
Chapter 3: Back in Konoha


Author's Note: Whoa I did not expect this much traffic in a single day. Its been what, 5 hours and I have 1.7k views, a dozen people have added it to collections, and two amazing people decided to give me Powerstones!

Thank you Liliana_Aquino for 2 and Ethanlewiz69 for 3!

Please, if you are enjoying the work so far, let me know in a comment! And if you see somewhere I can improve, please let me know! Enjoy!


Kokoro's journey back to Konoha was uneventful. Halfway back she saw a small group of rabbits, and decided to take a break for an early dinner. After that, she continued on home, making it back a few hours after the sun set. As she approached the gate, she briefly considered going to Kurenai, but after looking down at herself and seeing how her shirt was drenched in sweat, she decided against it. Sure, they were both Kunoichi, but that didn't mean she could just show up smelling of blood and sweat. When she finally reached the gate, she realized it was another of her friends, a member of the Inuzuka Clan.

Yuga Inuzuka, a woman who was in the same year as her at the academy. Like all Inuzuka's, she had the claw marks on her cheeks. Long brown hair, sharp eyes, and a large goofy grin adorned her tan skin. Sitting next to her was her ninken, Shuiro, a large red-brown canine. Although it looked like Shuiro was dozing off, I could feel his eyes on me.

"Hey Yuga, been a bit. Just came back from a mission."

"Hey Hey Kokoro, it has been a while. How have things been?"

As she was asking the question, she turned around to start rummaging through todays departure sheets, looking for my name. As she searched, I took in the view she was offering. Wide hips and a full peach, I noticed that she was shaking it slightly, and when I looked towards her head, I saw her smirking at me. Shaking my head, I replied "Been fine. You and Taiga still the same?"

"If by 'the same' you mean still in a very open relationship, hoping for one more, then yes. I guarantee you would enjoy it, Kokoro. But I guess you will turn that offer down again, huh?"

Chuckling, I nodded my head and accepted the offered sheet, quickly signing it again. "I don't think I could keep up with you two Inuzuka's. One already seems like too many."

She rolled her eyes, before gesturing towards the gate. "See ya. Hope you are gonna join the reunion. That Hyuuga prick is organizing another display of pow- I mean beautiful reunion. Don't think I could stand being there for long though."

"If you don't want to go why would I? 'Night Yuga."

Walking past the gate, I started walking the streets of Konoha, enjoying the buzz of the nightlife. I made my way to the academy, smiling at some of the students who were still practicing at the fields, and smirking when I saw some pairs run to the isolated woods for some 'fun'. After going into the academy, I made my way towards the Mission Desk, quickly moving towards the line for completed missions. Instead of the Hokage and Jonin commander, the desks were now manned by various older chunins. Eventually I got to the desk, and handed over the scroll and gave my name. The old man quickly searched through the files next to him, found mine, and recorded my completion of a C rank mission.

"Let's see... two Nukenin, over twenty bandits... no bounty on the Nukenin... Your cut is 50,000 Ryo. Thank you for your hard work, Chunin Kanei."

Bowing slightly, I took the signed banknote of 50,000 ryo. Leaving the academy, I made my way towards the Konoha Bank, deciding to place the wad of bills I received from the bandits as well as the banknote into my personal account.

When that was done I rushed home. I could really use a shower right about now.

Reaching my apartment complex, I took the key out from its hidden spot. After unlocking my door, I checked both of my sensor tags, one for general intrusions, and the other keyed into a specific persons chakra. Both were still blank, meaning no one had entered my home.

I hung my chokuto next to the door on a hook, and turned on the lights, before slowly making my way to the bedroom. Opening the door, I saw it was in the same state as I left it in the morning. Sighing again, I started undoing the straps of my arm and shin guards, took off my glove, and started taking my flak vest off. After staring down at it for a moment, I took all the scrolls, kunai, senbon, and pellets out and placed them on my dresser. Placing my vest on the floor, I shrugged off my shirt and took off my pants, before scooping it all up and walking towards the bathroom. Entering the bathroom, I stripped fully. Opening my washing machine, I threw them in with a cleaning pellet, before turning it on. Unwrapping my chest, I took a deep breath before turning the shower on. Since I had completed a mission today, I was allowed three days before I had to take another one. Smiling to myself in the mirror, I decided that I would just see if there were any internal C ranked mission, or even any extra D ranked missions, just to have something to occupy my mind.

After stepping into the shower, I just let the water run over me, trying to turn my mind off as I stood there.

Eventually, I determined I had been in long enough, so I finished up before getting out of the shower, and dried off. Looking at the clock on the wall, I saw that I still had a few hours till midnight, I threw on some clothes and decided to go to a restaurant nearby, get some food, then come home and sleep.

Funny, a few years prior and I would be giddy about going out into the town, going to a bar, getting hammered before finding somebody to share a night with.

As I walked the street, I decided to just stop at a ramen stall I saw nearby. A lot of people raved about this place. Ichiraku Ramen, I think it's called?

Walking in, I sat down at one of the available seats. Guess I either lucked out and caught it at a good time, or it isn't as good as people say. As I sat down, the old man working behind the counter smiled at me.

"Hey boss, give me anything. I'm starved!"

Chuckling, the old man nodded his head, turning around to roll the dough for the noodles. As I was waiting, I heard a shout in the distance, followed by a high pitched "Believe it!"

At that the old man smirked, before speeding up his hands, preparing as quickly as possible. Before I could ask why, I heard the curtain ruffle, before a kid in an orange jumpsuit sat on the opposite side of the counter.

"Boss Teuchi, Boss Teuchi! Three bowls please!"

Letting my eyes run over him again, I raised my brow. It's not everyday that I run into the legendary prankster Naruto. Like most Shinobi, I know who he actually is. Naruto Uzumaki, the son of the late Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki. Staring at him, I still don't understand how the civilian populace can't see the resemblance between him and his dad. Whatever, not my problem. I'm managing my funds nicely, saving up for the future. Still don't know why none of the clans adopted him though. And as much as I revered the Fourth, and as much as I pity the kid, I can't afford to take him in. Selfish, yes. But I think he's doing alright, seeing as he's bouncing up and down on his seat.

"Oh, oh! Are you a Shinobi lady? Whoa, that's so cool!"

Before I could continue staring at a wall, waiting for a bowl of ramen, I hear the pipsqueak speak. Looking over at him, he's staring at my Hitai-Ate, awe and reverence in his gaze.

"Yup, Shinobi. That what you want to do, Naruto?"

His eyes met mine, a large smile on his face. "I'm going to be more than just a Shinobi! I'm going to be Hokage!"

I chuckled at that. I could walk into the academy and hear every kid say that. Looking into his eyes though, I see a resolve that is missing from all those kids. Maybe... Just maybe, he could actually do it?

"Good luck with that, kid. You gotta compete with legends like Jiraiya and Tsunade, not to mention the elite Jonin like Kakashi Hatake and Asuma Sarutobi, the current Hokage's son."

Before he could quip back, a bowl was placed in front of both of us.

"A bowl of pork miso ramen for a hungry chunin and a future Hokage."

Chuckling at that, I grabbed my chopsticks and started eating. Swirling the broth, I grabbed some noodles and brought them to my mouth.

What followed was an explosion of flavor, and after the first bite I went for another, before grabbing the bowl to take a sip of the broth.

"That is... simply amazing. This has to be the best ramen I've ever had!"

Boss Teuchi just smirked at me, before pointing over at Naruto.

My eyes widened in surprise. The kid was already on his third bowl! And before I could even comprehend being able to eat three bowls that fast, another appeared in front of Naruto.

I looked at Boss Teuchi in surprise. His smirk was still there, but I swear I had felt chakra just then. No way he managed to make five bowls that quickly.

Shaking my head, I just went back to my bowl. Yup, no way he has chakra! I mean, he's a ramen vendor! He has no chakra in him at all!

After finishing my bowl and convincing myself he was just a really efficient man, I looked over at Naruto, completely dumbfounded by the mountain of bowls ext to him. Dropping a coin on the counter, I shook my head before exiting the stall.

In order to preserve my sanity, I need to get away from here.

I walked back to my home, giving a wry smile when I saw many current Genin walking around on dates, seeing civilian couples', and even laughing off a kids offer to take me to dinner. When I got back into my apartment, I sighed again, looking at the sensor tags and seeing them blank. Throwing my clothes over one of the chairs, I climbed into bed, deciding some 'self care' was in order tonight.

Eventually, I passed out, cold even though I was under multiple blankets.

A big chapter of very little; i know. But again, this isnt going to be an action packed story. Yes, Kokoro will be taking missions, but i really want this story to be about her as a person, not just her as a kunoichi. Next chapter is a lemon, just as forewarning.

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts