
Chapter 23: A Night in Yumegakure

Looking around, I could see the sprawling village of Yumegakure, the deep blue shingles contrasting with the light fog and rolling plains of grass. Seeing the river cutting through the village, I managed to find the Chief's Tower.

Turning my gaze, I could see more of the relaxing landscape, before eventually I saw a giant forest, reminiscent of the forests back home.

Seeing my gaze, Ryuka said "That is the Forest of Mythic Beasts. Quite a few Chakra beasts call that forest home, so it is a place that father has designated as off limits unless you are above the rank of Chunin. Even then, it is heavily discouraged due to the various poisonous creatures stalking the shadows."

Chuckling, I replied "Well, it is the most dangerous things that tend to be the most beautiful."

Ryuka turned towards me, smiling. "Yes... that is quite true, isn't it?"

Seeing her gaze, I shivered slightly, before looking at the sun. Frowning slightly, I asked "How... wasn't it just dawn?"

Ryuka looked up, chuckling. "Ah, I forgot to mention that. For some reason, walking to the top of the Hill of Illusions takes more time than you would think. Yet leaving is really quick."

Sighing, I shook my head before turning towards the village, admiring the peaceful view.

Standing there, I enjoyed the scenery, listening to the sounds of nature and watching the village from afar. While I enjoyed talking and being with people, I much preferred watching from afar, seeing the actions people took going about their business.

Smiling slightly, I noticed that Ryuka kept sending glances my way. I realized that I should probably shut this down sooner rather than later...

Turning towards her, I was about to say something when a rumble came from her stomach. Blushing slightly, she gave me a wry grin before saying "Would you like to go get something to eat now?"

Chuckling, I nodded. She turned, making her way down the hill. Following her, we walked slowly, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.

"Are you in the mood for something in particular, Miss Kanei? Meat, salads, soups..."

Shrugging slightly, I said "Anythings fine."

Humming happily, Ryuka continued down the hill.

Eventually we reached the outskirts of the village, ad the fog thinned out. She continued leading me, weaving through side streets until we reached our destination.

It was a small shop, hidden away on a small street just off of the main road. The sign was slightly rusted, however I could make out the name, 'Fifi Fish'.

Chuckling slightly at the name, Ryuka opened the door, gesturing to go inside.

Contrary to it's slightly decrepit exterior, the inside was clean and tidy. A few tables lined the walls, and the shop was currently empty. Ryuka walked up to the counter, ringing the small bell that was laying on it's side.

Moments later, a middle aged woman walked out from the back, yawning slightly. She had long purple hair, her eyes were a deep blue, and she had a carefree smile on her lips. When she saw Ryuka she perked up, her smile widening.

"Oh~ Little Ryu finally decided to come visit this old lady, huh?"

Her voice was clear and soft, and when she said that her eyes shone with a glint of mischievousness.

Looking towards Ryuka, I could see her scoff before smiling.

"Aunt Fifi, I was just here a few days ago! Besides, you were the one who gave me that mission, remember? How could I visit you if I wasn't here, huh?"

Leaning over the counter, Fifi ruffled Ryuka's hair, a warm look on her face. Turning towards me, her grin widened, before she smiled slyly at Ryuka.

"Oh~ Is this your new girl, Ryuka? Mmm... she looks gorgeous~"

Chuckling, I shook my head, saying "Thank you, Miss Fifi, but Ryuka and I just met today."

Looking at Ryuka from the edge of my vision, I could see a light blush on her cheeks while she glared at Fifi.

Fifi chuckled, leaning towards me. Covering her lips, she loudly whispered "Well, if you want to make a move, do it~ Little Ryu is quite a passionate girl~"

"Aunt Fifi!" Ryuka shouted, quickly moving towards her, slapping her shoulder lightly.

Chuckling, Fifi sent me a wink before moving back from the counter.

"Can I assume you want the usual, dear?"

Ryuka continued to glare at Fifi before nodding. Chuckling again, Fifi went into the back, disappearing from view.

Leading me towards a table Ryuka sat down with a huff, before blushing again.

"Miss Kanei, please ignore my aunt, she likes to joke around."

Chuckling, I nodded my head, enjoying the contrast between her usual serious expression and her current shy look.

Slowly she regained her composure, her face reverting back to her serious expression.

"Miss Kanei, after this, would you mind sparring with me?"

Looking at her with slight shock, I pursed my lips before nodding.

She smiled, however before she could continue, her Aunt walked back out, holding a tray.

Placing it on the table, I noticed it was two long dishes, a whole fish on each. Then she placed a bottle of Sake on the table in front of us, before placing two small cups as well.

