
Chapter 28: Anko (2)*


Again, this chapter will contain Male x Female, so if that isn't what you wish to see, well, sorry. I believe you should read even if it makes you uncomfortable, as it is Anko's backstory in this novel.


After my first few nights with her, I tried seeing if it was her, or if I simply knew I was to die soon; was I simply looking for someone to help make my remaining time in the land of the living bearable? So, I had a few flings. After all, Kokoro and I were just friends with benefits; she made that clear.

Every woman I held in my arms felt like a cheap imitation; sometimes I couldn't even bring myself to orgasm. When I was with men, I couldn't find even the slightest shred of pleasure I used to experience.

Missions became hellish; oftentimes, in order to make the chance of success high, I needed to offer myself to my targets. I used to find pleasure in these missions, enjoying the sex, the variety.

Now, I hated it. I loathed myself, feeling unclean.

Months continued to pass, and every time I held Kokoro in my arms, I felt complete, pure. I often found myself thinking about a life with her. She was exactly what I needed from a partner; she was confident, took no shit, honest, and kept me focused. The sex was amazing; one night, I had been taking her from behind, and when I gave that nice, round ass a slap, her already tight pussy tightened even more. When I kept spanking her, I could feel her light orgasms, and when I heard her scream in pleasure...

Well, I would have definitely gotten her pregnant that night.

So, I asked her if she was comfortable surrendering herself to me.

Remembering her response, I chuckled, looking down at her, sprawled out on my chest.

She had looked at me with a serious gaze, before saying "If you can make me feel even better I might just tie you up."

After that, I started introducing ropes, tying her up and having my way with her. She used to moan and scream so much, and it was music to my ears.

Every time we finished, she couldn't walk the next day, but with her medical chakra... well, it was just unfair; she would be back in top form the next day.

However, months had indeed passed; I could see she had slight misgivings about our relationship. However, I told myself I wouldn't be the one to ask; she would need to decided that herself. Being with a red listed shinobi could shut down any chance she might have being promoted to Jonin. It could close the doors of allowing her to become a teacher at the Academy.

I couldn't willingly ruin her.

As much as I wanted to make her mine, I couldn't do so in good conscience.

That changed though.

It had been roughly around a year at that point, and I was still alive.

The Hokage had assigned me a large mission; it should take me a week, and it should prove my innocence to an extent that, while I would still be under watch, I might be eligible to be taken off the red list.

All I had to do was assassinate some big shot in a small country. He was the son of some Noble, who did something bad and blah blah.

All these wastes deserved the cold kiss of a kunai on their throats.

Like always, I decided to make the mission as quick as I could.

Traveling to the Land of Iron, specifically the capital, Tetsu, takes about six hours. Getting in the good graces of this noble brat should take one glance, as all I have to do is pretty myself up and show enough cleavage, then blow him.

Staying undercover long enough to make the guards ignore me usually takes a day or two, and then I can make my job really easy; poison them, slit their throats, whatever I feel like.

So, with my timeframe planned out, I left eight ryo bills on Kokoro's nightstand. Seeing her limp form, I could feel my heart warming. Tearing myself away from her, I left, making my journey to the cold, snow laden Land of Iron.

When I reached Tetsu, I looked around for my target, one Gomi Takashi. His father, Go Takashi, was a military leader, and one of the few samurai that even shinobi feared. If he were to be given a rank like the shinobi, he would be Jonin, and a good one at that. He was deadly with a blade, precise with his strikes, and he had a strategic acumen that rivaled the Nara's.

However, his son was pampered and coddled by the wife he was forced to take, growing into a useless, fat man who spent his days forcing women to pleasure him, breaking or killing men who dared show off in front of him, and stealing from the nobles under him.

Sadly, Go Takashi was a family man, and protected his son, hoping that he could have a hand in raising his grandchild, molding them into a good person.

Looking for the Takashi Estate, I changed my outfit, wearing a loose qipao that revealed more than enough cleavage. My legs were also exposed from a slit in the qipao, leaving little to the imagination. Doing the bare minimum for makeup, I waited for Gomi Takashi to leave his residence.

Minutes passed, and seeing the carriage leaving the residence, I made my way to the street, walking with a sway in my hips.

Young Master's like Gomi Takashi always look out the window, and if they don't, then the idiotic guards are doing it for them, looking for the next piece of meat to satiate his appetite.

Sauntering my way down the street next to the carriage, I heard a shout, before the carriage rolled to a stop.

Exiting was a large man, rubbing his hands together.

"Well, look at you~ Would you like to serve this Lord~?"

Looking him up and down, I gave a coy smile, bowing so he could see my breasts better while also being respectful.

"Why, Lord Takashi, it would be this lowly ones greatest honor to serve you~"

Hearing that, he grabbed my waist, his other hand already fondling my chest. Moaning slightly, I leaned into him, causing him to chuckle.

Stomping my disgust down in my mind, I got in the carriage, and before the door even closed he had started tearing my clothes off. Helping him, I stripped, and as he pulled out his cock, I got to my knees, quickly putting it in my mouth.

For that whole carriage ride, I sucked him off, praying that he would be a one shot man. Sadly, as he blew his second load, he picked my up, throwing me to the other side of the carriage. With no decorum, he rammed into me, and if I hadn't been used to being treated like some common whore, I would have screamed in pain.

Feeling him thrusting, I played my part, moaning and clinging to him. Eventually, a knock could be heard at the door. Grunting, he continued to use me, before pulling himself out and spraying his seed onto me.

Opening the door, I acted dazed as the guard started talking to Gomi. I could see his gaze, and even see him shuffling, trying to hide his rising erection.

"Lord Takashi, the Tea House says they are already booked, and being used by your father for business. He has asked you to return home."

Clicking his tongue, Gomi sneered at the man before saying "Fine, whatever. Tell the old man I'll be at home, but I expect some 'payment' for it."

Nodding, the guard left. Turning back to me, Gomi reentered me, and for the rest of the ride I continued to let this disgusting man pump his seed into me.

That night, as I lay under the man, I could feel my heart tighten. For some reason, my instincts were screaming to return to Konoha.

As I searched the surroundings, I couldn't see any danger. Extending my senses, I still couldn't feel anything.

However, my heart started pounding. I could barely breath, my training and experience the only thing keeping the mask of pleasure on my face.

As Gomi released another stream of cum on my body, he collapsed to the side, panting. Rolling on top of him, I started grinding on him, keeping him distracted. Seeing me so energetic, he smiled, and enjoyed my attention. Feeling him get larger under me, I placed my hands on the bed besides his head, out of sight. Silently making hand signs, I activated my Snake Transformation, elongating my canines into fangs. Licking his neck, he chuckled. Little did he know that I was preparing him for his death.

Sufficiently coating his skin in a numbing liquid, I bit his neck, which felt like a play bite to him. Grabbing my ass, he entered me, grunting.

Deepening the bite, I released more and more poison into him. I had chosen to allow Akurra, my main contracted snake, to provide me her venom. In exchange, I promise her food of good enough quality in the near future.

Releasing his neck, I let the man enjoy his remaining moments inside me, as he slowly lost consciousness.

Pulling him out, I took a kunai and severed his head, before moving around his room, collecting the information the idiot left lying around, enough to prove him blackmailing people, forcing women to sleep with him, bribery, and more. Moving back to the bed, I made sure I dismembered the body, wanting to scatter the pieces so he wouldn't rest easy as a spirit, even if he is bound for hell.

Cleaning myself off in his bath, I had to scoop out his semen, and as I continued my cleanings, that feeling had returned with a vengeance.

Leaning on the counter, I gasped for air. Seeing my pitiful reflection, all I could think about was gettin home, to Kokoro.

As soon as that thought passed my mind, I froze.

Was... Is something happening to her?

In a frenzy, I finished my assignment, dropping off the evidence at the rulers office, before rushing to Konoha.

Returning at dawn, I rushed towards Kokoro's apartment first, and finding it empty, I rushed towards the mission desk. Dropping off my mission scroll, the Hokage gave me a knowing smile when he said "I need you to collect Kokoro for me, you have a mission. She went out with Kurenai last night..."

My heart clenched hard, and I almost collapsed.

Rushing towards the raven haired, red eyed woman's house, I kept screaming 'WHY' in my mind.

I felt terrible. I felt angry. I felt betrayed. I felt... happy.

Realizing that last one, I paused. Should... should I simply accept that they are together?

Opening Kurenai's door with a lock pick, I stalked towards her bedroom. Opening the door, I saw Kokoro and Kurenai embracing, kissing one another.

Coughing slightly, I let them know I was there. Putting on a mask, I smiled, even though I wanted nothing more than to thrust a kunai through Kurenai's throat.

That day, in order to hopefully keep Kokoro near me, I asked her something: could she, maybe, consider being in a relationship with both Kurenai and I?

Even though I felt like vomiting as I offered that, when she looked me in my eyes and said she wanted to be greedy, to be with both of us...

Well, after that it took a lot of sex to make me stop.

Admittedly, I grew to like Kurenai as well. She was serious, beautiful, fun to ride, and overall would be quite a useful person to keep around.

And after our last mission...

Smirking at where she was passed out, I couldn't wait for her to tell Kokoro what she decided...

Looking back down, I could see Kokoro smiling slightly, clinging to me tighter.

"You don't even know what you've done to me, have you? I would burn this village to the ground if you asked..."

Seeing her stir, I smiled, feeling the warmth flood my system when her amber eyes fluttered open.

I love this woman more than life itself...


So, that's Anko's 'backstory' done. Let me know what you think. I really enjoyed writing this, but I don't think I can come up with much for Kurenai at the moment, and don't know if I could come up with much; I think it would be better to just explain it in story, via normal conversation.

Other than that, I gotta say that I, obviously, have some more proper lemons to put out, as well as some general slice of life episodes. I'm stilling noodling through what I want to do; I could go to new places, or have Kokoro teach, I could even have Kokoro decide she wants children now~

So many choices...



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts