
A journey of a monkey

ajax was a 18 year old man who was always fascinated by the legends of people or creatures who eventually rose up to godhood or compete against them. Then finally came a chance that he read and watched in many novels and anime... a girl in trouble and... truck-san. The time I reincarnated as a monkey.

kiingshet12 · Fantasi
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27 Chs

Chapter 14 World

After familiarizing himself with knowledge about sun forest creatures and plants that grew there, he began to read more books about world that he was in. There he read about a legend that gave birth to the many lands that has formed to this day.

There was once a golden round seed that fell from the sky in which landed in the world that was just fill with nothing but water. As the seed began to drift and drift in the endless sea world, the seed began to develop sentience. As the seed can only drift in the sea world it could not sprout anything or give life to anything since it did not have a good foundation. As the seed could only drift through the endless sea world, it became to cry out over and over again towards the endless void wishing for something to give him strength to bring life into the world.

Years passed by and nothing happened in response to the seed. All the Seed could do was try its best to avoid death by the sea monsters that were evolved and created. Suddenly a bright flash of lightning came down from the sky as it luminated the whole world. Followed by a deep and thundering sound, the sea world became to tremble as the ripples of the water grew and became waves and eventually tsunamis. As the sea world eventually became more and more chaotic, suddenly a large tree sprout out from the middle of the world separating the sea. As the large tree began to grow more and more, Land also grew from its roots that clung onto nothing but the very core of the world itself.

Centuries passed by and the land that grew from the roots of the tree, began to create enough land that separated the sea into two. As years continue to go by, creatures around the tree began to appear and evolve. Some evolved faster, some slower. Eventually, besides the sea animals and the world tree, sentient land animals also appeared. They grew more and more intellectual and gathered around the world tree. They protected it from any harm that may occur. As they grew in numbers, so did the creatures surrounding it. They began to fight for dominance over the world tree in order to receive the most benefits. As this fighting began to occur, Lightning struck down injuring the tree greatly.

This caused a ceasefire among the sentient beasts as they wished to begin protecting the tree again. Like this the three ancient countries were formed. The Sun Kingdom, Moon Kingdom, and Starlight Kingdom. The three were named based on the strength that they gained from eating a fruit of the highest point from the World Tree. The three kingdoms each took their own side of the World Tree developed their own lands and means of culture. They began to develop themselves in their own way and resulted in different forms of intelligent creatures. As years went by, the beasts that did not gain much intellect also had a few encounters with the fruits produced by the World Tree and eventually evolved to a point that rivaled the three kingdoms and pushed them farther away from the World Tree who wanted to monopolize the World Tree.

This caused many deaths on both sides and the forest became a lawless land. As the three kingdoms saw that they no longer had much means to take the World Tree back, they began to develop their own forces becoming a larger force themselves and would only allow the best of their people to enter the forest and seek the World Tree. As the three kingdoms were on the outskirts on the forest, they started to journey on deeper and deeper into the forest trying to clear land and develop cities there. However as they went deeper and deeper, the beasts there was also getting smarter and stronger.

As Ajax read and read more about the history of the world that he was in, he was amazed by the discovery and grew excited now that he knew about the world tree. Judging from the fact that the city that he was in was called Sunset city and the forest he was in was called Holy Sun Forest, he assumed that he was in the Sun Kingdom. 'ding' a sound was heard in his head.

[Congratulations on learning the past of the world and of the World Tree]

[Updating main quest... 'ding' Main Quest: Conquer lower boundary of the Holy Sun Forest]

[ Reward: 10 stat points and 1/3 inheritance skill of the forest]

"hmm, even though I am getting less stat points, there are more parts of the inheritance that I can receive in completing the first quest. Interesting, I'm looking forward on what I get" though Ajax as he finished reading the past and seeing his new update of the main quest.

After a moment of silence, Ajax had only one thing left to do, first train and then find his last civilization, after that than we will continue on with his main quest. So, he quickly left the the archive and headed back towards the mansion.

After entering the mansion, he went straight towards his room and already saw Tim lying on the bed exhausted.

" Tim if you are done with all of your learning then we can head out back to train in the forest tomorrow" said Ajax as he looked at the exhausted ape.

" Yes, I just finished everything today. I have learned their language, how to write and read, and even their culture" replied Tim as he quickly got up and became excited that he can start to get strong again.

Nodding his head, Ajax took a look at Tim's status as he as not looked at it for while now.

Name: Tim [lvl 8]

Race: Primate [Orangutan]

Strength: 25




Endurance: 30

Skills: Swordsmanship [lvl4], Spear fishing [lvl1], Language [lvl5]

"huh? When did he level up so quickly.... ooooh must've been from when I sent him to finish of the remaining bandits" thought Ajax. " Hmm this should be strong enough to handle most tier 1 beasts. He's also close to evolving, I wonder what he will evolve into".

As Ajax looked at Tim's status he told him to get some sleep since they will be leaving early in the morning and will have to say their goodbyes to the Walker family.

Early next morning, Ajax and Tim packed their things and walked towards Madam Walker since they had already been informed of Lord Herod leaving for a meeting.

"Good morning, thank you for taking care of us these last few days. We'll leave today and head back to the forest to continue our journey and training" Ajax said towards Madam Walker and Mary who was next to her.

" No, it should be us thanking you for saving us when those bandits had us surrounded" replied Madam Walker in a soft tone.

" It is okay. In exchange for helping you two, you guys gave me more than enough to pay us back. If your family is even in a need of something in the forest, come and find either one of us, we'll try to help you if we can" shaking his head and said Ajax.

Nodding her head, she said nothing more. Seeing this, Ajax decided to end it there and left with Tim. Before they left the mansion, Tim said looking back, " Bye Mary, let's become stronger the next time we see each other"

"Yeah, next time I'll be much stronger" replied Mary with her eyes beginning to tear up.

Unlike Ajax who spent most of his days reading in the archive, Tim and Mary spent quite a bit of time together and formed a bond as the two grew closer and Tim learning how to speak their language allowing better communication between the two.

As the two eventually left the mansion and headed towards outside the city, Mary looked at her mother with determination in her eyes and said, " Mother, help me become stronger like you, older brother, and father. I don't want to be so helpless like last time. I want to be able to see them again and surprise them with my strength".

Silently looking at her determined daughter, she glanced at the light blue insignia on her forehead, " Like your older brother huh, He has already gone to 'that' place... come then we have a lot of training to do". Since birth, Mary always had the light blue insignia on her forehead, although she did not know what it meant, she had a gut feeling that her daughter will grow into someone powerful and influential. Because of the way their family was raised, their family had always had a strong personality and were natural born leaders.

As Ajax and Tim left the city, they headed towards the forest where they came out of. Ajax took out his map that he got from the thief and once again looked at the circled symbols as well as their colors. Since it was not his original map, he did not the the difference between the different colors. He looked at the red circles that appeared around his tribe and Tim's tribe location. He looked at the black circle the was a little farther away from his tribe. Now that they were a lot stronger from when they first set out, he thought that the two of them would have a better chance a hunting stronger creatures so he decided to first go to that black circled location and then after finding his last civilization, he would report back home and figure out what to do from there.

After traveling for a while, Ajax and Tim arrived near a average sized river. It ran of a long while while was supplied by a waterfall not too far upstream. As the two got closer and closer, they could hear the roaring sounds of the waterfall and went closer. Ajax was planning on stopping there temporally to fish and eat before continuing on their journey. This trip should take about half the time they spent coming down since now their speed was a lot faster. As Tim got closer and was planning on jumping into the river to cool off, he saw a piece of drift wood come closer and closer to him. He looked closer and saw two small beads at the end of the wood.

"Watch out!!!" Said Ajax as he noticed the 'drift wood' that was coming closer.

Hearing Ajax scream out, Tim jumped back with his top speed. The next thing he saw was to large jaws full of razor sharp teeth chomping down on his previous locations. He saw a scaly looking beast that slowly rose from the surface of water and staring at them. The scaly beast looked to be about 20 meters long and and four legs that came from both his sides that looked a little small for its body size. At the end of its body the two saw a large tail that became skinnier and skinnier reaching its tip but both knew that that tail was filled with a lot of power as it swayed back and forth as the creature slowly walked and appeared on land. Seeing the large creature, Ajax used his observation skill.

Name: Eight Legged Alligator [lvl 12]

Strength: 30




Endurance: 22

Seeing that Tim was still a bit faster than it and that the alligator decided to face them on land, he said, " Tim, can you take it. Since it is on land you should be able to."

"Hmm I'll try" Tim replied while taking out his sword from his hip and turning serious looking at the huge creature.

'rustle, rustle' As Ajax looked at the rustling sound, Ajax took out his spear knowing that they weren't alone anymore and more creatures were heading towards their location. As he saw the creatures that came out of the forest and heading towards them, he saw 6 wind wolves and they appeared a lot stronger than his last encounter with the wind wolves.

" Well you better, I'm going to be pretty occupied too" said Ajax looking at the wind Wolves stats.

Name: Wind wolf x5 [lvl10]

Strength: 25




Endurance: 20

Name: Wind wolf [Alpha lvl15]

Strength: 30




Endurance: 25

Skill: Wind enhancement [lvl2]

Seeing Ajax looking at them, the alpha wind wolf decided to take him out first so that they can finish off the weaker ape and the eight legged alligator. As pack leader, it wanted all three as their meal because it can help him and his fellow wolves become a lot stronger and maybe he can even bring back extra meat for his family back at their home.

As Ajax stared at the alpha wind wolf, he decided to take out the others first as he was still a bit faster. He knew that it would take some time to take out the alpha because it was a little faster than him and he still had the wind enhancement skill. He would need to finish this as quickly as possible so he can help out Tim. With these thoughts came to mind, Ajax quickly ran and leaped towards a tree so that he can circle around the wolves quicker. As he did that, he quickly found a wind wolf that was slight further from the rest and leaped towards it with his spear pointing towards the wind wolf. 'puchi' Although Ajax pierced through the wind wolf, he knew he that he couldn't kill it with one hit. Making an attempt to twist the spear and causing more damage, he felt the wind brush past him and saw another wolf swiftly dashing to his location with its claws making a slashing motion across from his body. 'swoosh' the slash hit but Ajax did not have enough time to pull out his spear, or else he could've been injured. With the spear still inside the wolf, it just stood there while looking at Ajax with eyes dark red. It knew that if he moved rashly then the spear could cause more damage so it chose to rely on its companions to help.

Puling out his sword, he looked towards the wolf that almost slashed him. Ajax lowered his body holding his sword horizontally at eye level. He was planning on making a full no thrust when the wind wolf charged at him. Ajax immediately used his perception skill giving him full 360 view of everything around him 5 feet from where he stood. As soon as the wind wolf stepped in that 5 feet, he would see every move and make a better judgment of where to strike once the wind wolf lunged at him.

'puchi' the wind wolf acted according to Ajax's mind and was pierced straight through with his sword. Before the other wind wolves could get any closer, Ajax decided to abandon the sword that was still in the mouth of the wind wolf he just killed, he ran towards the one that had his spear still stuck in him with wind swirls around his body. 'swoosh' Ajax began to run even faster with the enhancement of his skill and reached his spear. As he grabbed the spear, the wind wolf tried to make a last effort and tried biting the hand that reached for the spear. 'bang' Ajax had no other choice but to headbutt the head that was trying to take a bite at him. Feeling itself go light headed, the wind wolf froze but before he could gain awareness, it was already dead as Ajax used the remaining time to twist the spear and pull out killing the wind wolf in the process.

Several swooshing sound can now be heard as Ajax looked around him. He saw the remaining four wolves glaring at him with eyes full of anger as they could not make it in time to help their companions. With the wind enhancement still activated he dodged the few wolves that started lunging at him. He felt a tingling sensation at the back of his neck and knew that the alpha wind wolf was now starting its attack. Quickly turning around, Ajax held his spear horizontally blocking the wolf bite that was coming behind him. With the teeth still clenching on his spear, the other three wind wolves ran towards him lunging at him at the same time trying to rip him apart. Before the three got any closer from ripping him apart, Ajax held the spear even tighter and swung the alpha wind wolf against the three in a circular motion and successful sent the three flying with the alpha wind wolf not far behind sliding through the ground. Seeing the alpha wind wolf still sliding through the ground, he ran towards the closest wind wolf that was knocked to the ground and pierced it in its eyes going through the brain and killing it. "Three more to go" thought Ajax as he looked towards the other three getting up and glaring at him.

After thinking about it, I feel that I am making Ajax and Tim a little too strong before they hit level 50 so I am going back to add some more stat points towards the stronger forest creatures like their fathers. This is for those of you who has already read up to here. If you want to go back to check it is up to you but I'll probably bring back their stats up in the near future.

kiingshet12creators' thoughts