Giving me another wink, she quickly made her way to the back, avoiding Ryuka's fist.

Looking down at the perfectly seared fish, I took my chopsticks and marveled at how easily it was to take pieces of the fish. Normally a small amount of pulling was necessary to pick apart the fish, but this one practically fell apart.

Taking a bite, a grin spread on my face as I marveled at it's slightly sweet flavor that had been paired with the acidic tang of lime.

Slowly eating the fish, I looked up and noticed Ryuka had poured each of us a glass of sake, before turning to eat her own fish.

Taking a sip, I was surprised at how strong the sake was. Remembering my previous encounter with sake, I took it easy, stopping at the second glass. I sighed, remembering how I used to be able to drink more and still function.

Feeling older, I continued picking apart the fish, enjoying the simplicity of the meal.

From the corner of my eye I could see Fifi peering around a corner, watching us eat.

Chuckling, I met her gaze before raising an eyebrow, causing her to flinch before she disappeared again.

Ryuka looked up at me, her brows furrowed. I just gave her a small smile before returning to my meal.

Gradually the fish disappeared, all that remained was the head, fins, and bones.

Rubbing my stomach, I waited for Ryuka to finish. Whenever she finished a glass of sake, I poured her another.

I could see the slight blush on her cheeks, indicating she was slightly drunk, but after a few moments the blush receded.

Pursing my lips, I realized she had used some chakra to purge the alcohol from her system.

Sighing, I watched as she got up, moving towards the counter. She dropped a coin on the counter before returning to our table.

Looking down at me, she gestured towards the door. Getting up, I followed her out of the shop, aware that Fifi had yet again peered from around the corner.

Ryuka eventually led me to a large, open space that had training posts and an obstacle course on one side. Making her way to one of the open rings, she quickly took off some of her excess clothing, which included letting her kimono hang over her waist.

Looking at her toned abs and large breasts that were bound in bandages like mine, I felt another clench from below. Sighing, I took off my vest and kunai pouch. Moving opposite her, I asked "Are we using hands only then?"

Ryuka nodded, though I could see that she was struggling to keep her gaze on my face. Smirking, I stood there, carefree, waiting for her to make the first move.

I didn't have to wait long, as she shot forward, sending a jab towards my face.

Quickly leaning out of the way, I kicked towards her, only to stumble forward slightly when she pivoted before grabbing my leg, pulling me towards her.

Jumping towards her, I brought my free knee towards her face, forcing her to release my leg.

Dodging backwards, she remained out of my reach, allowing me to reset myself.

Slowly circling each other, we continued for awhile, trading blow after blow, dodging and blocking each new attack we sent towards each other.

However, more often than not, I 'lost' the exchanges. Hand to hand was never my forte, as I preferred to utilize my skills of sneaking and chakra strings to attack before people knew I was there.

Both of us were panting, a sheen of sweat covering our bodies. Both of us would admire the other, before continue our exchanges. This time, however...

Catching my leg again, I tried twisting my body to free myself, however I stumbled slightly, causing me to collapse. Since she was still holding my leg, Ryuka collapsed on top of me.

Laying on my back, I could feel her laying on my chest, her head buried between my breasts. Feeling her weight on top of me sent a jolt through my body, and when she lifted her head, looking at me with a gaze laden with desire, I shivered.

She slowly crawled to be directly above me, looking down at me. Seeing her gaze, mixed with the musk of sweat, I felt my face flush as I swallowed heavily.

If this had been not even a few weeks ago, I would let this woman do whatever she wanted to me...

However, as she leaned down, I brought my hand up, covering her lips. Swallowing again, I took shaky breaths, before saying "I... I'm sorry, Ryuka... I'm... in a relationship already..."

She clenched her jaw, a slight flame passing through her eyes, before she sighed. She slowly rose, before offering me her hand. The desire was still clearly in her eyes, but I took the hand. Standing up, she quickly put on her kimono, before nodding to me.

"My apologies, Miss Kanei." Her voice was slightly shaky, and hearing that she had lost her jubilant tone I sighed, shaking my head.

"No, it's my fault, Ryuka. I... should have said something earlier. You aren't to blame here..."

Hearing that, Ryuka gave a wry smile before saying "Well... If you change your mind, you know where to find me..."

With that, she gave me another nod before walking away, her shoulders slightly slumped. I pursed my lips, a slight pang in my heart. Sighing, I grabbed my gear before making my way to an inn.

Booking a room at the first one I found, I collapsed on the bed, stripping quickly. Snaking my hands down to my privates, I took care of myself, releasing my desires multiple times before passing out.

So Kokoro is quite... needy, isnt she?

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts