
A Killer Can't Change

A psychotic killer with a kill count numbering in the thousands. His methods of killing that can make anyone vomit with just the sight of it. With every body found is a picture of his face with a bright smile posing with the head of his victim. And despite having his identity exposed, His killing spree continued for 33 years. Finally after decades of searching and chasing, He was now caught in the middle of decapitating his last victim. Judge: "With the amount of evidence gathered here today, this court sentences John Dweller to death! Any last words you despicable monster?" John: "...Thanks for this judge, I was getting bored here on earth anyway so a change in scenery in heaven or hell might be a good change. It was fun playing you people." those were the final words John left for the world. John Dweller, Age 56, dead on September 29, 2013. ====== Somewhere in a land of clouds... God: "Who's next on the list? Hmm let's see here.... John Dweller..." Reading through John's book of life, God's face changed from boredom to worried. God: "Oh cosmos... This one seems to have had quite the life down there... Welp on you go then little one. And with those words and a flick of his finger, God sent whatever was left of John's existence to a different world for another god to worry about. ==WARNING== This story has some screwed up stuff planned to give the MC some trauma to really ease him into being a killer. And one of those are child molestation so if yall aint into that then this might not be a story for you. =====FOR THE ARTIST===== I DO NOT OWN the art on the cover, I couldn't find the owner of this picture anywhere I looked. So if the artist sees this and want's it taken down just email me at bertingsburger@gmail.com (Yes i know the email looks like a joke but its what i actually use for anything that isnt involved in my personal life) Also my eyes are kind of screwed up and i end up pressing on "a" alot, so please be patient if you see words that just had a random "a" in it. i'll fix it when i find it.

MisterClaps · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 6: Information For The Price Of 2 Legs


Hearing a familliar voice, John stopped swinging the bat and turned to the side.


It was a disturbing sight for the entire group of 7. A little kid completely covered in blood standing over a fat naked person's body that is missing all of its limbs in the middle of a room that is also covered in blood.

They just didnt know what to say. Soon after Head Butler Peter finally caught up with the group when he had to take a moment to give Aina a short explanation.

When Peter arrived he was flabbergasted from the odor and the bright red color in the room. And soon enough just like everyone else, he noticed John and he was standing on and turned silent.

Ignoring their stares, John points towards a corner of the room that a small body. It was Chelsy, John placed her there and covered her naked body with some teared rags that was actually Chelsy's dress before Devor made a mess of it.

"I-I was too late..." Weak and empty. Those were the 2 feelings the duke could hear from his son's voice.

Finally registering his son's words, the Duke and the rest looked towards where John was pointing.

' God please no! Please God not my baby girl! ' While the rest of the manticore group was already looking towards the corner in wide eyes, The Duke and Peter were still struggling to turn. Who could blame them? For the Manticore group, Chelsy is just another unfortunate victim.

But for the Duke and Peter? No, she wasnt just an unfortunate victim, She was the same girl The Duke would throw up in the air as a baby to hear giggle in excitement, for Peter she was the same girl that he would secretly give lullabies and short stories whenever Chelsy would ask for it. For everyone... she was family. And they didn't want to see her like this, they don't want to turn and see the truth, they only wish that it was a lie.

But sadly they couldn't.

When the Duke finally looked, his mind went blank and then he had a breakown... "Chelsy! Oh God no! NOO PLEASE!.... my baby girl please... please.. I'm sorry! I''m sorry..."

Peter on the other hand remained silent and stood still and stiff like a tree. This time anyone from the group could tell that this old man was filled with anger, his bloodshot eyes, the veins bulging on his forehead, the sounds of cracking coming his hand gripping tightly to his other hand's wrist.

{ See John? This all happened because you were weak! Because you were blind to the dark side of humans! This is all your fault. }

"...." Hearing those words, John could only look down to his feet that were still stepping on Devor's body. Contemplating Dweller's words.

Behind the group of 5, the sound of running could be heard. Hearing this, the group checked on who it was and when they figured out who it was, they immediately formed a barrier with their bodies, blocking the scene.

When Aina was suddenly blocked from passing through she was enraged. "How dare you block my path! I am the Duchess and I order you to move!"

"This is for your own sake ma'am, everything will be explained to you soon so please... please just wait until then."

Aina was pissed, this group of strangers were telling her to go away when she knew her children being involved? This is insulting to her as a Duchess and as a mother. "My own sake!? Why should I care about MY own sake when my children are Involved! Move!"

"Ma'am pleas- UGH!" Aina managed to push one of the 1-striped members away and quickly rushed towards the door. But sadly for her, she was stopped once again, this time it was by someone she was familliar with.

Peter noticing Aina running towards this room quickly moved to stop. Using his left hand to cover her mouth and his right arm with a broken wrist to restrain her arms. "Ma'am please! Please do not go in! Please, your husband and I don't want you to see this. The children are still alive so please!... please just stay put..."

Despite Peter's words, Aina didn't stop struggling, she tried biting his hand and kicking his crotch. These were 2 things that her grandfather taught her incase she ends up in a situation like this. Sadly for her it seemed Peter had no reaction to any of this abuse at all.

Feeling that it's pointless to convice her with words, Peter quickly knocked her out with a quick chop to the neck. Before the unconcsious Aina could hit the ground Peter caught her and was about to leave with her before leaving a couple words. "Please watch over the Duke." And with that he walked away.

{ Your family is ruined John. Your sister will never find love as she will be forever scared of a man's touch, Your father would probably fall into alchohol thinking it was his fault, Your mother would probably divorce your father thinking it was his fault for hiring a monster into their home. All of this... on you John Hahahahaha! }

Dweller continued on beating down John when he was already on the ground. The examples he used, based on the stories of his many victims.

While the Duke was still sobbing, the group of 5 slowly made their way to the boy. Remembering the Duke's words when they entered the room, they could assume that this boy's identity was the only son of the Velmont family, John Velmont.

"Mr. John, we would like to- SPLAT" The individual that was the closest and was talking quickly shut his mouth when the kid just materialized a warhammer and with it continue to smash Devor's gut like a balloon.


Suddenly John couldn't move the sledgehammer for another strike. He looked up only to see it being held by a man in black clothes. Even with the physical increase John gets from the rune that surrounded his body, the best he could do was nudge the hammer a little.

"A Multi-caster!" Seeing the Velmont kid using Runic and Creation class magic was a shock for him but he had a job to do so he threw away his curiousity.

"Hey kid, we need you to answer some questions." The 3-striped spoke in an intimidating tone.

"...What do you want Mister?"

"First cancel all your Creation spells, then we'll talk."

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"Don't know how."

"How do you not know how? Did your teacher not show you how to control your spells?"

In response to this John simply pointed down to Devor.

"What? What are you pointing at?"

"My teacher."


Meanwhile Dweller just chuckling at this short back-to-back between a 6 year old and a large tall man


Inside Chelsy's room, The group of 7 , including Peter that arrived later, surrounded Chelsy's bed with one of the Manticore agents extending their arms towards Chekly that had vines coming out of their palms, slowly going over Chelsy's body with a green glow. Healing every bump and injury Chelsy sustained from Devor.

"Leave this to my subordinate, you can trust her with your daughter your grace."

Hearing this Duke Arbor sent a death stare towards the 3-striped agent. His daughter is in this condition all because he trusted a monster and now this man is telling him to trust another stranger?

"Peter, stay here and watch over them. If she makes any suspicious moves kill her."

"As you command your grace."

Hearing what they just said, the agent that was doing the healing felt more pressured than ever.

' I finally joined the force a month ago and now I'm gonna die so soon... I dont know if I should cry or laugh.. '

The group left Peter and the frightened agent alone in the room and went back into Arbor's study. His desk still in half from his previous outburst.

When everyone sat down they remained quiet.

so much has happened in such a small amount of time that the group is still confused and not in the right mind to carry out a questioning.

Noticing the lack of talking, Dweller gave John an order.

{ Hey John, Use your magic to recreate what happened. I'm sure our guests and your father would enjoy it. }

Like an obedient dog John instantly thought of the scene. He remembered every tiny detail, every words, how many times Devor fainted, how many times he healed him to keep him awake.... He remembers everything.

With those thoughts it didn't take long for John to suddenly create a 1:1 scene of what happened on the rectangular coffee table.

[[ "Goodmorning Mr. Devor! Today I have a 3 plan massage routine for you. First I'm gonna pull off each and every one of your nails, Second I'm gonna saw each of your fingers and limbs off one by one, Third I'm gonna dig into your guts with this serrated knife! By the end of this you won't feel single thing at all!" ]]

It was a perfect copy that even came with audio.

"The hell!?" Everyone had similar reactions as they all stood up in surprise when an entire naked man just appeared out of thin air. They almost thought it was a real a person until they noticed it was see through and the red glow around it.

"Watch." John's 6 year old voice silenced them as he ordered them to just watch.

And so they did. They sat back down watching a boy that was decades younger than them inhumanely torture Devor as if it was a game.

During the part when John was about to saw his limbs, Devor mumbled some interesting sounds.


[[ { Wait John, take off his gag. } ]]

Right before John pulled the trigger on the handsaw, Dweller gave him an order to follow.

Taking off the gag, Devor could finally speak.


Devor admitted some interesting information that gathered the group's attention.

Not moving his finger away from the trigger, John started to interrogate him. "...Who paid you?"

"Thats uh?...."

When John saw he was hesitant to answer, he immediately pressed down on the trigger and started sawing.

"AHHHH STOP! STOP! IT WAS A MAN WITH THE CLAUDER FAMILY'S BADGE! " Devor was in intense pain just from that mysterious device's blade slighty touching him. He wasn't as hesitsnt anymore and decided to tell the truth thinking John would stop.

The Manticore agents quickly took down notes upon hearing this piece of information and kept on listening.

But even after He told John the truth, John didn't stop sawing until his left leg was completely detached from his body.


Ignoring Devor's complaints, John went ahead and threatened him. "Hesitate in answering me one more time and you're losing another limb." Without waiting John placed the handsaw right next to Devor's right leg this time.

"How did you two meet?"

"He approached me first when i was looking for another target and then told me about the Velmont family's daughter and that your family was looking for a tutor! I was hesitant at first because i would be risking offending Duke Arbor but then he gave me a pouch of 20 Royal gold coins. I could not deny such an offer. The amount of kids I can buy from the slave houses with that money is a crowd!" This time Devor really thought John wouldn't saw his right leg off.

Sadly he thought wrong.



"Because you sounded proud of your hobby. I don't like that." John kept going ignoring the blood splashing onto his face.

This torture interrogation kept going until John finally smashed his head in when he couldn't learn anything else that was valuable, ending the "massage routine".


At the Velmont gates, Peter can be seen greeting the Manticore agents off.

"His grace and I hope to hear the results of your investigation soon."

"We will make sure to notify the Velmont family when we do."

"Make sure you do, The Velmont family will not settle for no one. We want a name and we want war."

Hearing Peter's words made everyone worried of the future of their investigation. If things go well and they give a name, there will be war. If things go bad and there's no evidence, then there will still be war but with the Clauder family.

"Of course. Now please excuse us." With those words the Manticore entered their custom carriage and sat in silence.

"What do we do now Sir? They sounded serious about starting a war." A 1-striped agent asked.

Everyone looked towards their leader waiting for his words. They thought maybe he had a way to solve this without a war.

"...We pray."

Noticed a lot of words that have the letter 'a' in are spelled with an 's' instead. Will try and go back to fix thst sorry if this bothered you alot. Typing on a phone while being somewhat crosseyed just makes typos a common thing.

MisterClapscreators' thoughts