
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · Fantasi
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27 Chs

Chapter 17 Powerful Old Man

The three soon arrived at a location where they spotted a horned bear. This horned bear was alone sleeping in a caved in spot at the base of a cliff wall. It looked to be low level as it didn't look too big and the horn wasn't too big. As the three saw the sleeping horned bear, Ajax had already sent Jerry forward as Jerry already knew that they were training him. Although he had been hunting before, he was always hunting it together with his hunting group. This would be his first time facing beasts alone.

Jerry approached step by step, trying his best not to wake up. As he was not too far away, a flying arrow came past him and arrived right in front of the horned beast did not him but caused him to wake up. Seeing this, Jerry looked back and saw that it was Tim. He then looked towards Ajax and saw that he just nodded his head at Jerry as if telling him that he approved of Tim's actions and was telling him to carry on with his fight.

" haha, so this is how it feels" thought Tim with a big grin on his face when he saw the look on Jerry's face.

As the horned bear heard the arrow landing in front of him, he was slowly getting up and was going to see what had happened but then a 'wack' came down on him as he was sent flying to the wall.

When Jerry saw that the horned bear was already going to wake up, he took no more chances and had already ran and swung his large wooden club at the horned bear in front of him. Unlike Tim, this was not Jerry's first fight with a horned bear and in the first place, Jerry's starting point was already higher than Tim's so it was not much of a fight as the horned bear was at first dazed after the initial attack but was quickly dead as its head was bashed in a second latter.

Seeing the battle end so quickly, Ajax had thought to himself that he had miscalculated Jerry's strength a little too much. It can't be helped because Tim and himself has always fought with beasts that were always a little higher than themselves and they had always had to be cautious. After a few days of hunting like this, he felt that Jerry had finally gotten used to the wooden club that was given to him. Ajax decided that since Jerry could already do this much himself, they would start to move towards other parts of the forest and hopefully encounter something stronger and help them grow.

The three quickly left and moved deeper into the forest. When he returned home, he had completely forgotten to ask his father about many things such as the map and the other creatures to watch out for in the forest or any other tribes that he should be wary of. As the three moved deeper and deeper, Ajax had suddenly stopped causing the other two to stop and remain alert. Before Tim and Jerry can ask why they had stopped, they noticed a black large figure dashing around them quickly hiding behind trees and running from tree to tree.

"What the heck is that" said Tim.

This wasn't like most creatures that came at them. The many beasts that they fought so far would come out in the open and make their intentions known. This beasts however was dashing around them, as if it was the one hunting them.

As Ajax noticed how quick and sneaky the creature was, he immediately activated his perception skill giving him a clearer view of 5 feet around him. if the the beasts so much as enter that range, he would immediately stab out with his spear.

Just as the three had their guard up and took out their weapons, they heard movement from a nearby bush and held their weapons up guarding their body. Three noticed that they could only catch glimpses of the beast's figure. They had not seen the beast's actual body causing them to not know what it was, since the beast was already faster than what they could see, they might as well guard up and use the opportunity of when it strikes to also take it down. With their weapons held up and towards the movement of the bush, they waited for it to come at them. Another rustling sound came and 'bang' before even Ajax could react, Jerry was hit hard as his new wooden club was already broken in two with a claw mark going across his chest making him bleed heavily. Jerry was sent flying and landed heavily on a tree and then collapsing on the ground unconscious

"Shit" said Ajax as he already noticed one of them was already down. "maybe we have ventured too deep" though Ajax as he noticed the strength of the beasts.

As the two looked at the injured companion, they quickly scanned the area to look for the opponent. As for Ajax, he had already activated his wind enhancement. Earlier he barely caught a look at the beasts. Even with his skill, he was too slow to react to its movement. Perhaps with the wind enhancement skill, they wouldn't die so quickly. Just as Ajax and Tim could think of a tactic o what to do, Ajax caught the movement of the beasts again and saw that it was going for Tim this time. As Ajax saw that, he lunged forward and tried to pierce towards the direction of where the beasts was going. 'bang'. Ajax had failed to pierce through the beast. It felt like trying to push a motorcycle with a stick. All Ajax had managed to do with this strike was push the beast away from going after Tim. As he managed to do that, the two finally saw what was hunting them. It was a jaguar.

This jaguar however looked a little different from Ajax's memory. It's body looked very slender and muscular. Its orangish coat was patterned and filled with dark spots. Its eyes was large and piercing. Immediately, Ajax used his observation skill.

Name: Kitty [lvl 25]

Race: Jaguar [tamed]

Strength: 40




Endurance: 30

Skills: Stealth [lvl 3]

"Kitty?" thought Ajax as this was the first creature that he has came across from that had a name. He then saw 'tamed' and soon came to a conclusion that his beast must be a tamed beast from someone nearby.

As he saw that the beasts was already beginning to charge at them again, Ajax immediately looked around and said in a loud voice, " Hello, we mean no harm. If we have trespassed in your territory then forgive us and we can leave" As this was happening, Tim was still wondering why Ajax suddenly stopped fighting and talking into the air. But he still held his weapon and stood in a defense position with his sword point towards the jaguar. When the jaguar was just about to reach the two, it suddenly stopped and jumped back into the forest no longer seen. Seeing this, Ajax quickly told Tim to go check on Jerry and waited to see if the mysterious person still be letting them go as he stared at the direction of where the jaguar had went.

As Ajax didn't notice anymore movements from around them, he started to walk towards the two but suddenly he tripped. Confused about how he had managed to trip in this situation, he looked towards his foot to see what he could have possibly tripped on. He saw a wooden cane slightly tilted that made him trip. "A cane" thought Ajax wondering where it came from. As this thought went by, as he was still getting up he had finally caught the image of where that cane came from. He suddenly felt the hair on his entire body beginning to stand up as he saw the person.

This person looked extremely old as he had a long beard coming down from his chin. Although he looked old, his body was extremely well built. Although he was slightly hunched over, his muscles were filled with strength. He had the body of a massive body builder but he had a long white beard coming down his chin but he could not see his face entirely as it was covered with a bamboo hat.

"What a strange build of a person" immediately thought Ajax as he saw the figure standing in front of him. " Umm, hello. I'm Ajax, these are my two companions. Thank you again for sparing us and sorry for coming into your territory" said Ajax as he saw that the person was looking at him.

"hmm. Interesting, very interesting" said the old man with a deep and rough voice as he combed his beard with his hand.

Paying no mind to what the old man was thinking about, Ajax wanted to quickly leave and not come back until he was a lot stronger. Just from judging the strength of the tamed Jaguar, he could tell that this old man was not ordinary. He even appeared beside him and tripped him without him noticing. Therefore, Ajax quickly walked towards Tim and the injured Jerry and wanted to leave as soon as possible. But just as he arrived at their location, he felt the old man's monstrous presence in front of him again.

" Hmm senior, is there something you want from us" said Ajax as he put up his guard and asked the old man behind him.

After a little but of silence, the old man said, " Ajax, right? Why don't you become my pet for awhile"

" Pet? A fucking Pet?!! I was once a human you know. How could I become someone's pet. I would rather die" though Ajax. He knew that if he said these words then he could possibly provoke the old man in front of him. If he ran he might just kill his two 'friends'. Although he could perhaps just ignore them and come up with an explanation later, he would rather not as he had already spent too much time on the two before him and would not want to start all over. " Senior is thinking too much..."

But as he was about to try to talk more, he felt a soft hit on his neck and his vision turned black. The next thing Ajax woke up to was that he was in a fairly sized roomed with a little girl sleeping by his side. " As he was about to move, he felt a chain wrapped around his neck. " What the fuck just happened" thought Ajax. As he slowly got up he felt the little girl also waking up and looked straight at him and said in a cute and adorable voice, " Apey".

"Apey? what the fuck" said Ajax as he stared at the young girl that was looking at him joyfully.

Is my naming sense horrible or????

kiingshet12creators' thoughts