
Chapter 4: Hospital

Waking up to a cold bed again, I sighed before dragging myself out from under the covers, stretching. Like usual, I went to turn the shower on before grabbing a spare set of my 'Work' clothes from the dresser. After making sure my spare vest had all my gear, I hopped in the shower, quickly washing myself. Getting out, I dried myself and got dressed, before walking into my kitchen, deciding to make myself breakfast. Grabbing two eggs from the fridge, I cracked them into a pan on my stove, letting them cook. While I waited I dropped two slices of bread into the toaster, before grabbing a small jar of apple jam. Deciding the eggs were done, and hearing my toast was ready, I grabbed a plate and sat at my table, spreading the jam onto the toast before taking a bite. My gaze flicked over to the tags, sighing when they were still blank. Finishing my meal, I placed the plate in the sink, before grabbing my chokuto and exiting my apartment.

Like yesterday, I walked over to the academy, relishing the quiet streets of Konoha while I could. Making my way to the Mission Desk, I saw the Hokage and Shikaku Nara, the Jonin commander. No one was here, so either I was extremely early or that many people had multi-day missions. Noticing my approach, the Hokage lowered the book he was reading, giving me a smile.

"You know you are allowed days of rest, yes?"

I returned the smile, before saying "I am aware, Lord Hokage. That's why I wanted to ask if we had any missions for inside Konoha. I have... plans for tonight."

Giving a knowing smirk, the Hokage started leafing through the missions, pulling out a few and placing them off to the side.

"Well, the Hospital has a request for some extra Shinobi with medical knowledge. There is also quite a few minor civilian requests, just like the ones you completed as a fresh Genin."

"What does the Hospital need?"

"Just an extra hand. Many Genin Teams are scheduled to return today, and we both know how reckless Genin can be. They just need you to work till noon."

"Then I'll be over at the Hospital. Is it D or C ranked?"

Hearing my question, the Hokage tossed the scroll to me. Opening it up, I was pleasantly surprised.

'Hospital Request: C- Rank

Reward: 30,000 Ryo

Details: Six Hour Shift at Konoha Hospital'

"C Rank?"

"Well, I can't give it to Genin now can I? Sadly, there are fewer who pursue the healing arts as of late. All the kids want to focus on is big jutsu's and fancy footwork."

Nodding, I bowed, turning to leave. Before I could exit the room, Shikaku spoke up.

"Chunin Kanei, after you have sufficiently rested, and when the last person returns, you will be assigned a B Rank mission. I can't give you any details now, but sometime soon you will be summoned to the Hokage Tower. Just letting you know."

Turning, I saw the Hokage had picked up his book, not acknowledging what Shikaku had just said. Looking at Shikaku, he just gave me a nod before resting his head on the desk, going back to sleep. Giving another bow, I left the Academy, mulling over his words.

A B Rank mission is assigned to more experienced Chunin and are usually missions where you can expect to face other Chunin or larger groups of Genin. I've only ever had three B Rank missions, and all were long, grueling missions, only one of which was a solo mission. Deciding there was no need to worry unnecessarily over something out of my control, I ran to the Hospital, wanting to start this six hour shift as soon as possible.

Arriving at the Hospital, I entered before reaching the front desk, where I handed the mission scroll to the receptionist. The young lady smiled at me before pointing down the hallway, saying "Ginko Hyuuga is in room 119, and she will be in charge of the treatment of the returning teams."

Nodding, I walked down the hallway, looking for room 119, and when I found it I knocked, waiting for permission to enter. Hearing a muffled "Enter." I opened the door. Looking around, I saw an old man lying on the hospital bed, with a tall pale woman standing at the bedside. She looked my way, and staring at her eyes, I saw the Byakugan of the Hyuuga clan staring back at me.

When she spoke, it was in a soft, gentle voice. "Name and purpose of visit?"

"Chunin Kokoro Kanei, here on the Hospital's Mission request."

She nodded, before quickly turning to the old man who had started coughing. Quickly making the handsigns for the Mystical Palm, she lowered her hands onto the mans chest, a soft green glow bathing the room. The man stopped coughing, and after keeping her palms on his chest for a few extra moments, she removed them. Looking back at me, she gestured for me to follow her out of the room.

"We need to get you changed before we start preparing the rooms. Quite a few missions are scheduled to return today, and some are overdue, suggesting some problems have occurred. You are here till noon, yes?"

She was leading me towards the back of the hallway, where the Doctors had their personal offices. Giving her an affirmative, she opened one of the doors, showing a small room with a desk in one corned and a couch against one of the walls, along with multiple filing cabinets.

"I have extra lab coats in that cabinet over there. Leave your vest and chokuto leaning against the wall there. We will be working the entire second floor, along with multiple civilian nurses. Understood?"

