
First suicide attempt

Some feelings are instinctive and the feeling of danger is one of them, with just one look and the magical beast in front of him Cloud knew that he was not its match the best he can do was run and run fast.

Cloud did bit hesitate and took off running pushing his tired body to its limits.

During the fight with Vic he took some bad hits and got injured also, the injury was not fatal but it did hurt when he moved his body.

But now with the fear of death and the whispers in his mind telling him to kill himself self Cloud ran like the wind all the pain in his body vanished and he ran with unbelievable speed.

While running for his life Cloud gained a new understanding of his new powers, the was nothing magical about them what it was the lightning in his body the lightning that is for him to kill himself with can be used to enhance and boost his bodies capabilities.

With lightning flowing inside him he can run faster, see better and do everything on a turbo level.

The thing that surprised Cloud the most was that he was using a very small amount of that lighting that was within his body and he did not even reach one percent of the massive amount he had.

if he wanted to run faster like he does right now he can forcefully push up the percentage he is using and that was unfortunately how his clans man committed suicide by pushing the lightning until it destroyed them. With that in mind Cloud push the percentage to the limit that his body could take and ran faster than ever but it was still not fast enough.

The Black Panther had a home ground advantage and it was using it well, not matter how fast Cloud ran it was always there and was slowly gaining on Cloud and as it got close to make an attack on Cloud it would miss the attack. At first Cloud thought he was lucky but after the 3rd time he knew that the Black Panther was playing with him.

The thought alone was enough to drive anyone crazy let alone Cloud who had suicidal tendencies, with the whispers in his mind getting louder by the second Cloud just stopped.

He stopped running and just stood there looking at the direction of the Black panther, Cloud watched as the Black panther walked closer to him, Cloud could see faint sign of certification from the Black panther from enjoying the game it was playing with its prey and that pushed Cloud further to the edge.

Cloud stopped not because he was excerpting his death he stopped because he had reached his limit and cannot run anymore all that he had left he was saving for his final strike and the was one thing he needed for the strike to work and that was to be close really close to the Black panther.

The Black Panther kept circling Cloud and now and then it would attack Cloud nothing serious, it was like how a cat would play with a mouse hoping for one last exciting chase by the time Cloud was bloody and could not stand up any more the Black Panther got bored of its game and came closer for the kill.

This was the moment Cloud was waiting for the moment to make his strike the anger he had was already burning him now he could feel his anger exciting the lightning within him, he could feel the lightning getting stronger and the pain he felt beyond compare.

The anger was like the pouring gas on a burning fire, the silver in his eyes shined brighter and so did his hair it became luminous. The Black Panther stopped in its tracks just two steps away from Cloud, being a magical beast it also had keen senses for danger and right now it felt danger coming from Cloud but it was too late.

Seeing that the black panther stopped two steps away from him made Cloud desperate now if this failed he was died for sure, it was also at this moment that the whispers got the loudest and for that one small moment Cloud gave in to the whispers and with a force he remembers quite well the lightning within him boast forth and surge into a tide within him and was burning every bit of flush he had, when the percentage of the lightning reached 5% that was when Cloud regained himself but it was too late his body was already burning the only thing Cloud could think of doing was to send all that lightning power to his most hate enemy.

The last thing Cloud remembered was the sound of a thunderstorm.