed my lips, narrowing my eyes as I looked towards the two wolves that were resting beside the ruins.

"Yes! This time, you use an actual arrow; so I can know you're not cheating."

Cameia nodded, gesturing for me to go first.

I nocked an arrow again, taking a deep breath as I grinned to myself.

Preparing another arrow, I shot the first arrow in between the two wolves, not using the full draw.

Quickly placing another arrow on the string, I drew it all the way back and sent that arrow hurtling forwards, before...

The arrow heads collided mid air, making them bounce off one another, sending them straight into the heads of the two resting wolves.

I jumped up, a huge grin on my face.

"HAHA~ Bet you couldn't do that, huh!?"

I looked over at Cameia, who was just...

Staring at me.


I stood still on the branch, staring at her with dull eyes.


THAT was just... IMPRESSIVE?

What the hell!?

I managed to BOUNCE two arrows off one another and kill to wolves...

From a hundred some odd feet!

That was only impressive?!

I glared at the woman, stepping forwards as I growled "I'd like to see-"

I was, sadly, interrupted by a loud, bone shaking roar, Cameia and I looking towards the ruined temple.

"Was that..."

Cameia nodded, her eyes boring a hole into the temple, her voice still as impassive as ever as she said "The Basan."


Was that arrow thing impossible?

Yeah, probably, but hey, rule of cool and all that.

Anyways, seems like the emotionless gets under the slightly competitive Kokoro's skin huh?




Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts