
A Killer Can't Change

A psychotic killer with a kill count numbering in the thousands. His methods of killing that can make anyone vomit with just the sight of it. With every body found is a picture of his face with a bright smile posing with the head of his victim. And despite having his identity exposed, His killing spree continued for 33 years. Finally after decades of searching and chasing, He was now caught in the middle of decapitating his last victim. Judge: "With the amount of evidence gathered here today, this court sentences John Dweller to death! Any last words you despicable monster?" John: "...Thanks for this judge, I was getting bored here on earth anyway so a change in scenery in heaven or hell might be a good change. It was fun playing you people." those were the final words John left for the world. John Dweller, Age 56, dead on September 29, 2013. ====== Somewhere in a land of clouds... God: "Who's next on the list? Hmm let's see here.... John Dweller..." Reading through John's book of life, God's face changed from boredom to worried. God: "Oh cosmos... This one seems to have had quite the life down there... Welp on you go then little one. And with those words and a flick of his finger, God sent whatever was left of John's existence to a different world for another god to worry about. ==WARNING== This story has some screwed up stuff planned to give the MC some trauma to really ease him into being a killer. And one of those are child molestation so if yall aint into that then this might not be a story for you. =====FOR THE ARTIST===== I DO NOT OWN the art on the cover, I couldn't find the owner of this picture anywhere I looked. So if the artist sees this and want's it taken down just email me at bertingsburger@gmail.com (Yes i know the email looks like a joke but its what i actually use for anything that isnt involved in my personal life) Also my eyes are kind of screwed up and i end up pressing on "a" alot, so please be patient if you see words that just had a random "a" in it. i'll fix it when i find it.

MisterClaps · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 11: Dweller's Fun Trip

2 hours before midnight in John's room...

Once again, John has ended up in his bed again unconscious.

A few hours before this time, the doctors mentioned that there is a high chance of John going into a coma.

When Dweller heard that, He couldn't help but kick everything near him in annoyance, but because he wasn't in John's body, everything just went through his foot.

Not wanting John to go into a coma, Dweller took control of John's body by shoving John's ghostly body out of it.

John's ghostly body came out in an unconscious state.

Seeing this, Dweller assumed that there was a possibility of physical injuries affecting their spectral forms too, but before he could test this theory, he had to save this kid.

As he quietly left the room, he stopped as a thought popped into his mind.

' Where do I start? '

He had no idea on what to do first. It was his first time trying to save someone instead of killing them for fun.

' Guess I'm hitting the books '

With that in mind, Dweller used John's memory to guide him towards the library. Hopefully, there's some useful information about Comas otherwise he'd go and find someone that did, and probably have a little "fun" with them for a while, just have to hide the body after.

"No! *slap* Focus John! Information first, killing later."

After 30 minutes of sneaking through the dark, Dweller finally found the library.

' This place is too damn big... '

Or maybe John's body was too small? Anyways, Dweller slowly opened the door to the library and finally found what he was looking for 30 damn minutes, books.

Dweller made sure to lock the door so no one interrupts him.

With that done, all that was left was to find something like a lamp or torch.

As soon as he thought of that, A familiar red glow shined behind him. When he turned around, he found a holographic flashlight.

"Perfect! Now, the worst part..."


30 painful minutes of reading later...

" To think what I need to heal this kid is in enemy territory."

Dweller stumbled upon a book titled: "The miracle family: The Clauders", a well-known family of casters that specialize in spells related to healing. They're known achievements are:

-Regrowing all 4 entire limbs.

-Reviving a person that has been dead for a month.

-Waking a patient up after being in a coma for 15 years

-Saving the 9th King of the Brutz Kingdom.

Dweller ignored everything and focused on one line.

[[ -Waking a patient up after being in a coma for 15 years. ]]

"If I leave now I can reach their territory, "ask" a Clauder to heal John, and then come back home before dawn breaks."

With this simple plan, Dweller wasted no time and left the library, sprinting towards their family's stables.

But when he finally reached the stables, he found out that it was locked with Runic inscriptions.


Dweller couldn't help but curse, If he tried to force open the lock then he might alarm the servants.

' Sh*t! How the hell am I supposed to go if I don't have a ride? '

*Lightbulb turning on*

' Oh right, I have magic. '

Closing his eyes, he started thinking about a motorbike.

' Come on motorbike! Come on motorbike! '

When Dweller could see a red glow through his eyelids, he peeked them open to check if it worked.

"What the f*ck is this?"

In front of Dweller was a literal giant glowing rectangle with wheels. Dweller was never interested in cars in his past life, and because of that, his only idea of a car was a rectangular box with wheels that gets you to places.

When Dweller recalled Devor's lessons about magic, He started thinking of a simpler mode of transportation, a bike.

"Aha! It worked!" He was overjoyed, he was able to remember a memory of him modifying a bike that would slowly tighten a clamp around some guy's head every time he pedalled. That was probably one of his favorite ways to kill someone.

After reminiscing some nostalgic memories, Dweller took the bike near the surrounding fence and threw it over it before he climbed out after it.

He dragged it on a part of the trail that wasn't covered in snow. Dweller didn't mind the freezing temperature he was in since he was used to it because of past experiences.

Taking another look at the map he ripped out of a book, Dweller placed it back into one of his pajama's pockets and started pedalling through the cold blizzard in the night.

With the long road ahead of him, Dweller cast a flashlight to light the road ahead of him and used runic magic on his legs to give him some extra speed. To kill his boredom, he began to sing a few songs.

"On the road again~~ Just can't wait to get on the road again~~...."


Around 2am past midnight...

"Huff...Huff... Finally! I made it!"

Through a freezing blizzard and multiple fall-overs, Dweller could finally see a giant manor in the distance.

All that was left to do was make it there and "ask" one of the servants there if he was in the right place.


Near the manor's fence...

A guard with a sword and lamp is patrolling around the fence, making sure there aren't any intruders.

"Brrr... It's f*cking freezing! When the hell is my shift ending?!"


"Hmm? What was th-- GHEK!" From behind the guard, a pair of small arms wrapped tightly around his neck, and then forcefully dragging him down to the ground.

"Where is this place?" Dweller whispered to the guard's ear.

He untightened his chokehold on the guard, but just enougj for him to speak.

"The Clauder's territory! Th-This is the Clauder's manor!"

"Alright, thank you."

The guard was hopeful, that maybe this hidden intruder would let him go now that he answered his question, but contrary to his expectations, the intruder sandwiched the guard's head with both his palms.



2 Runes of strength glowed on Dweller's hands as he suddenly squashes the guard's head into a paste.


"Ah sh*t, I forgot to ask which room belongs to the head of the family... Ah screw it, I'll just find it myself."

After wiping his hands on the headless guard's clothes, Dweller started looking for a way inside.

After 30 minutes Dweller finally found a way in, it was an unlocked window on the 2nd floor that he had to climb for.

He could've taken less time had he not been seen by a guard twice. Luckily he disposed of both of them before they could alert the others.

Slowly opening the window, Dweller made sure not to make any noise as he crept in.

Once inside, he looked around to see where he was exactly. With barely any visibility, Dweller could tell that he was at the end of a hallway.

' Now to find someone from the family. '

As he sneaked through the hallway, he made sure to not use any Magic since the glow from it might be seen in the dark.

After a few minutes of walking, Dweller could finally see a door. Before he opened it, he conjured up a screwdriver while covering the glow of his magic in his pajamas.

Now armed and ready, Dweller opened the door and walked in. What he saw made him happy, lit up by the moonlight was a large bed with a couple sleeping on it.

' This has to be him. But how am I supposed to do this? '

Dweller kept thinking of methods that he could use, but couldn't think of anything good.


Movement from the bed alerted Dweller, he was ready to fight, but it turns out the wife just adjuster her sleeping position.

But there was something eye-catching after the wife moved.

' Oh? Oh... Now you just made things easier madam. '


15 minutes later...

Dweller now managed to handcuff both of their arms to their beds and bound their legs together.

' Now for some magic. '

Pointing his palms towards the couple, Dweller started to think of keeping them quiet and from moving.

His palms quickly glowed red as runes and symbols wrapped around them before breaking down and turning into a flow of magius that flew towards the couple's ankles.

At the same time as this, the bright red light caused the couple to slowly wake up.

When they opened their eyes, they were terrified and shocked. They couldn't voice a single word and their limbs felt non-existent as they couldn't move, but what really terrified them the most was the person in front of them...

He had a small body similar to their daughter Ann, he was wearing striped pajamas and lastly, the most eye-catching part of him was a scarecrow head covering his face.

"Hi~, you two must be the Marquess and Marchioness of the Clauder family right?"


"Oh right, I forgot you can't move."

Dweller changed the rune imprint on their bodies and made it so they could only move their head.

When he did, both of them quickly nodded their heads.

"Now, I have heard that your family is a family of skilled Healers, correct?"

Herman nodded his head.

"Good, I have a request from your family. I want you to heal me, more specifically a coma. Right now I am using a special spell to keep me awake, but I cant stay like this forever."

When Herman heard that this man had a request, he was prepared to do anything to get him to leave, but a coma? Who in his family could cure such a difficult illness. Herman was about to sway his head "No", but Dweller spoke before him.

"If you fail to cure me, I'll kill you. Understand?"

The couple felt their hearts drop when they heard his words. Were they actually gonna get killed?

"Let's begin." Dweller removed the handcuffs before changing their runes again to make it so that they could only move their arms to cast their spells.

Herman didn't waste any time the moment he could feel his arms again, he quickly conjured a spear of ice and shot it towards Dweller. He could care less if Dweller looked like a kid, he had to prioritize their own safety first.

"Woah!" Dweller narrowly dodged Herman's ice spear and quickly made his way to the wife.

Dweller threw off the blanket on her body showing a huge bulge in her belly, the wife was pregnant.

"Stop right there boy, another one of those and your wife is gonna become a fountain." With a screwdriver pointing towards her belly, Dweller threatened Herman that he would puncture her stomach if he tried to cast an attack spell again.

"!!!" Herman quickly stopped casting his 2nd spear midway the moment Dweller took his wife hostage. Although he was a failure as the family's head, he was still a loving father and husband.

Seeing him give up, Dweller made the screwdriver float straight up, touching the ceiling, while still pointing to her belly.

"Try that sh*t again, I dare you."

Herman shook his head, It seemed like he didn't want to resist anymore.

"Now, Heal me."

Herman pointed to his mouth, signalling that he needed to speak for the spell.

"...I will not hesitate to drop it if you scream some bullsh*t, I've killed pregnant women before and I can do it again."

After warning him, Dweller removed the [Mute] Rune from Herman's ankle.

"Wh-Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

"..." In response, Dweller conjured another screwdriver and shot it toward the woman's hip.

"!!!" The wife's tears kept falling as she tried to pull the strange blade out of her thigh, but no matter how much she pulled, it wouldn't move.

"No! Please! I'll do it!"

Seeing Dweller's response to his words, Herman gave up on talking to him and focused on casting the spell.

" [Holy Nature's Touch] " A vine grew out of Herman's palms, covered in a green and white light as they slowly made their way to Dweller.

The tip of the vine reached Dweller's forehead and as it made contact, Dweller's body started to glow in a green hue.

Herman was sweating and exhausted after casting his best spell, he struggled to keep his eyes open to see if it had any effect.

"Hmmm.... Don't move." As Dweller said that, his body went limp and fell to the ground like someone had cut the strings on a puppet.

Dweller managed to turn into his ghost form to check up on John. Seeing no changes in John, Dweller went back into John's body.

Dweller's eyes suddenly opened, and he groaned for a bit before standing back up again.


When Herman heard those words, he thought that they were saved.

But sadly for him, Dweller was just messing with him.

"You failed."




With no delay, Dweller conjured another screwdriver and drove it straight into the side of Herman's skull, killing him instantly.

"!!!" Herman's wife couldn't believe that her husband just died, The man that loved her for all this time was killed like he was nothing.

She thought maybe this was all just a bad dream.

Dweller's head slowly turned towards the now widowed woman.

"Now... It's your turn miss."