
Chapter 159: Mission With Cameia

A few weeks passed in the blink of an eye, and I loved every waking moment of it.

Tomoe was warming up to everyone in the family, especially to Akari, who she had latched onto very quickly.

She still rather loved the quiet time with Riku, but Tomoe went to Akari to get everything out of her system as the two played together, all while the rest of us watched.

As for the adults, Tomoe was shy around Anko and Cameia, though she definitely seemed to know that Kurenai was her Mom, clinging to her whenever she had the chance.

With Makoto and Karin, Tomoe was neutral to them, neither going out of her way to be around them nor trying to move away from them if they got close.

We hadn't had anyone else come over, instead taking this time to rest and recuperate all while we enjoyed the time just lazing around as a family, not wanting to do anything except watch over the three children who had become the focal point of our lives.

However, when the month ended and we celebrated another anniversary inside the house, I got that all too familiar itch to go back out and be back in the field.

Kurenai wanted to remain at home, while Anko flip flopped between going and staying, before eventually deciding that this would be the perfect opportunity for Cameia and I to have our own fun, sending us off with a smirk and Akari in her arms.

With them both remaining back at home, I wouldn't need to worry too much since Kurenai would be able to feed Tomoe her milk while weaning Akari and Riku off of milk for the duration of my absence - and most likely from here on out as well, since Makoto suggested going to a more solid diet at the one year mark.

Really, having the woman who'd been through motherhood once before inside our house was immensely helpful...

Anyways, we went to the Mission Desk and grabbed a rather simple, yet target heavy eradication of some Kiri Nukenin; a group of ten Genin and three Chunin, with a suspected Jonin leading the entire band of traitorous Kiri Shinobi.

I say simple because, over the last few years, the quality of Shinobi produced inside of Kiri increased, but the people that flee from Kiri or turn traitor are either mentally unstable or incredibly under trained.

Usually a mix of both, which makes them easy pickings for a seasoned Shinobi, especially when they set up a camp inside the borders of the Land of Tea, who requested Konoha to get rid of them before they are forced to make moves of their own.

Shinobi from the Land of Tea aren't insanely powerful, but they have a penchant for being some of the best assassins that money can buy, as well as being rather hard to track.

Funded by such a rich conglomerate like the Tea Traders, they have cutting edge gear and some of the best experts to train them, which makes dealing with them rather annoying, especially since the Tea Traders hate losing money.

And sending the Shinobi from the Land of Tea out to hunt Nukenin costs money, especially if one happens to die.

Then the Traders get angry and begin to impose sanctions on the Land responsible... which causes more problems than its worth.

As such, this mission was both high paying but also rather stressful, since we were under a time crunch.

So Cameia and I swiftly departed from the Village and began our journey down towards the Land of Tea, traveling as fast as we could to reach a port before sneaking onto one of the many trading ships, hiding from the Samurai guards inside the cargo hold.

The ship made it to the port inside the Land of Tea quickly as well, since we chose a boat built for speed, and we made our way towards the suspected spot in silence, the former Priestess leading me through the trees as she leapt around, her abundant Dark Chakra shrouding both her and I in shadow as we made our way towards our targets.

It didn't take long, and we sat far away from the camp and watched, observing the group as we began to formulate a good plan to eradicate these Shinobi without any injuries on our side.


Bit shorter - sorry bout that - but I do have a few fun little ideas coming up for these next chapters, so prepare for that~!



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts