
Chapter 168: Naruto Meets Tsunade

After that incident, we all made sure to be careful going forwards, to make sure that the Senju Princess didn't see blood again - that was an easy thing to do, as none of us were doing extreme training anymore nor was there anything dangerous going on inside the house.

Tsunade took Shizune away and made her way towards the Senju Compound, gathering what she needed from her former home before returning an hour later, handing me a case filled with old Ryo bills with an obvious reluctant expression.

"This should be enough to cover the refurbishing of those extra houses... 1 million Ryo... That includes furniture costs and the like, alright?!"

I nodded, smiling at Tsunade as she reluctantly handed the case over, her brown eyes lingering on the bills before she sighed as I closed it, removing them from her sight.

"I don't feel like dealing with the finances and such, so... could I have you do that for me, Kokoro? You can keep whatever's leftover as commission..."

"That's fine. I have a company that works rather well and really quick, and I think it'd be best to get some Nara furniture for your residence..."

She smirked at me as she tapped the purple diamond tattooed onto her brow, saying "I'm strong, I know, but there's no need to act like I go around breaking things~!"

"Better to be safe than sorry, Lady Tsunade."

The blonde haired buxom woman frowned at that, waving her hand and speaking in a commanding tone, saying "Drop the formalities! Please. It's so... stuffy, being called 'Lady'... Especially when we've been intimate~!"

I blushed at that, before coughing into my fist as I saw Shizune narrow her eyes at me, the younger woman looking between us.

"Anyways, the things I NEED in that house are-"

We walked through the compound and exited the main house, looking down towards the worn down houses at the base of the hill.

Giving me her wishlist, she told me what was guaranteed needed and what could be dropped if the money wasn't enough, saying she'd just get those added later.

As we stood outside looking over the houses, we were greeted with the sight of the large gate being opened and closed, before an orange and yellow bundle of energy flew towards me, already laughing loudly.

"Aunty~! Aunty! I did it! I did it! I made that seal for Karin, y'know~? She can finally go to the Academy! Believe it!"

His joy was infectious, and I smiled as I felt the yellow haired brat wrap his arms around my body, hugging me close before pulling away.

"Oh, Aunty, who is that?"

Naruto let me go and stared curiously up at Tsunade, who was looking back at him with a conflicted expression.

However, she smiled softly as she crouched, asking "Are you... Naruto Uzumaki?"

He nodded, his blue eyes narrowing distrustfully as she beckoned for him to approach.

Pushing him towards her, I smirked as he glared back at me, before stopping a few steps in front of her, still not entirely sure about the golden haired woman in front of him.

"That's my name..."

Tsunade just chuckled, before her expression softened as she whispered "You look a lot like your father... as for your eyes, they're identical to your mothers..."

Naruto frowned, his expression hard to decipher as he remained quiet.

"I'm... sorry. You shouldn't have been left all alone for as long as you had been, Naruto... Your godfather Jiraiya and me... we should have been here for you."

His frown deepened, before he stared at her in shock as the name registered.

"W-Wait, the Toad Sage Jiraiya?! One of the three Sannin?! He's my godfather?"

Tsunade nodded, her smile still soft as she added "And I should have been there as well. We are related by blood, after all... Tsunade Senju. I too have Uzumaki blood in my veins..."

Naruto's eyes widened as she introduced herself, before he looked back towards me, obviously questioning if she was messing with him.

"Naruto, she is who she says she is... Go, spend some time with her. Talk. I'm sure you have questions... grievances. Speak your mind to her. After all, that's the least she can do."

Tsunade smiled wryly at me, scratching her cheek before nodding as she stood up, gesturing for Naruto to walk beside her.

"Come... Kokoro's right; we have much to discuss."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts