
History of village

Author's Thought

This story based on fictional characters . so enjoy the story and mention your thoughts in comment section .


There is village in a city which has poverty and people suffers a lot for their life the basics fundamental of ease of living are highly expensive , Peoples suffers a lot but they enjoy their life in their struggle time . The village is prosperous by nature there is river flowing in corner of village , the village has beautiful garden and other natural things .

The king rules over the state and the village is at border (last village of his state )

The king is very calm and humble for whom those who with king and just giving him fake advice for the king , the starting age of king , when he is prince He has all qualities to became a king , by the time passed on he fought many battles got experienced so he get arrogant and being stupid by the time .

He didn't see his public he just enjoying his life in lust and all other activities.

There are many secrets of king which been comes out by the time .

If king not been changed himself too much his peoples didn't suffers that the people are today .

Ananonymous_Writercreators' thoughts