
Chapter 125: Cravings

Kokoro PoV

I sighed as I entered my home, my thoughts drifting back towards the unexpected encounter with Ami.

I had stumbled upon the girl during the end of her run, her expression one of deep thought as her feet pounded into the cobbled road.

The curiosity of seeing her training so late at night had made me stop for a moment, before I noticed some girls lying in wait of my student.

There was no surprise upon seeing their confrontational, conspiratorial attitude as they waited for Ami to draw closer; I knew that the purple haired girl had made enemies of her peers before, and I expected it now due to her experienced look compared to the rest of her class in hand to hand combat.

She fought dirty; not that that was something to complain about as a Shinobi.

So I knew she had brawling experience, but I was curious to see how she acted during a real fight; not a spar, not a tournament, but a true fight.

Standing off to the side, I watched as the three other girls surrounded Ami, who seemed nonplussed about her situation, before smirking as the purple haired Anbu wannabe made light work of the blue haired and blonde haired girls.

Ami sighed off their attacks and prepared to walk away when the blonde scooped up a rock and slammed it into the back of Ami's skull; at that point I was about to step in, but...

Instead of stumbling or staggering around due to her head wound, Ami stood stock still and turned, her eyes dull as she approached the blonde.

She was too calm for such a young, sheltered girl; those were the eyes of someone teetering on the verge of being a killer.

Narrowing my eyes, I watched on as Ami ducked a clumsy blow and slapped her palm towards the blondes arm, breaking it.

Raising a brow, I watched as Ami grabbed the girl by her hair and forced her to stare up at her.

Ami grew confused as the blonde began apologizing and pleading with her, before she tilted her head and slammed her fist into the girls jaw, sending her flying a few feet.

When she began to approach the girl I stepped in, and that dull look in her eyes disappeared.

Catching her when she began to fall, I healed her up and sent her home, but not before going to report what happened to the Academy.

Ami would need to undergo a psych evaluation, some therapy, and some mental conditioning in the upcoming days, to make sure we weren't getting an unstable person Shinobi training.

It's better to keep them confined to the village rather then teach them how to kill; there have been a few Chunin that turn insane and begin hunting down civilians for their own twisted pleasure.

Sighing, I walked through the quiet house and slipped into my bedroom, where I was greeted with the sight of a sleeping Kurenai.

Anko and Cameia, from the sounds of it, were inside the bathroom; with Kurenai and I months into our pregnancies, the two women couldn't bed us as roughly as they used to, so Anko had been relieving Cameia and enjoying this time with her.

Slipping out of my clothes, I pulled the covers over myself as I embraced Kurenai, the woman grumbling as she buried her face into my chest.

Chuckling, I held her and closed my eyes, letting my thoughts drift.

Enjoying the warmth of my lover, I sighed in relief at the thought that my dreams were slowly coming true.

I had three women that I loved to pieces, and I was with child; the beginning of my family was just a few months away...

As my mind started fabricating wonderful dreams, the scent of freshly peeled oranges wafted into my nose, and I frowned.

Opening my eyes, I glanced around the room as I took another sniff, my stomach grumbling slightly at the citrus scent.

Furrowing my brows, I continued to look around, trying to locate the oranges, before a childish anger entered my mind as I couldn't find them.

As the smell left the room, my desire for the simple fruit grew exponentially.

Hearing the door from the bathroom open, I watched as the nude figures of Anko and Cameia stepped out, their impressive figures and even more impressive 'figures' on full display.

Seeing me in the bed, Anko grinned and rushed over to me, embracing me.

Returning her hug, I kissed her cheek before kissing Cameia, except...

The citrus scent had returned, and I stared blankly at Cameia.

The expressionless woman froze as I stared at her, before I said "I want oranges."

Anko turned to look at me, her face confused as she repeated what I said.

"You want... oranges?"

My head snapped towards her, and I said "I. Want. Oranges."

Scratching her cheek, Anko, furrowed her brows as she said "I'll get some in the morning; that old guy down th-"

"I want them NOW!"

Hearing me snap at her, Anko stiffened before nodding, her brown eyes confused as she got up.

"Yup, oranges... uh huh..."

Slipping into some clothes, she swiftly retreated out of the room, leaving Cameia to withstand my glare.

The large golden eyed woman stared back, and I pursed my lips as my stomach growled again, craving oranges.

"Are you... hungry?"

Looking at her with a flat look, I remained silent as I stared at her face, the woman's straight lips annoying me.

Kurenai yawned as she sat up, her crimson eyes tired as she glanced over at us in confusion.

"Why're... you both up still..?"

Listening to her exhausted words, I frowned as I glanced at the door, growing frustrated at the lack of my oranges.

"I want oranges."

"She wants oranges."

Cameia and I spoke at the same time, and Kurenai grew more confused as she heard that, before shrugging and turning around, going back to sleep in mere moments.

With us being alone again, I grabbed the woman and dragged her onto the bed, burying my nose into her hair as I tried to quell my craving with her scent.

She hesitantly stroked my hair as I laid on her chest as we waited for Anko to return.

The citrus scent wafting from her long hair was addicting, but it only served to make my cravings worse.

With a rumbling stomach, I growled in annoyance before getting up and staring at the door as it opened, revealing a panting Anko.

In her hand was a bag filled with oranges, and as she approached I snatched one and peeled it swiftly, pulling it apart and placing the slice into my mouth.

The citric juices flooded my tastebuds, and I moaned in ecstatic joy as I devoured the remainder of the slice, before ravenously finishing the rest.

Licking the remnants if the orange from my fingers, I handed Anko the peel before collapsing into the bed, feeling fulfilled.

I slept like a baby that night, and in the morning I began making breakfast, scrambling some eggs and grilling some bacon, keeping it simple.

When everyone sat down at the table to eat, I tilted my head at Anko as she placed an orange beside me.

"Whats this for?"

Her confusion showed as she said "Didn't you go crazy for oranges last night?"

Tilting my head, I shrugged as I pushed the orange away, turning towards my breakfast and eating it.

I missed Anko's despondent gaze as she stared at the orange, before she sighed and ate it herself, her eyes glancing towards the bowl filled with a dozen oranges on the counter.


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts