
A kitsune's tale

I would do anything to be with you, so just reincarnate - was what Azuki Kamiko said to her lover, Kinoko Takei before he was sent to the underworld to be punished for his sins. He was killed brutally - being stabbed and burnt to death. Over his lifetime, he committed many sins, thus recieving a ten thousand years of torture in order to redeem his soul. Not being able to loce wirhout him, Miko traded her powers in exchange for him to reincarnate sooner. After that, she was cast out of the heavenly realm and fell into a slumber. Now, a hundred of twenty years later, Miko finally woke up met someone. He resembled Takei in everyway, from his mannerisms to his habits, and even looked similar. However, she could not confirm if he was really Takei. Will Miko find out if the new man she met was really him? Will she be able to be with him for this reincarnation at least? Or will she find out one or two more deeper, darker secrets?

Idkwhoiam_Lol · Fantasi
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64 Chs

The meeting of a 120 years

Before long, Miko's brother, Azuki Kamiru, arrived at Asura's humble abode. He looked very similar to Miko in terms of physical appearance, having the same light pink hair and details as her in her human form in the past. However, he had relatively shorthair, but the back was tied into a thin ponytail.

"Miko?" Kamiru asked.

"Miru!" Miko exclaimed. She jumped on to him and went for a hug. They had not seen each other for a long time.

"Miko! How have you been? Are you alright?"

"Hehe. Im fine thanks." Miko laughed. Soon, another knock presented itself in front of the door. A fox man with white hair made his entrance. He had short, white hair, and sapphire blue eyes. Not coincidentally, He had a sapphire blue gem in the center of his forehead.

"Miko!" He exclaimed.

"Ryo!" Miko replied in surprise. She hugged him just like she did with her brother.

"Sorry Miko. Ryogi and I had to tend to the restaurant in the village. We needed to earn some currency to spend." Miru flashed a smile. The group chatted for quite awhile, talking about recent events and what Miko had missed these past decades. However, not one of them ever mentioned the name Takei. Before long, the clock had already hit tweleve.

"Thanks guys, but its getting kinda late. I should go back and sleep now." Miko announced

"But you have been sleeping already for the past hundred years!" Ryo joked.

"T-thats different!" Miko retorted. They all laughed again, before exiting the hole to their own homes. Miko walked back to her tree with her brother. Afterall, the lived in the same tree, just that her brother lived in the hole above her. Maybe it was the fact they hadn't spoken in a long time, the walk home was full of chatter and not awkardness.

Once Miko reached her own hole, she waved her brother goodnight. After that, she adjusted the rune in her hole so all holes were sealed shut-the doors, windows and the like. The only thing giving out light was a small glowing plant with night pearls on it as decoration. After everything has been set, Miko stripped off her clothes. She started circulating her mana, a soft, pink light enveloping her. She bent down on all fours, as her hands turned to paws. Her face turned more angular as her body transformed into that of a fox. Once the transformation was complete, the pink light around her slowly started fading away. She turned around a few times. Time to sleep. She kicked her kimono into the far end of her room, as she snuggled up tightly in her soft, cotton bed, which was the perfect size for a fox. Slowly but surely, Miko started getting drowsy. She soon started closing her eyes, drifting between her consciousness and her dreams. Before long, she was sound asleep. Tomorrow could be a long day for her.