

It all started with a Knock...

I wish I knew the future, I wish I had a little glimpse of what opening that door would do us, I wish we were all deaf in that room so we won't have heard the knock.

Sadly we did and most assuredly we opened…


I ran out of the room as it came again this time must fierce than last time. I could feel the house becoming smaller and each step forward brought me back to the room. I scream for help but even I knew my loudest scream felt like whispers before it. I pulled opened my room door and it was almost as though it wasn't the stairs I was seeing. It had changed but I could still feel I was home. As hard as this came, it couldn't remove the feeling home that was once here, I could still hear daddy and mummy putting up little baby Jake's picture on the wall or when dad would lift me up as a little girl so I could see the school buses pick children from our neighborhood.

I could feel the little love left in the house, however how long do we have left before it is replace with only pain and fear.

(They say that you do not know how strong you are until you are faced with difficult situations, how true is this?)

I became self aware that I was home though it looked not like it, the blood stains on the walls with the scary inscription that wrote horrifying words left me in total fear.

I was full of mixed feelings, from being happy, sad and scared. I was happy because that was the longest steps I had taken without being sent back to my room.

"Is this my chance to escape" I said to myself as I clenched my fist to push another feet forward. I gave all I had to that push, hoping the outcome would be somewhat different. Sadly as my feet that push of hopes and dreams, it happened again. A force so strong that is was like the grip a hundred men, I was pulled back into the room. As compared to the force, I felt like a feather as I was grab violently back to my room with my head hitting the bed frame again. 

It was just a matter of time, I would soon lose all the hair I have on me. The impact my head had on the bed frame I blanked out again. This time it was in my dreams or should I say nightmares the pain continued. 


There is so much flowers in the field today, you could feel the freshness of each one has you touch them. I felt so much happy and free, this was where I would want to be forever. I sat down with flowers all about me, flowers of different sizes, shapes, colours and even fragrances. There was so much happiness felt in just a little field. 

I surely dont want to leave here, please don't take me away from here.


I couldn't imagine leaving here for any place else, I just can't. I was at peace, I was happy and certainly I was free. I guessed my happiness was what made it come, I saw it drawing near like a dark cloud growing. I thought it was first a little dark weather but it was getting darker and soon I couldn't see the sun again. 

Next thing was the intense wind that began to blow, it was so fierce I could feel the ground shake. At first I stood my ground with hopes that it is going to pass, however now it is coming this frightening darkness. The darkness was scary because it was drying up flowers as it came close. It was moving fast and it would soon be where I was. The smile on my face was replaced with fright and an adrenaline rush, I began to imagine how it would get to me and I died. I started running as fast and hard ask could, it felt like a chase and I knew I was losing. I didn't bother looking back and I just kept running through the field, I started wondering why it doesn't end or go somewhere different.

My legs began feeling numb and my hands felt like falling off my shoulders. I needed to catch my breath, I needed to stop running, I have to stop running. However the chase continued and it wasn't stopping. The beautiful flowers had dried up and they looked not like what they once were.

It wasn't going to long before I lose in this chase, I knew it was bound to happen but I wished the outcome would be different.


My thinking felt foggy and everything looked inverted. I felt the sharp pain in my head and I tried to touch the place and as usual blood stained my hand. I couldn't count how many times I had this experience and I surprised I am not yet dead after all that head slammings and the hair loss. It's funny how I keep trying to leave my room when no matter what I would be returned back to my room. 

According to the number of persons in the house right now we are four; my father, mother, Jake and I. The complete family you would say, though we are in the same house till this day, I haven't seen them for the past one year because no one can leave his or her room. 

How did comes in is more mysterious than how I get pulled back into my room. Like prisoners getting meals from the jailer, we always get a meal a day. Who cooks? I don't know, why just one? I don't know, Are my parents still alive? I hope so.

There is alot of question marks that fills the every air I breathe in that room and I really want answers because I no longer want it means to live, I am just a ghost walking.

Or am I already dead?

To the question of why me, are answers really enough?

Gospel_Vibescreators' thoughts