
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · Fantasi
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27 Chs

Chapter 2 The Legendary System.

Since then, a few years had past and ajax had finally gotten used to his body. Throughout the years Ajax has slowly been learning more about the world that he has come into. He learned about the ape culture that he grew in and their ways of life. He spent most of the time exploring his surroundings and adapting to his new body. Thankfully, the ape's body system is closely similar to the human body and could walk and run like a normal human being.

Ajax was about 5 and half feet tall as the other young apes were about 5 feet tall. The first few years, Ajax would occasionally be with his mother and would walk around their ape tribe learning several things. He also tried some of the martial arts he knew from his past and was able to exert some of the movements but was not as proficient as his past self.

As of yet he has not come into contact with any humans or any predatory creatures. He assumed that his tribe was located deep in the village. Ajax also seemed to notice that this world was different from the last judging by how advance the ape tribe was. It resembled some kind ancient era hut type tribe where there were tree houses build on large and sturdy trees instead of what he knew from what he had saw occasionally on discovery channels about apes just sleeping out in the open on a bundle of leaves or on trees with nothing but the trees as their shelter. Although it still seemed primitive to him or has been surrounded but steel buildings, the huts on top of trees were made of several sticks and leaves with an opening which can be freely entered and exit.

His hut however was the largest and had vines that came down from their entrance compared to the rest as his hut was home to the chief of the tribe. The tribe was located in an area surrounded by dense towering trees and about 30 feet from the ground. The tribe was fairly large that the population was around 5,000 apes in the current tribe and many smaller tribes in the surroundings that was under the protection of his father.

There were occasional apes on the outskirts of the tribe with wooden sharp spears and bows and arrows used for defense and alarming the tribe of any danger. Most of the other apes were around each other as they begin picking off insects off of each other's body for maintenance and the younger apes were seen playing around jumping on each other and getting into small bouts of fights. Most of the apes would avoid Ajax as he was the son of the chief but there were a few that interacted with him although Ajax would not know how to play with them most of the time. Most of the older apes was about 6 feet tall when standing up on their legs which were significantly bigger than what he saw on tv.

His father was about half a foot taller than them. He also seemed more evolved than them as his intelligence was also higher than the rest.

Ajax can be seen climbing on a tall tree about 50 feet tall. As he slowly reached the top of the tree, Ajax could see the wide and endless forest that stood before him with the sun shinning brightly behind his back. As he reached the top he heard a 'ding' in his head.

[congratulations on host at arriving at the top of the tree]

[Host has been awarded with the system]

"What? Could this be? The legendary system that those people who reincarnated get and eventually evolve and become stronger?" Ajax whispered to himself excitedly.

"Status" Ajax said. In the next instant, a window screen appeared in front of him.

Name: Ajax [lvl 1]

Exp: 0/100

Race: primate [chimpanzee]

Strength: 15




Endurance: 14

Skill points: 5

Skills: Dexterity [lvl3], language [lvl1], Martial arts [lvl5]

Looking at his status, Ajax grew even more excited as looked at his status. He grew even more excited that his martials arts skills that he had learned had not grown to waste as he got saw it in his skills and at such a higher level than the rest of his skills. Since Ajax has come into this world, he would try to venture off further but was stopped as the patrolling apes would stop him because it was too dangerous for a young ape. As Ajax continued to observe his status, he wanted to learn more about his stats so that he can have a clearer view on what each stat does for him as it would be more or less different in different rpg games.

Strength: allows the user to exert more strength and potential in using physical power.

Simple enough thought Ajax. He then continued on looking at the description of his other stats.

Defense: Allows the user to gain a stronger body and take more blows and survive.

Agility: Allows the user to move around quicker and more nimble.

Intelligence: Allows the users learn things faster which includes attainable skills, language and the usage or duration of magic.

Endurance: Allows the user to move around and use more power longer.

So there is magic in this world thought Ajax as he grew in anticipation of the world he has come into. 'ding' a sound came into his head again.

"Main quest: conquer Holy Sun Forest"

[Rewards include 20 stat points and inheritance skill of the forest]

"Holy Sun Forest? Is that the name of the forest that I am?" Thought Ajax.

"Wow!!! look at those rewards. Inheritance skill of the forest? Whatever it is it's better to have more skills and since my intelligence is pretty high starting out it would be nice to have" Ajax said.

Looking more at the scenery before him Ajax began thinking of what to do to complete this new quest of his. As he is in a forest he assumed many of the other predators that live in the forests would also be here and they would also be slightly stronger than usual as there is magic in this world. There would also be many unknown creatures as is in a different world than he was in before. There is also some things to think about such as humans and how they live or the language that they spoke in and how to interact with them and how he should treat them. Ajax decided to save his points because he might need it if a situation came up and he was not fully prepared. As Ajax was thinking of all of this, he was interrupted with a large palm came onto the right side of his shoulder. As he looked back he saw that it was his father the king of this tribe.

"Come son, it's time that I teach you how to hunt" his father had said. Growing up, the bond between his father and him wasn't that strong as his father would occasionally be out hunting or teaching the other apes how to fight together. He also learned his father's name as the other apes would call him King Adros.

"Yes father" Ajax replied.

As the two climbed down the towering tree, they arrived on top of a large thick tree branch with several younger and older apes looked up at them from the ground.

"Today we are going to hunt on the outskirts of the tribe and look for meat and vegetable as a celebration for my son and you younger apes first hunt" King Adros said.

Large exclamations were responded as they were excited to finally hunt for food as part of the tribe and their acceptance into adulthood.

'ding' Sub Quest: Hunt the horned Bear

[reward: 200 exp and 5 skill points ]

"Horned Bear? Damn bears have horns now?" Ajax said with a slight fear in his voice. Ajax knew that Bears were one of the strongest land animals that existed in his world and looking at the name, it would have a horn which would make it stronger than usual. He was also excited that now he had a chance to venture a part of the forest that was not part of the tribe. He also knew that he would eventually go out of the forest and see what the world has to offer to him.