Nodding, I did as she asked, quickly taking the chokuto off my back before taking off my vest. Opening the drawer, I grabbed a lab coat and shrugged it on. When she saw I was ready she led me to the second floor. When we arrived, she briefly showed me the layout, and where the more injured patients would be taken. Mid tour, we heard a commotion at the elevator, and we rushed towards it.

Walking out of the elevator were two very battered Genin supported by a nurse, and a man lying on a stretcher.

"Take the stretcher to room 200! The other two can share room 201! Kanei, go to room 201, when you are done go to room 200!"

Quickly nodding, I helped the nurses walk the two patients towards room 201, quickly looking at the surface conditions. Both girls, one had her entire arm loosely bandaged, while the other couldn't apply any pressure to her left leg. Both had bandage patches everywhere, but those were the injuries that stood out.

When we arrived in the room, I had both girls lay on a bed, before ordering the nurses to start unwrapping the bandaged arm. Moving towards the girl with an injured leg, I took a scalpel from a tray and quickly and gently cut the leg of the pants off, looking at the injury. Her shin was swelling and was a deep blue, suggesting a fracture or break.

Making the handsigns, I placed my hands above the swelling, slowly allowing small amounts of my own chakra to enter the girls body, stimulating her body to heal the injury. The girl gasped in pain, and when she started gasping again, I lowered the chakra input. Maintaining the correct amount of chakra needed to heal a broken bone was difficult. Turning my head, I asked for a report from the two nurses working on the other girl.

"Large gash running from the back of her had all the way to the elbow. Multiple other small gashes and bruises on her body. Bleeding is staunched; patient is stable."

Nodding, I turned back to my patient, watching as the swelling slowly alleviated. For around half an hour I sat there, slowly pushing my chakra into her body, before eventually determining it was healed enough. I turned my attention to all the other wounds on her body, quickly healing each one. When I finished, I turned towards the nurses.

"Switch. Splint her leg, then clean her off."

Seeing them nod, I walked over towards the other girl, gently grabbing her arm.

"I-Is Chi okay?"

Her voice came out shaky. Looking into her eyes, I gave her a reassuring smile before nodding my head. "She'll be alright. She will be in the hospital for a week, to let the leg heal properly, but she should be good."

Tears streamed down her face when she heard that, and she started thanking me. Smiling, I ran through the handsigns before slowly letting my chakra close her wound. After I saw the gash was closed, I moved my hands to each wound, watching as small cuts and bruises healed. Sighing, I stepped back after the girl was healed. She had passed out half way through. Turning towards the nurses, I said "The girl with the broken leg should stay bedridden for a few days. This one should be fine in a day or two. Wash both of them off before making sure they have water. I'm going to room 200 now."

Seeing them give me nods, I turned and walked out of the room, walking into room 200. Laying on the bed was a man, and he had a giant burn covering half his chest. Ginko had her hands over his chest, and when she heard me enter she quickly spoke "Join me. We need to treat this quick!"

Standing opposite her, I quickly channeled my chakra into the man, matching the amount Ginko was channeling. We stood there for Sage knows how long, keeping the chakra output steady. Our only sign of this working was how the burn slowly receded and how it went from dark, puffy red to a lighter red. The man was going to be hospitalized for a while, but he should be able to survive.

We stood in silence, the only sound being the slight buzz of the medical chakra. Eventually, I could feel my chakra reaching its limits, and I removed my hands, stumbling back. Panting, I looked at Ginko, only to see her still breathing lightly, the only sign of her struggle being a thin sheen of sweat on her brow.

"Go. Rest a little, and help the others. I'll be fine. He is in the clear."

Nodding, I exited the room, moving towards the hall in front of the elevator, grabbing a glass of water and a nutrient pellet.

Thankfully, that team was the worst one. Most others had minor cuts and bruises, and I spent the rest of my shift healing those.

When I was done, I went back to room 200, seeing Ginko sitting on one of the chairs, her eyes closed.

"Thank you for you help, Kanei. Go grab your stuff and get the mission scroll from the front desk. You know, we could always use another medic here."

At that last part, Ginko looked at me, and I gave her a wry smile.

"I have to decline. I don't think I could stand being in a Hospital all the time. I'd rather be in the field."

She nodded, before shooing me out the door.

Going to her office, I folded the lab coat and placed it on the coach before putting my vest back on. Grabbing the chokuto, I walked to the front desk, where the same receptionist was sitting. Seeing me, she just smiled before handing me the mission scroll.

I left the Hospital, making my way to my apartment to freshen up. After all, I have a meeting with Kurenai tonight.

Sorry, i lied. No lemon in this chapter, but there will be one next chapter. I wanted to show that Kokoro can actually heal people, and also wanted to throw that foreshadowing in with Shikaku. Anyways, Enjoy!

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts