
A journey of a young dectetive

A girl Keiko travels back in time with powers to see a politician being murdered she decided to solve it but something happens to the girl which makes her a hero. Then soon gets betrayed by her friend and then Keiko soon finds someone who can help her and they both try to solve the mystery, but then something both happens to them and they fade into a new realm. Where they both find that the city they lived was gone and soon find a way out of that realm. Finally, some years pass by and something to Keiko while she was in labour and she passes away but the story continues from her son's perspective as another murder strikes again.

Kellytan_11 · perkotaan
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8 Chs

The death of Akio

Akio turns his back to see a familiar man standing behind him... Keiko stood there panicking. Not knowing what to do, she stepped forward and saw the man had a bat in his hands. In a blink of an eye, she saw that Akio was gone, and then the phone rang. She answered the phone and heard Akio's voice.

He told her, "The man wants 1 million yen if you don't get the 1 million yen then your next,"

Keiko replies, "But where do I get 1 million yen from?"

"Well, I don't know, you have to figure something out before he gets you," Akio answers.


Then the call ended...

Keiko had to do something before it was too late. Then she gets an idea, she can use her power to travel back in time and get 1 million yen and then travel back here before the man can get her. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She opens it just to see the man in front of her ... it was too late.

She wakes up to see Akio in front of her, barely conscious she mutters," How do we escape?"

Akio responds, " We can't we're stuck until someone pays the man 1 million yen."

Keiko passes out again, another hour passes by, and she wakes up to see Akio missing again, but this time, a note was left beside her. Then she hears a deep voice.

The person said to her," You can sacrifice Akio to save yourself and you can leave or both of you can die. It's your choice, Keiko,"

Then she hears Akio's voice and he says " Save yourself I'll be fine just solve the case without me, I love you, Keiko and I'll miss you a lot just save yourself ok."

Keiko breaks down, she couldn't let her friend die but she knows that's what he wants. She finally makes her decision and says " I'll let Akio die and I promised him that I would solve the case and I'll miss you too Akio and I love you too."

Well I guess this is the end of the chapter RIP Akio he lived a nice and short life and if I did put too many commas in then let me know in the comments