
Chapter 2: Completing the Mission

As I started running to the East, maintaining a steady pace that would allow me to run for hours, I brought up a mental map of the Land of Fire. Konoha located in the center, and to the Eastern Border it's roughly 150 miles. If I keep at this pace, it will take me around 4 or 5 hours to reach my destination. If I take into account that I need about half an hour to rest, and that the bandits and nukenin will take another half hour to eliminate, then it's looking like I won't be back in Konoha till early tomorrow morning if I rush. If I take things slowly? Then tomorrow afternoon. And from the mission scroll, the bandit camp is located a few miles away from a small village, meaning there are likely kidnapped villagers.

Sighing to myself, I picked up the pace, jumping from branch to branch. Being a ninja sounds like fun, but these are the moments you never think of when you're in the academy; the traveling. Kids are blinded by the glory and stories told of Hashirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sannin. So many legendary figures in the Hidden Leaf, and with some of them still alive and walking in the village? Of course kids want to become Shinobi. My motivation was Tsunade Senju; the same as many young women. A legendary medic, and immensely strong kunoichi? What was there not to idolize of her? Of course, the fact that she was no longer in the village was sad, but it was easy to believe that she was out in the world, healing those in need. Of course, now I know the truth, having met her once on a mission. She is a broken woman, delving deeper into her vices of gambling and drinking, trying to forget the pain of being the last of her clan; of losing her lover in a meaningless war.

Remembering when I met her in a gambling den, when I was doing some information gathering in the Land of Tea, I chuckled. She had seen through my disguise, and acting like a drunkard, she 'seduced' me, giving me drink after drink before leading me to her room. When we were alone, just me, her, and her apprentice Shizune, she asked about the state of Konoha, if squads had a medic ninja, and how well the hospital was doing. Of course, I told her what I knew; looking back, I should have tried to determine if it was really her before telling her those things. When I told her the Hospital was doing fine, but that there were fewer medic ninja each year, she sighed. After telling her that, she seemed to become withdrawn, and after a few moments Shizune led me away, begging me to keep this meeting a secret. After seeing my idol so withdrawn, I realized something. Even the legendary Shinobi are just people. I agreed, before finishing my mission.

I shook my head, realizing that I had let my mind wander, resulting in my body going on autopilot. Looking around, I saw a the road I had been following, and realized I was just an hour away. Focusing, I resumed my run, keeping my senses alert on my way to the bandit camp.

When I arrived, it was already noon, and I started observing the camp. As expected, it was just a clustering of tent. Poorly disguised traps were strewn throughout the forest. In the center of the camp was a larger tent with the symbol of Yugakure, the three slightly slanted lines, on each side. Focusing my senses on the tent, I could hear muffled groans, and the sound of flesh hitting flesh. Shaking my head in disgust, knowing what was happening, I started scanning the rest of the camp, counting the number of bandits. Some were standing at each 'entrance' of the camp, some were stationed slightly out of sight, some were roasting an animal, and a few in the tents in the center were enjoying themselves at some poor souls expense. I watched for a bit longer, looking at patrol patterns and how often people were replaced. After an hour of doing so, I had a general grasp of the camps workings. The two Nukenin were still enjoying themselves in the center tent, and some of the bandits had fallen asleep after their meal.

Time to start.

I started by making my way around the perimeter, sneaking behind or above the hidden sentry, before dragging them back a few dozen meters, and slit their throats. After making sure they were well hidden, I moved back to observe the entrances, attempting to determine the easiest entrance. The north was guarded by five bandits, all laughing and joking with each other. The south was guarded by two, one of which was asleep. The east was unguarded, but had numerous tripwires and explosive tags scattered about. The west was against a river, and two bandits were bathing. That made 9, and considering the 4 I killed, that meant there were definitely more than twenty. I had seen 4 stumble into tents, and their were still 4 or 5 bandits relieving themselves in the center. And there were still the two Nukenin. I moved to the south, determining if the guards were in sight of others, and after seeing that there was no clear line of site, I drew a kunai, moved closer, and slowly and quietly snuck behind the awake guard. I grabbed him and dragged him into a tent, stabbing him from behind. Then I made my way to the sleeping guard, and after sheathing my kunai, I wrapped my arms around the mans neck and pulled, snapping it. I left his body sitting in the chair, head hanging downwards. He looked like he had before; asleep.

I checked the north, and smiled when the guards were still standing there, loudly talking. Making my way towards the west. When I saw the two guards had disappeared, I frowned, before looking at the river bank, and followed the footsteps. I was surprised when I heard muffled grunts, and after peeking around a tree, I saw them embracing, one lying on his back while the other was on top, pounding away. I drew my chokuto, sneaking behind them, before piercing both of them through the chest, allowing them to be united even in death. Flicking the blood off my blade, I made my way back to the camp. I went further north, finding a tall tree that gave me a view of the guards. Withdrawing one of the storage scrolls, I channeled a small amount of chakra through it, allowing my main weapon to be summoned; a longbow.

Rolling the scroll back up, I drew the other scroll, summoning a quiver of arrows. Slinging the quiver over my shoulder, I took one and nocked it, pulling the bowstring back. Looking at the bandits, I decided to make it simple for myself; I would go left to right. Nodding, I aimed at the left most bandit, adjusting the angel of the bow slightly due to wind, and let the arrow fly. Without waiting to determine if it struck true, I drew another arrow, loosing it towards the next bandit. And did so three more times. I was rewarded by the sweet 'thunk' of my bow, and watching as every bandit found themselves with an arrow through the throat. Smiling, I watched as they fell, one after another. I knew that a true Genin would have sensed the death of five people, so I waited. After waiting a minute, I shook my head, wondering if the difference between Konohagakure and Yugakure was truly that wide, that Genin can't even sense the death of someone two dozen feet away.

Sighing, I placed the bow and arrows back into their scrolls, before I made my way back into the camp, stalking towards the tents were the moans and grunts could be heard. Opening one tent, I saw a man standing behind a young girl, who was bent over. Since I was behind them, I took out a kunai and slit his throat. The girl almost screamed, but I covered her mouth.

"I'm here to help. You aren't the only woman here, so just wait quietly, ok?"

The girl was shaking, but she nodded, before sobs started to rack her body.

Making my way through the different tents, a similar scene played out each time; some bandit having his way with a woman. After telling them that I was here to free them, they all started crying, realizing that they didn't have to suffer anymore. With the last bandit killed, I drew my chokuto before walking towards the main tent. I flared my chakra, hoping that these Genin could feel that at least. I could have just snuck in, but after witnessing the half dozen women being raped, I decided to draw this out to destress. I stood in the small clearing in front of the tent, observing my surroundings. Seeing a pile of firewood off to the side, I smiled. If these idiots can't notice that I was here for the last few hours, I honestly doubt they would even know kawarimi. So maybe I should use that? Or maybe use wind clones? Oh, the possibilities.

Hearing the tent flap open, I turned towards the two Nukenin. Two men older then me walked out, their Hitai-Ate on their foreheads with a long horizontal slash through it. When I saw that they were 'Forever-Genin', I started laughing. These people existed everywhere, and in Konoha they were usually tame old folk who knew their limits. Seeing that my two 'targets' were failures made me laugh even harder.

"What are you laughing at, bitch? After we beat you, we're going to have a fun time breeding you!"

The man who spoke had a kunai in his hand, but was standing completely straight. Looking at his appearance, I was flabbergasted. Long hook nose, warts, two teeth total, and a giant belly, I have no idea how the man remained a ninja.

"Thas wight! We will bweed you! Get weady you Kon... Konohwa whowe!"

The other man had a pair of large glasses, two buckteeth bigger than most beaver, and was thiner than a stick.

I replied, barely holding in my laughter. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I couldn't understand you."


Glasses screamed, before running straight at me with a kunai. What made it worse was he was running straight at me, his kunai held straight out. He was unbelievably slow as well. Watching him run at me, I glanced over at the other 'Shinobi', seeing him go through the handsigns for a Rock Bullet Jutsu. Shaking my head, I drew a senbon and threw it at the fat man, before forming a chakra thread and tripping glasses.

As Glasses was falling, he tried to place his hands in front of him to catch his fall, and by doing so he... impaled himself on his kunai.

Furrowing my brow, I decided to just... ignore that. Looking back at the fat man, I noticed my senbon had pierced a log that he had substituted himself with. I stepped to the side, avoiding the rock bullet that flew into the tent. Turning, I saw him going through the handsigns again, and I shook my head. Readying my chokuto, I dashed in front of him, and before he could react, i slashed at his throat, watching as his head fell to the ground as his body tried to continue the handsigns.

Grabbing the mission scroll, I placed the head above the scroll, before it was sealed. I walked over to Glasses, and quickly separated his his head from his body before also sealing it away. I walked into the tent, quickly pacifying the two young girls who were shaking in the corner. Looking around, I could see a stack of Ryo bills, as well as a pouch of coins. Pocketing the bills, I beckoned for the girls to follow me outside, where I rounded up all the other women. Looking into the pouch, I saw that they were all gold coins, worth 1000 ryo each. I divided the coins between all the women, before searching the tents for clean clothes.

After all the women were calmed and clothed, I stepped forward.

"All the bandits are dead, and I am going to take you all to the nearby village. Thats as far as I am willing to go. Questions?"

Looking around, I saw that none of them wanted to say anything. I pointed towards the campfire, where half of a roasted animal was still hung on the spit. "Eat. I still have some things to do. The village is only an hour away, but you will need all the energy you can get."

Without waiting, I started moving to each bandits corpse, slicing off the right ear of each one. After I received all my 'proof', I went back to the campfire. When I saw everyone was ready, I started escorting them to the nearby village, thanking the Sage that there was no ambush on the way. When we got to the village, the women all rushed towards their houses, where I could hear laughter and sobs from the reunions.

Smiling, I started my journey west, back to Konoha.

The fight was a bit of a joke, yes, but i want to slowly easy myself into writing fights between ninja. Not only that, but i want to make Kokoro into an actual Ninja. Silent and deadly. Yes, she decided to drop that when she saw the two genin, but in the future i want to make her more of a ranged shinobi.

Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts