
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · Fantasi
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27 Chs

Chapter 9 Training

Feeling a slight nudge on his body, Ajax slowly woke up. As his eyes opened, he saw Tim in front of him pushing him awake. Apparently, Tim had done a lot of thinking the previous night and wanted to come with Ajax on his training in the forest. Slowly coming into awareness, Ajax started thinking for a bit and eventually told him to get permission from his father. Already thinking ahead, Tim had already asked his father for permission and agreed since it was and good friend's son and although only meeting with him shortly, he had already felt like he could trust Ajax. There was also because of the story of how Ajax had easily taken care of three humans alone and with no weapons in the beginning. After hearing the story from Tim, Ajax began to ponder. He had always wondered if he would gain any exp when hunting with someone. Although from the past hunting experience, he hunted with his fellow chimps, Ajax has always hunted alone or he would at least make sure he would get the last hit on the beast to make sure he could get the exp. Therefore, Ajax decided to agree. Furthermore, Ajax and seen the outrageously high defense from King Herod and the high defense of Tim being only lvl 1, Ajax agreed to allow Tim with him with training as having a companion on the trip would be nice for once. Moreover, since he was reborn into this world, why not have a strong friend with him. With Tim by his side, at least he would have some form of insurance when battle multiple creatures. While thinking about many things, Tim hurriedly pulled Ajax out of the hut and dragged him to see his father before leaving.

" Dad, we are leaving now" Said Tim as they entered the hut.

" Hmm, be careful and if you even need help, don't hesitate to ask, including you Ajax" Replied King Herod with a nod.

Feeling the atmosphere that King Herod portrayed while saying this, Ajax felt a warm feeling in his heart. Ever since he arrived to this new world, this was one of the first emotions he had felt as deep down he knew that he would be alone in this world. He had always looked forward to the new world and what it could offer him while silently putting things about his old world behind him. Although he had a family back at home, he was also quite close with them because of the things his father had taught him and the help he received from allowing him to live a peaceful life. Although his brother was always distant and busy, he could see that his brother also had expectations to fulfill with his father being the oldest sibling of the family. Thinking about his little sister that he spoiled, he also began to miss her a little and his caring mother that looked after him since birth. Knowing that he had probably died in his old world, he also thought about the pain that it may have caused them. Up to this point, Ajax eyes was beginning to water, but forced himself to not let a tear fall as it was not the time and place to show such emotions.

Nodding, towards King Herod, Ajax said "hmm thank you for your hospitality, I'll try my best to keep Tim alive".

Hearing his words, he could also understand some underlying meaning between the words alive. Saying alive and safe were two similar words but also had some difference to them. He knew that Ajax would most likely push Tim to his limits during their trip in exploring/training in the forest.

This was in fact Ajax's meaning behind his words as he wanted Tim to become sort of like a tank during their training together and it would be hard as they did not have the system like him which he could easily put in points in stats after a level up. Saying their last goodbye, the two left the hut and began to walk out of the tribe.

As King Herod saw the back of the two young apes, he softly said, "Like father, like son".

As they were walking, Tim asked Ajax a question.

"Ajax could you teach me how to use the sword?" asked Tim.

" Sure, it would be better for the both of us if you knew how to fight better" replied Ajax.

Excited about learning something new, Tim had a big smile on his face and was glad about the decision he made as he can become stronger and not fall to the victims of the thieves again and perhaps be more of use to his tribe. As the two continued to walk out and reached the outskirts of the tribe, Ajax stopped for a second to think about how he should proceed with their training. First, Ajax gave Tim one of his sword so that he can at least learn how to carry it.

" Lets go into an open area first" said Ajax.

"hmm okay, why though" asked Tim.

"Because I want to see first how you handle a weapon" replied Ajax calmly.

Nodding his head, Tim followed Ajax as he led the way. As they reached the open field, Ajax had Tim stand across from him several feet away.

" Come, attack me with everything you have" said Ajax as he pulled out his sword.

" Okay" replied Tim knowing that Ajax was already pretty strong and could take on his full strength.

Tim grabbed the sword from his hip and came running towards Ajax with the sword held high and swung down. Easily, Ajax blocked the attack and sent a kick towards Tim. Although he saw the kick coming, he did not know how to react to the kick coming at him and took the kick head on. 'bang' Tim was sent a few steps back. Although he held back, Ajax was still surprised by how little damage it did. But an opening was still and opening and ran towards Tim attacking him in the process. As Tim tried to block the attack, he noticed that he failed to completely block it and his sword was slammed down with Ajax's sword pointing at his head.

"Dead" said Ajax coldly.

"I'm not going to go easy on you the next time, if you want to go with me you need to be strong. To always be thinking about the next move and the best way to survive." Ajax said walking back several steps to allow Tim to pick up his sword again.

" O Okay" replied Tim surprised at how cold Ajax seems when training him.

Again Tim ran towards Ajax this time with his sword lowered to about his waist and slashed horizontally towards Ajax. 'cling' the sword again was easily blocked. This time Ajax did not kick him but slashed towards Tim. 'slice' a cut appeared on Tim's arm but it was really shallow barely allowing any blood flow. Trying to jump back, Tim became scared because of the wound he suffered, but as he jumped back, Ajax grabbed his legs that were in the air and 'bang' slammed him into the ground. Feeling the wind get knocked out of him, Tim grimaced in pain and felt his body stunned. He also noticed a sword coming towards his neck but he was too much in pain that he could move out of the way.

" Dead again" said Ajax.

"Listen well Tim, the beasts that we will be fighting will always be stronger than us or they may have an ability that we do not know of. You must always be moving and thinking or else you're dead. Stand up, one more time" said Ajax as he pulled back his sword and took several steps back.

This time, Tim stood up with determined eyes. He wanted to prove to himself and to Ajax that he could be strong, that he had what it takes. He once again ran towards Ajax with the sword lowered to his waste and slashed at him. When his sword clashed with Ajax he felt a rebounding force and chose to use it for himself as he quickly spun and attacked Ajax's other side. Astonished, at the move that was pulled, he jumped back with the sword barely missing his waist.

" Good, haha just like that, if the opponent is vastly stronger than you, then you must use it to your advantage as the opponent may have a chance of lowering its guard and bang they're dead instead of you". Said Ajax delighted that this ape is getting better.

" Again" said Ajax loudly.

As the two began to clash, it continued for half an hour and during this time, Tim has adapted well to his sword and clashing against a much stronger opponent. Everything about Ajax was stronger than him as Tim has not scratched Ajax despite the numerous times they exchanged blows and tried many tactics to defeat him. He tried jumping, circling around, throwing dirt, sliding, he even tried fake tripping to catch Ajax off guard but none of it worked.

As the fight finally stopped, Ajax said " Good, Good, I will not teach you how to use your own sword if you want to be seen as an equal to me. If you want me to see you as a brother or partner than learn how to use your sword yourself. Rise and become familiar with your sword and your personal strength as they are only ones that you can rely on".

Panting, light filled in Tim's eyes as he became determined to get better and stronger so that he could protect himself and others when in need.

"Alright, let's go to the stream and take a rest and get something to eat" said Ajax as he walked away and towards the direction of the stream he found in the first place.

Tim still trying to get back his breathing under control, he followed Ajax as he led the way. Ajax also did not make this easy as he ran with enough speed that Tim had trouble keeping up. With the pace that they went, they arrived at the stream in an hour with Tim panting behind seemingly out of breath. As Tim reached the stream, he fell down to the ground on his butt trying to get his breathing under control.

"What are you doing, go get us some fish" Ajax looked at Tim with a smile.

" Uuhhh okay" said Tim thinking about how he was treated.

Ajax handed Tim his spear. The reason for this was because he wanted to test if Tim can learn a new skill like he did which was spear fishing. As Tim was searching for a spot where he can see more fishes swim by, he struggled a lot as he still had trouble of piercing the fish through the reflection of the water. Finally after trying for a while, he manage to get one.

"Yeeess, Finally" Said Tim.

"Good, but you're going to have to catch a lot more to feed the both of us" Said Ajax seeing Tim's satisfied smile.

" sigh, okay" Said Tim with a depressing tone as he continued to pierce the fishes and throwing them next to Ajax.

After catching around 15 of them, he noticed that there were few fishes left in the spot he was in. As he was about to look for another spot, Ajax stopped him and told him to come back.

Looking at the many fishes, Ajax first checked on Tim to see if he picked up the spear fishing skill using his observation skill.

Name: Tim [lvl 1]

Race: Primate [Orangutan]

Strength: 14




Endurance: 24

Skills: Swordsmanship [lvl1], Spear fishing [lvl1]

"hmm? What the heck is this" Said Ajax noticing the increase in stats but still level one. So it seems like he can learn skills from constant use of training. He can even increase his stats with no stat points. "Isn't this too easy and you can simply train all your life and still be a level 1". "Well whatever, if it helps him then it helps me I guess, I will experiment some more later on" thought Ajax.

" Do you know why after we trained in combat I had us run here and even made you hunt for food Tim" said Ajax while looking at Tim's exhausted face.

" To make me stronger?" Asked Tim.

" Of course. My father had me and a few friends hunt a horned bear by ourselves on our first hunt. After I left to train, I found my way here and after catching a few fish, I had to face off a horned bear and then came after four wind wolves, one of them being an alpha causing me extreme exhaustion and injury. I'm not trying to brag but in this forest, there would always be trouble at every corner, you must learn to continue to strive on and push your limits so that you can survive hear" said Ajax as he started he fire to cook the fishes.

Amazed by Ajax's experience and just the hardships he encountered just after leaving the tribe's safety, Tim started to admire Ajax even more and looked forward to training with Ajax. Although he knew that it was not going to be easy, he had already gained so much in one day with Ajax.

As Ajax started to cook the fishes, he said " we will find a place near here to rest and then head to that human's village and see how it looks, training on the way of course.".

Surprised by what Ajax said, Tim asked " Why is there something we need to do?"

"Hmm just taking a look, I've always wondered how their civilization worked, but first I might need to observe them some more so I can learn their language and communicate with them" said Ajax as he grabbed a cooked fish and started to eat it shortly after.

Tim also became curious after hearing his words and also a little afraid because if they get caught by the humans, then bad things would happen after. He wanted to ask another question but quickly tossed the idea as he would simply follow and grow stronger with Ajax and devoured the cooked fishes which surprisingly tasted a lot better than the food he ate in his tribe. He also thought to himself, " I must learn how to cook this well".